When Hong Yi heard that Chen Yu was going to the island country, she said excitedly:"Great, this is finally coming to an end."

After hearing this, Chen Yu murmured to himself:"Is it really over? I hope so.……"

"Master, shall we set off now?"Jirola stepped forward and asked cautiously.

"Not in a hurry."Chen Yu looked in the direction of the base and said seriously,"Before leaving, of course you have to take away the good things from the base."

"Hehe, this is in line with the master's style."Red said playfully.

Chen Yu did not refute, and directly put Red and Jiruola into the dimensional space, and then flew towards the base.

After entering the base, Chen Yu went straight into the armory.

The entire armory covers an area larger than a football field.

There are not only various light weapons, but also various heavy weapons such as howitzers, armored vehicles, tanks, etc.

In addition, there are more than 20,000 crystals above level three, which are placed in large iron boxes according to different levels.

Those crystals are shining and look particularly pleasing to the eye.

Most of them were looted by Americans from various countries.

Some were taken from zombies in the United States.

However, Carlisle and others ended their short and sinful lives before they had time to enjoy them slowly.

Chen Yu did not stop and took them all.

After collecting the weapons and crystals, Chen Yu looked at a separate secret room not far away.

"What's in there?……"

Chen Yu opened the [God's Eye] and looked inside through the wall of the secret room.

I saw a very spacious secret room with missiles placed at regular intervals!

According to a rough estimate, there are nearly a thousand!

"It’s you we’re looking for!"

Chen Yu excitedly walked through the wall and looked up at the Optimus Prime-like missiles.

Most of the missiles here were more than ten meters high.

There were even intercontinental missiles more than thirty meters high.

Chen Yu put the missiles One by one, he collected the space and then looked around, like a killer looking for prey.

"Let me guess, where is the h warhead?"

After some careful"scanning", more than 300 H warheads were finally found in a corner.

Of course, they could not escape Chen Yu's"claws".

After possessing these"big killers", Chen Yu relied on these resources alone to It was enough to compete with the Bangzi Kingdom before the end of the world, not to mention that there were many fighter jets and ships in his space.

After taking away these weapons that terrified the entire Blue Star before the end of the world, Chen Yu entered the dimensional space. At that time, Dr. Li and the other three were chatting in low voices.

After seeing Chen Yu, Hong Yi and Ji Ruola walked over quickly, leaning on Chen Yu's side.

Hong Yi was the first to ask:"Master. , I heard Sister Keke say that you just had a discussion with her in the cloud?

Chen Yu looked at Dr. Li speechlessly and said,"You little hooves, why didn't I notice you were so open-minded before?" Even tell others this……"

Dr. Li playfully made a face at Chen Yu, squinted his eyes and said with a smile:"It's called red when you are close to red and black when you are close to ink. But then again, we are all our own people now, what can't we say?"

Ji Ruola kept shaking Chen Yu's arm and said in a soft voice:"Master, please take me to fly in the sky when you have time."

As he spoke, Those big blue eyes kept blinking, as if hinting at something.

Chen Yu chuckled and said:"I will take you two to fly separately someday. But now, your task is to seize the time to upgrade."

Hong Yi and Ji Ruola nodded vigorously.

Because they know that only by upgrading and becoming stronger can they better help Chen Yu.

At the same time, it can also have enough ability to withstand strong winds of level 8 when flying at high altitudes.

After all, Chen Yu was flying too fast.

While talking, Chen Yu"caught" the foreigner from the United States who was killed in the venue.

"Five aliens per person, plus a thousand crystals, should be enough for you to reach level seven."

The girls stopped joking and waited obediently for Chen Yu's reward.

Just like three pets waiting to be fed.

After distributing the crystals, Chen Yu also began to concentrate on upgrading.

At the same time, he also slowed down the time in the space by 300 times.

After more than ten days, Chen Yu finally succeeded in reaching level eight... while Hongyi and Jiruola only reached the late stage of level six.

It's not their fault that they are slow, after all, they have to spend time to consume that energy.

Chen Yu did not continue to wait for them, but directly left the dimensional space and flew towards the island country. The speed was so fast that it was even close to four times the speed of sound!

After nearly two hours of flying, Chen Yu finally arrived at the island country.

At this time, the island country had already been ruined.

Looking around, there was no islander to be seen.

There was not even a dog.

There were only devastation and corpses everywhere.

Chen Yu connected to Dabai's consciousness and quickly found her. They.

When everyone saw Chen Yu, they all surrounded him excitedly.

Chen Yu took a glance and saw that Dabai and others had all reached level six.

Xiaohua and Xiaoqing, who were already level six, and Datou, who possessed the ability of [Overgrowth], had already reached the late stage of level six.

This was all thanks to Chen Yu, the generous"boss", who did not force them to hand in the crystals.

Now the subordinates of A Tu and others are all above level four.

The little Kalemi below level four are not in their eyes at all.

They are either devoured on the spot or their crystals are taken out.

In the crowd, Chen Yu found a woman with skin as smooth as jade and a slender and slender body.

A small face that looks delicate and playful, coupled with a pair of big watery eyes, is simply perfect.

The most attractive thing is the two small red ears on her head and the short, flawless white tail behind her.

"Dabai, how did you become like this?"Chen Yu looked at Dabai and asked in surprise.

"Master, I have learned to transform. That's why it becomes human."Dabai replied

"I see."Chen Yu held his chin and replied thoughtfully.

He had learned about the ability to transform from Ahri before.

Strictly speaking, this is not a superpower, but something unique to certain mutated creatures. An ability.

This ability is not only related to the level, but also related to the will of the mutated creature.

The stronger the desire of the mutated creature, the easier it is to realize it.

Seeing Chen Yu staring at her, Dabai asked a little shyly. :"Master, I haven't fully transformed into a human form yet. Doesn't it look a little strange?"

Chen Yu gently stroked the big white and pink rabbit ears, then suddenly pinched hard and said:

"This is just right and saves me having to find extra decorations. and……"

Chen Yu leaned into Dabai's ear, smiled evilly and said,"You know the fun in it."……"

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