The cabin suddenly became chaotic.

Someone ran into the operation room and turned on the defense system.

Some people also began to fill their ammunition in preparation for unknown risks.

Of course, some people are ready to escape.

For example, there are five F25 stealth fighters on the aircraft carrier deck.

The moment the pilot saw Xiaoying and Dr. Li, he knew that these two people were difficult to deal with.

So, they used the remote control system to open the catapult take-off device on the aircraft carrier.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

With several loud engine sounds, five fighter jets flew out.

After Xiaoying saw the five planes, he stammered:"Li...Sister Li, look at the sky, there are five planes escaping.!

Dr. Li looked up, gritted his teeth and said,"Damn it, let them escape!"

The little eagle thought for a moment, then flapped its wings suddenly and said,"I'll knock them down!""

"do not go!"

Doctor Li hurriedly waved his hand to stop it, but it was too late.

The little eagle had already flown into the air and launched its [Arrow Feathers in the Sky].

But it was still a step slower.

At this moment, Chen Yu fell onto Dr. Li In front of him,

Dr. Li was overjoyed and said with some concern:"Brother Yu, five planes just escaped!"

"Want to run? Not that easy!"

Chen Yu directly summoned another clone to block the ejection device to prevent other aircraft from escaping.

Then he hugged Dr. Li into his arms, stepped on the deck suddenly, and flew out like a cannonball.

Dr. Li was a little scared. She clung tightly to Chen Yu's body.

However, under the influence of the [Space Domain], she was not affected by the wind.

Soon, there were bursts of sonic booms in the sky, which shook the clouds. During the flight ,

Chen Yu discovered Kitty Hawk, who was chasing the fighter jet.

"Little Eagle, stop chasing me, leave the rest to me"

"It's the master!"

The little eagle didn't hesitate and turned around and flew towards the sea.

Chen Yu quickly caught up with a fighter plane and then got into the cabin.

The pilot was startled and asked in fear:"Wang Defa, did you two get in?"

Chen Yu snorted coldly and said calmly:"The dead don't need to know so much."

The next second, Chen Yu threw the pilot out of the plane.

Seeing this, Dr. Li asked in surprise:"Brother Yu, how did you throw him out just now? Could he also [Space Shuttle?】?"

Chen Yu explained:"I just put him into the space first, then took him out of the cabin, and threw him out of the space. Finally, I passed through the fuselage and entered the cabin."

Doctor Li was confused. After thinking for a moment, he couldn't help but praised:"Fast, Brother Yu is really fast!"

Then, Doctor Li seemed to suddenly think of something and asked weakly:"Brother Yu, if you throw the pilot down, who will fly this plane for us?"

"Of course it is me"

"Brother Yu, when did you learn to fly a plane?" Doctor Li looked puzzled.

How could Chen Yu, who was so young, know everything?

"I just learned it two seconds ago."Chen Yu closed [God's Eye] and replied calmly

"Awesome, I don’t know how to describe you."Dr. Li was completely convinced.

A smile appeared on Chen Yu's face. He turned to look at Dr. Li and asked,"Coco, do you want to experience a real-life version of a plane battle? Dr. Li was stunned and asked in disbelief:"Brother Yu, you don't plan to keep those planes and pilots?""

"We already have enough planes, so we should find a few to test their power, right? As for the pilots?……"

Chen Yu stared ahead and said quietly,

"They treat their own country and are capable of fleeing from the battlefield. If you stay with us, it will be a disaster sooner or later.

Dr. Li nodded and said with firm eyes:"Brother Yu is right, this kind of person really cannot be left here.""

"Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. Fasten your seat belts, I'm going to speed up!"

After that, Chen Yu directly raised the speed of the plane to the fastest speed.

After a while, the two of them caught up with the four planes in front.

Chen Yu couldn't help complaining:"This thing is really fast, if it weren't for us Both of them were in good health, but their bodies would have collapsed long ago. Dr.

Li also echoed:"Yes, those guys in front don't dare to drive at the fastest speed, probably because their bodies have reached their limit."

Chen Yu turned to look at Dr. Li, narrowed his eyes and smiled:"Keke, do you want to try masturbating?" Dr.

Li blushed, and then said shyly:"Isn't this bad?" We still have some business to do...but this is really exciting.……"

As he spoke, Dr. Li stretched his hand somewhere.

"Coco what are you doing?"Chen Yu said somewhat speechlessly.

"Ah, didn't you just ask me to help you?"Dr. Li's hand was frozen in mid-air, a little confused.

"You got it wrong."Chen Yu shook his head helplessly,"I mean to shoot down the planes in front with cannonballs."

" that's it!"Dr. Li quickly retracted his hand.

"What do you think I'm talking about?"Chen Yu continued to ask

"Oh, how embarrassing."

Doctor Li turned his head away, so embarrassed that he could use his toes to dig out a three-bedroom apartment on the plane.

"Haha, I’m not kidding you anymore."Chen Yu adjusted the position of the plane, then pointed to a button next to him and said,"I will ask you to press it later, so just press it."

"Yes, Brother Yu! Dr. Li hurriedly recovered and stared at the button in front of him attentively.

Chen Yu adjusted the position of the aircraft while adjusting the sight.

After aiming at the two aircraft at the same time, he shouted:"Fire!""

Dr. Li hurriedly pressed the button in his hand.

"Boom boom boom!"

As the fuselage trembled, several shells were fired one after another.

Chen Yu hurriedly tilted the plane's head and inserted it diagonally into the sky.

The next second, explosions sounded one after another.

The two top fighter jets were instantly torn apart.

Now There were two planes left.

The pilot on the left plane heard the explosion and hurriedly asked through the intercom:

"This is number 0823. What just happened? Over!"

The pilot on the other plane replied:"0823 please pay attention to the rear! No. 0821 must have rebelled! The pilots on board launched attacks on numbers 0824 and 0825 respectively! Now I fly to the right and you fly to the left, get rid of No. 0821 as soon as possible! Over!"

"Okay, let's meet at the base! Out!"

…… the other side.

Seeing Chen Yu kill two birds with one stone, Dr. Li excitedly praised:"Brother Yu, you are so awesome!"

"low profile."Chen Yu looked at the other two planes, raised his eyebrows and said,

"It seems that they are quite smart and know how to escape separately. However, do they think there is nothing I can do about it?"

Dr. Li looked at the two planes parting ways in front of him and said somewhat depressedly:"Brother Yu, which one should we chase first? It looks like there is a plane that can escape today."

"Of course, the two are chasing each other together."

While speaking, Chen Yu's clone left the cabin.

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