Hongyi and Dr. Li looked at each other and nodded, saying that they would definitely complete the task.

Chen Yu looked at the underground shelter not far away, and said with a smile:"Then I will go meet those American guys and see if they are as powerful as Logan said."

"Master must be careful! Otherwise, let Hong Yi go with his master."Hong Yi's beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and she looked at Chen Yu worriedly.

"Hong Yi, you are thinking too much."Dr. Li glanced at Chen Yu and said with a relaxed expression,

"Brother Yu’s current strength is something you and I can’t even imagine. Those American guys alone are not worthy of letting Brother Yu use his full strength. Moreover, Brother Yu's strongest ability is his ability to escape."

Little Loli also nodded repeatedly and said with lingering fear:"Sister Keke is right, the master is really frighteningly strong now, and I understand it very well."

Hongyi felt a little relieved.

She looked around and found no trace of Ahri, so she asked curiously:"Hey, where's Ahri?"

"I'm here!" Ali's voice came from Chen Yu,"Sister Hongyi, I have been attached to the master. In this way, the master's strength can be improved."

Hongyi said with envy:"I didn't expect that among us, only Ali is so useful. You know, she can now improve the target's ability by up to 50%!"

Doctor Li also sighed:"Increase Brother Yu's ability by 50%? Then wouldn't her effect be greater than all of us combined?"

Ali laughed and said,"You think too highly of me. The current master is so strong. It's already very good that I can enhance the master's ability by 10%."Doctor

Li continued:"Anyway, Ali is the most powerful. Moreover, Ali is also the luckiest, being able to fight side by side with Brother Yu all the time." Chen Yu looked at the time, and then said in a deep voice:"Let's start to act, and try to resolve the battle within 5 minutes"

"yes!"Everyone replied in unison.

Chen Yu flew over the base and used [God's Eye] to look inside the base. After a while, he found the core of the base.

In the core area, more than thirty mutants were having a meeting inside..The leader actually reached level seven!

"It seems that the harvest this time is still not small."

Chen Yu's face was not shocked at all, but full of expectations.

The solid shelter of the United States was like paper in front of Chen Yu.

No, it should be said that any shelter was like paper in front of him.

After all, he has the supernatural ability of [Space Shuttle]. As long as he doesn't encounter almost invincible abilities like [Time Standstill] and [Dimensional Space], he can rely on [Space Shuttle] to be invincible.

But what's more coincidental is that the two items just mentioned are also Chen Yu's abilities. Isn't it infuriating?

A few seconds later, Chen Yu passed through the defense systems and successfully came to the conference room.

At this time, more than 30 Americans in the conference room were still holding a meeting without realizing it.

One of the men with a beard said:"Logan and the others can no longer be contacted, and even the positioning system on the plane has disappeared."

"These hateful island dogs are really looking for death!"Another man slapped the table hard and said bitterly.

The pale man in the lead glanced at everyone, and finally set his eyes on an extremely plump woman.

This woman has a body bigger than that of a Daxia woman. The waist-to-hip ratio is much exaggerated.

The slender waist is similar to that of Hong Yi and others, but the hips are much larger.

However, unlike Kadai Shi and others, this woman looks much more pleasing to the eye. can cause discomfort

"Girolera, what do you think?"The man sitting in the first place asked casually.

The woman named Ji Ruola thought for a moment, and then replied respectfully:"Back to Mr. Carlisle, I don't think the people from the Islands took action against Logan and the others.

Although Logan is not the strongest among us, he is not easily defeated by those island people.

I actually think that Logan and the others must have encountered a more terrifying existence, and then they suddenly lost contact with us. After hearing this

, Carlisle nodded slightly and said,"What Girolera said makes sense."

Some time ago, our satellites detected a large number of organized zombies on the island country.

They seem to be devouring the remaining zombies and aliens from the island country crazily.

However, their location is difficult to capture.

Because they seem to have the ability to teleport and can suddenly change positions.

I suspect that there should be very powerful mutants manipulating all of this.

The bearded man frowned and said,"I have analyzed this matter carefully. Are there really mutants among the islanders who are more powerful than Logan?""

Girola shook his head:"I don't think it was done by strangers from the island country. According to the leader of the island country, Hoshino Roku, the group looted the island country's base in retaliatory measures, leaving not even a single person alive. I think it must have been done by someone who has a grudge against the island country."

"Who is that?

Ji Ruola replied:"Theoretically speaking, people from Daxia are the most likely." But Daxia’s resources are too few, so it’s impossible for such a powerful alien to exist."


Chen Yu suddenly appeared, suspended in mid-air and looking down at everyone.

The bearded man was startled and asked sternly:"Who are you? How did you get into our base?"

Jirola looked at Chen Yu carefully and asked with some uncertainty:"Did you use [space shuttle] to enter our base?

Chen Yu sneered and said in standard American pronunciation:"Your name is Ji Ruola, right?" I have to say, you still have some brains. But I want to correct you on one thing. Daxia Yiren is not as weak as you said.

The bearded man stood up suddenly, punched Chen Yu and said,"Boy, now that you're here, don't even think about running away!""

Chen Yu didn't even blink, he just flicked his fingers.

A metal button in front of Ji Ruola flew towards his beard.

At the same time, the button also had strong thunder and lightning.

Then, A small and exquisite but extremely powerful button penetrated the bearded head and instantly split into tens of thousands of small metal particles.

Bang! The bearded head directly became a mass of blood mist.

They were all stained with the blood of Beard.

The crowd was deathly silent!

Everyone didn't expect that Beard, who had reached the middle stage of level six, was not Chen Yu's enemy. Most people didn't even realize what had just happened.


I just know that Chen Yu can easily kill a mid-level six mutant who is good at defense.

However, after all, these people were killed after a moment of confusion. He used his most powerful killing move.

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