Ah Li looked excitedly at the corpses scattered around, and couldn't help but praise:

"The master is really awesome! Another person who single-handedly destroyed a base."

Chen Yu stretched his muscles and said with a relaxed expression:

"If it weren't for your help, it wouldn't be easy to deal with them."

"The master joked. Ah Li chuckled and said,

"Ahri only helped his master to improve his strength slightly, but did not use his full strength. Because it seems to me that you are not using your full strength."

Chen Yu just smiled and did not answer directly.

He glanced around, put the mutant's body into the space, and then said to Ah Li:

"Ahri, there are still some fish that have slipped through the cracks in the base, so I’ll leave them to you. I have to go to space and see how Coco is doing.

Ah Li nodded vigorously:"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely get rid of all the islanders in the base.""

Chen Yu glanced at the base again, and after confirming that there were no powerful mutants in the base, he entered the dimensional space.

Although less than three days had passed outside, more than two years had passed in the dimensional space!

In other words, Dr. Li had not seen Chen Yu for two years.

The moment Dr. Li saw Chen Yu, he suddenly jumped into Chen Yu's arms.

After a long time, Dr. Li said resentfully:

"Brother Yu, you put me in the dimensional space for two years. Do you know how I came here in the past two years? If you stay outside for a month, won't I become an old woman?

Chen Yu scratched his head in embarrassment, bared his teeth and said,"I have some things to deal with outside these days, so I wasted more than two days.""

"Well, since you are busy, I will forgive you."

Chen Yu looked at Doctor Li and said in surprise:"Keke, you have reached the late stage of level 6?!"

Doctor Li nodded and said helplessly:"Two years have passed. If I can't reach level 6, wouldn't it be a waste? Besides, although you are only level 5, you are much stronger than me."

Chen Yu continued:"If you can absorb enough crystals and aliens, and don't spend a lot of time on scientific research, you might have reached level 7 by now."

Doctor Li smiled mysteriously:"Since you know how hard I work, you must compensate me well.……"

"Don't worry, Coco, I will definitely compensate you well in the future."

After hearing this, Dr. Li felt a little better.

At the same time, she had some expectations.

She was just about to express her feelings of longing for the past two years, when she suddenly thought of something else.

"By the way, let me show you two things."

After that, Dr. Li took Chen Yu's hand and walked towards the refrigerator.

Chen Yu had already guessed what Dr. Li was going to show him and hurriedly followed.

Dr. Li opened the door of the refrigerator and said proudly :"I have not been idle in the past two years, I have been engaged in scientific research."

While talking, Dr. Li took out a bottle of medicine on the far left side of the refrigerator.

"This is a potion that can immunize against level six zombie viruses. There are 1,000 bottles of potions like this in total."

Chen Yu excitedly took the potion and analyzed it with [God's Eye].

Sure enough, as Dr. Li said, this potion can be immune to the corpse poison of the Level 6 Corpse Emperor!

And it is taken orally.

Chen Yu said nothing. , drank a bottle directly.

Dr. Li curled his lips and whispered:"Now you can chat intimately with Hong Yi and the others."

Chen Yu chuckled and did not deny it.

Doctor Li took the second bottle of medicine and continued:"This bottle of medicine is a zombie transformation medicine."

Chen Yu took the potion, looked it over, and said in surprise:"This potion can even transform a sixth-level corpse emperor?"

"That's right."Dr. Li said slightly proudly,

"The previous potions could only transform level five zombies, but would not work on level six zombies.

The transformation potion I researched can transform level six zombies.

Chen Yu gave a thumbs up and praised repeatedly:"Awesome, I didn't expect your scientific research level to be so great.""

"That's natural."Dr. Li explained,

"Since I have the [Super Wave] power, analyzing the ingredients of reagents has become much easier. Experimental results can be simulated without even conducting human experiments."

Chen Yu has long known the power of [Super Wave].

Unexpectedly, Dr. Li used it skillfully in scientific research.

Chen Yu looked at other medicines again.

Dr. Li explained one by one:

"The remaining bottles of potions are all strengthening agents. It can enhance the abilities of mutants and even ordinary people. However, these enhancers can only temporarily enhance the target's abilities."

"Already very good. With them, you might be able to save your life at critical moments."Chen Yu gently patted Dr. Li's head and said with a smile,

"Keke, you have worked hard in this space alone for the past two years."

"I don't work hard. I know that maintaining the slowdown of time in space requires a lot of energy, so you are working hard. I think your combat effectiveness must have weakened a lot."

"It has weakened a lot. However, it was enough to deal with them.

Dr. Li shook his head helplessly and praised:"I really don't know if you have any invincible cheats. Why do you feel that no one can fight in front of you?""

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. In fact, my most powerful thing is not my offensive ability, but my life-saving ability."

"That's true. With the superpowers you have now, it's harder than climbing to heaven to catch you. Unlike me, I can only hide in your space. If I am forgotten by you, I will probably be alone for the rest of my life."

Chen Yu knew that Dr. Li had not fully recovered yet.

Of course, it was not her fault.

After all, if a person stayed in a confined space for two years, he would get sick.

And fortunately, there was enough food in the dimensional space.

Otherwise, she would have starved to death.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu snapped his fingers, and more than a dozen mutant corpses suddenly appeared in front of the two.

Dr. Li looked at the corpses, widened his eyes and said,"Are these... all for me?"

Chen Yu nodded:"You have made great contributions in the past two years. These are your rewards."

"Thank you Brother Yu!"

Dr. Li was so excited that he couldn't wait to absorb the energy of those mutants.

Chen Yu first learned all the information about the United States from Logan.

Then he killed him and absorbed the energy in his body.

But Chen Yu Yu did not absorb all the energy in his body, but left some of it. Because Logan's [Endless Suppression] was very suitable for An An, it could play a greater role in Chen Yu's absorption. After absorbing the energy of more than a dozen high-level mutants, he finally reached level seven. However, what was different from before was that Chen Yu received an unprecedented upgrade reward this time.

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