Chen Yu used [Pupillary Technique] to directly cut a big hole in the door, then turned around and said:

"Big White Little Eagle, you two have taken care of the island soldiers outside. For the rest, let's practice with the strangers from the island nation in the base."

After hearing this, Dabai and Xiaoying quickly rushed outside the base.

The remaining four Ahri moved their wrists, preparing to practice with Yagami Aoki and others.

Yagami Aoki saw that several people were confident. Looking like this, he snorted coldly and said:"You guys have such a strong tone, I will make sure you come back today!""

While speaking, Yagami Aoki clasped his hands together again and shouted in a low voice:"Second-level [Clone]】!"


The three Night God Aoki split into nine in an instant.

Looking closely, these nine people not only hold various weapons, but also possess nine different superpowers.

It seems that they have acquired superpowers from other superhumans.

The nine Night God Aoki rushed towards Chen Yu in an instant.

Because he knew that Chen Yu was the strongest among these people.

Chen Yu fought with the nine Night God Aoki and was not at all inferior.

On the contrary, he did not use any superpowers at all.

It seems that he treated Night God Aoki as a sparring partner.

Matsushita Ichirō looked at An An and snorted coldly,"Leave this little guy to me!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards An An with all his strength.

However, if he knew that An An, who has reached level four at this time, is the strongest existence except Chen Yu.

I'm afraid he will regret his choice.

An An did not move at all, and launched [Mental Piercing] at Matsushita Ichirō】

"ah! Matsushita

Lang screamed, covering his head in pain and lying on the ground.

He endured the pain and stood up, trying to continue the attack.

As a result, An An launched another [Psychic Puncture] on him, completely losing his ability to move.

Seeing this, Kawanohe said angrily:"How dare you launch a spiritual attack ? Well, I will let you try the power of enchantment today!"

As he spoke, Kawanohe was about to launch a charm spell on An An.

"An'an, this belongs to sister Ahli.……"

Seeing that An An was about to attack Kawanohe again, Ahri hurriedly stopped her.

Then he covered his mouth and smiled, and quickly rushed towards Kawano Ai.

Before Kawano Ai could see Ahri clearly, he was scratched on the face with his sharp claws.

"Ah, my face!"

Kawano Ai values her face the most.

It is with this face that she has been able to sit in this position today.

Unexpectedly, her face was scratched by Ahri.

She looked at Ahri angrily and cast a spell on him.

Unexpectedly, Ahri was not affected at all.

"How can this be?"

Kawanohe's mouth opened wide, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Haha~" Ah Li smoothed her hair and said with a charming look on her face,

"I forgot to tell you, I am a nine-tailed fox. I am the only one who can charm others, how can others charm me?"While speaking, Ahri's claws reached into Kawanohe's chest, splitting him in two.

Of course, the reason why Ahri could easily kill Kawanohe was that the latter, apart from the charm technique, had a physical fitness equivalent to that of an ordinary third-level mutant.

He was no match for the fourth-level Ahri.

While An An and Ahri were fighting, the little loli sisters worked together to kill a powerful mutant.

Seeing that Ahri and others on his side had won a great victory, Chen Yu said to Yagami Aoki who was surrounding him:

"Yagami Aoki, why don’t you send out super mutants? In this case, I will force you to take action!"

While speaking, Chen Yu directly activated his [Thunderstorm].

The nine Night Gods Aoki fell to the ground one after another under the huge power of thunder and lightning.

In the end, all the clones disappeared, leaving only one who was seriously injured. Yagami Aoki

"Boy, how do you know about the existence of super mutants?"Yegami Aoki asked in surprise, holding his chest. Chen

Yu tilted his head and looked at Yegami Aoki, and said lightly:

"I know a lot more. If you don't show your trump card, I'm afraid you'll be beaten to death by me!"

While speaking, Chen Yu raised another thunderbolt.

At this moment, a little boy who looked to be more than ten years old suddenly appeared from under Chen Yu's feet.

The little boy's hands turned into sharp blades.

Then fiercely The ground stabbed Chen Yu's ankle.


The thick armor covering Chen Yu's feet was actually scratched slightly.

You know, with Chen Yu's current strength, ordinary grenades cannot damage the armor at all..

Chen Yu was not surprised but overjoyed, and lifted the little boy up with one hand.

"Boy, have you been hiding down there for a long time? I spotted you as soon as I came in, and I knew your power was [space travel]】!"

While talking, Chen Yu stabbed the little boy with a bone knife.

The little boy hurriedly blocked with his hand blade and actually cut off the bone knife.

Chen Yu sighed slightly:"After all, it is the bone knife of a third-level alien. It is so vulnerable in front of super mutants. However, I have found a better knife than the bone knife."

The little boy saw that Chen Yu was gone. Weapon, with a smile on his face, he continued to stab Chen Yu's throat with his hand blade.

Chen Yu grabbed the little boy's hands and activated his [Eye Technique].

A red light shot out from his eyes, hitting the little boy's face directly.

Yagami Aoki knew the power of [Eye Technique] and hurriedly shouted:"Tomoko, run!"

After hearing this, the little boy passed directly through Chen Yu's body and disappeared at Chen Yu's feet.

Seeing this, Yagami Aoki laughed loudly and said:"Boy, I admit that you are very strong. But in front of my son Yagami Tomoko, your superpowers have no effect at all."

Chen Yu laughed.

"It turns out that the kid just now is your son. I wonder why he looks a bit similar to you. But looking at his body, it seems that corpse poison still remains. Could it be that you gave birth to him after you had a relationship with a zombie?……"

"Shut up!"After being exposed, Ye Shen Qingmu said angrily,

"Boy, take care of yourself first! If you know what's going on, surrender quickly and give me those two female corpse kings. Maybe if I am happy, I will spare your life.

Chen Yu sneered and said,"What if I don't surrender?""

"Then you can wait for death!"

As soon as Ye Shen Qingmu finished speaking, the little boy came out from the wall behind Chen Yu.

Seeing this, the little Lolita hurriedly shouted to Chen Yu:"Master, be careful……"

It was as if Chen Yu had eyes behind his back, and he spotted the little boy as soon as he appeared.

At the same time, [Time Stop] was activated.

For a moment, everything around him seemed to be frozen.

Even Ah Li and the others were frozen in place.

Chen Yu turned around, looked at the little boy suspended in mid-air, and said calmly:

"Excuse me. I can share vision with my men, so sneak attack doesn't work for me."

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