Chen Yu glanced at the bedroom, then took away all the tables, chairs, benches, and beds, and then placed the lab table from the Sakura Base in the middle of the bedroom.

Doctor Li looked at the fixture on the lab table that could just hold a person, swallowed his saliva, and said,"Brother Yu, what are you trying to do? Are you going to put me in a……"

Chen Yu pointed to the experimental bench and said:"This is the experimental bench of the island country. From now on, you can conduct experiments in this room.""

"So this is ah."

Dr. Li finally breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she felt a little disappointed.

She pretended to be calm and began to study the experimental table.

Chen Yu just wanted to hand the bottle of transformation potion to Dr. Li.

Then, as if he thought of something, he handed over the bottle of zombie I took out the virus immunity potion and handed it to Dr. Li

"Coco, please study this potion by the way. This potion can only protect against level three corpse poison, which is not enough now."

Although Chen Yu has invisible protective clothing and [Dragon Scale Armor], even the fifth-level zombie virus cannot enter his body.

But there is still a certain danger for others to encounter zombies at the zombie king level.

Dr. Li He nodded and said,"Don't worry, Brother Yu, I will develop a potion that can be immune to higher levels of corpse poison as soon as possible. However, it may take a long time"

"Don't worry about this, I will slow down the time in the dimensional space 300 times"

"I almost forgot about it. Even if I study in your space for a year, only one day has passed outside."

"Coco, then I won’t bother you. I’ll give you these crystals."

While talking, Chen Yu left a lot of crystals for Dr. Li.

There were even a few level four crystals!

Chen Yu himself went to another room and began to absorb the energy of the crystals and those of the strangers. Super powers.

After several days, Chen Yu not only absorbed a large number of crystals, but also absorbed all other aliens except the fire aliens.

Chen Yu couldn't help but sigh:"Absorbed." With so much energy, it has not yet reached level six. It seems that the aliens in Qingfeng Base must be absorbed."

Of course, Chen Yu's slow upgrade is also related to his special physique.

If others need a glass of water to upgrade, then he needs a bucket of water to upgrade!

This also determines that he is not only invincible at the same level, but can also fight across levels. Explode the opponent.

Of course, he has never fought across levels, because the opponent can't keep up with his upgrade speed.

Chen Yu stretched himself and said to himself:"It's been so long, let's go see how Hong Yi and the others are doing.."

While speaking, Chen Yu sneaked his consciousness into the different space.

At this time, Hong Yi and others were still upgrading in the pool.

After seeing Chen Yu's shadow, Hong Yi happily waved to him and said:"Master ,You came?"


Little Lolita turned to look at Chen Yu, jumped up from the pool excitedly, and threw herself at Chen Yu on the shore.

Somewhere on her body, she could not help but swagger due to the violent movement.

However, Little Lolita But she didn't care at all, and she jumped high into Chen Yu's arms, but she fell to the ground with a thud.

"It hurts so much!" Forgot that this is just the shadow of the master……"

Chen Yu glanced at Hong Yi and the others, and said with some relief:"I didn't expect that you have made such great progress in such a short time."

Hong Yi walked out of the pool slowly, put on a red robe and smiled:" Mainly because the master gave each of us a crystal of the Corpse King, which made us so strong."

"That is, thanks to the master."Little Loli rubbed her head, raised her head in confusion and asked,"By the way, Master, do you have any tasks for us when you come here?"

"There is no mission, I just want to use a transformation potion for you."

"What is a transformation potion?"Little Loli asked.

At this time, the fat zombie king came over from not far away and explained:"The transformation potion is a potion that can transform the body of a zombie into an ordinary person, but it will retain the original abilities of the zombie. I am a zombie transformed by the transformation potion."

Little Loli looked in the direction of the voice and said with some surprise:"Hey, this voice sounds so familiar?"

Hoshino Sakurako also looked at the fat corpse king and said loudly:"You...are you the big star Yui Watanabe? I'm your fan!"

The fat corpse king was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said:"I didn't expect that you could still recognize me after I've eaten like this. Now, I am no longer a star, I am just a warrior beside my master."

Little Loli also recognized Yui Watanabe and asked curiously:"Sister Yui, you are also the King of Corpses. Why do you seem to be seriously injured?"

Watanabe Yui told everyone the truth about her transformation.

"Wow, there is such a magical potion?"Little Loli opened her mouth in surprise, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and excitedly grabbed Chen Yu's hands and said,

"Does that mean that if I am transformed like Sister Yui, I can serve my master like Dr. Li?"

"Well...that's the theory."Chen Yu replied.

After hearing this, the little Loli blinked her big eyes and said:"I want to serve the master. I wonder if the master will dislike me for being a modified zombie?"

While speaking, the little Loli clutched the corner of her clothes, feeling a little expectant and worried.

Chen Yu had already analyzed the basic information of the little Loli.

The two sisters, like Yui Watanabe, are both intact..

Chen Yu rubbed little Loli's head and said with a smile:"Although you are a zombie now, you are much cleaner than most island women. So, I don’t dislike you"

"Really, that would be great."Little Loli squinted her eyes and said happily,"I really look forward to serving the master.……"

Chen Yu didn't expect that the little lolita in front of him was not big, but she was more exposed than the others.

However, he did not agree to the little loli, but looked at Hong Yi

"I only have one bottle of transformation potion now, so I plan to leave it to Hong Yi, who has been with me the longest. However, Dr. Li is already seizing the time to develop a transformation potion. I imagine she will be able to create more transformation potions soon."

After hearing this, the little Loli felt a little disappointed, but she still happily accepted the result.

Chen Yu walked up to Hong Yi and injected the transformation potion into Hong Yi's body.

Hong Yi let out a cry, and some changes began to occur in her body.

After a long time, Chen Yu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:"Hong Yi, your body has been transformed."


Hong Yi looked at his body with a look of disbelief.

"follow me."

Chen Yu waved his hand and took Hong Yi to a bedroom in the dimensional space.

At this time, Hong Yi's eyes were already full of tears.

She walked slowly to Chen Yu and threw herself into the latter's arms. said:

"Master, Hongyi has been following you for so long. Before, I could only watch you chatting with Xueer and the others. Now, I can finally be the master’s woman……"

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