Sakurako Hoshino stepped forward, grabbed Chen Yu's hand and felt it.

When the little Loli saw this, she couldn't help but said loudly:"You Yingzi, how dare you compete with your sister for the master?"

As she spoke, the little Loli ran to Chen Yu and grabbed his other hand.

Chen Yu shook his head helplessly and couldn't help but sigh:"Island people still know how to play, even zombies are so outrageous. In this case, then I will just follow the local customs.……"


After Chen Yu finished teaching the two corpse queens, he walked straight outside.

The two corpse kings covered their buttocks and followed behind Chen Yu.

But each of them had a happy smile on their face.

At this time, Hong Yi and others had just finished fighting, and the ground was densely covered with corpses.

Chen Yu stepped forward, glanced at Hong Yi and Atu's subordinates, and said excitedly:"I didn't expect that our team would be so strong!"

Hong Yi wiped the blood on his face and said happily:" Yes, Master, A Tu and I each have 8 zombie generals. Moreover, all the zombie generals have swallowed a large number of crystals, and all of them can control 10 level 3 zombies. In addition, our subordinates except the zombie generals, The lowest level is also a level three zombie"

"Well done!" Chen Yu nodded and praised,"So, you and A Tu each have 128 subordinates above level three, and 8 of them are corpse generals."

Hongyi ordered his subordinates to carry two large boxes and walked forward, pointing to the boxes and said,"Master, these are alpha crystals and beta crystals, which have been classified. Please take a look."

Chen Yu took a look at the densely packed crystals and couldn't help but sighed,"Now, I can finally upgrade again!" The little Lolita on the side saw that her subordinates were either following others or being killed, and she was a little unhappy.

However, she realized that she had such a powerful master, and those subordinates were no longer necessary.

Thinking of this, she was completely relieved and involuntarily leaned towards Chen Yu.

Doctor Li saw the strangeness in the little Lolita's eyes and couldn't help but complain,"Brother Yu, why did it take you so long to deal with the two corpse kings? Do you have other entertainment projects?" Chen Yu glanced at Doctor Li, who was covered in blood, and said seriously,"Keke, what are you talking about! Am I Chen Yu that kind of person? If you don't believe me, ask Hong Yi."

Hong Yi glanced at the shy expression on the little Lolita's face, then looked at Chen Yu and said,"The master really didn't have anything to do with me and Wushuang. However, he usually takes advantage of me. Last time, he even peeped at me taking a bath."

"Hong Yi, please don’t slander me!"

"I did not slander the master."Hong Yi covered her mouth and smiled,"I've seen the master, but I just haven't pointed it out.

At this time, the little Loli interjected:"Speaking of taking a bath, I haven't taken a bath for a long time." I didn't think it was anything before, but now that I'm with the master, I want to be by his side cleanly"

"I want to take a shower too!"Hoshino Sakurako also said with expectation.

"Talk to you later."

Chen Yu waved and called everyone over, and looked at them one by one.

At this time, the little eagle was more than half bald, and he used [Arrow Feathers in the Sky] frequently.

Chen Yu took it out from the box He handed some crystals to Little Eagle, patted Little Eagle's bald head and said,"Little Eagle, you did a good job. These are given to you, enough for you to reach level four."

At this time, Xiaoying only had level three, but the lowest crystals also had level two, which was enough to upgrade him.

At this time, Dabai, who was clean and tidy at the side, also came forward and said with a smile:"Master, too. Can you give me some crystals?

Chen Yu glanced at Dabai, pretending to be angry and said:"You are so clean, are you lazy again?""

"What an injustice!"Dabai said with aggrieved face,"I have dealt with many corpse generals."

Xiaoying echoed from the side:"Sister Dabai is right. I can only deal with some second-level and third-level zombies, but Sister Dabai can't deal with zombie generals, and she can make them dizzy with just a wink."

"Okay, I'll give you some crystals too."

"Thank you master for the reward. I know I am willing to go through fire and water for you."

Except for Xiaoying and Dabai, everyone else was covered in blood.

So, Chen Yu said,"Everyone, take a rest for a while, take a shower and change clothes, and then absorb the crystals. Just wait for the bulk of them."

Chen Yu simply brought the two sisters Hongyi and Xingye, as well as Ah Li, who had been attached to him, into the space, and prepared a swimming pool and a large number of crystals for them.

As for An An, Chen Yu received another A space.

At the same time, a large number of crystals were prepared for her.

As for Ah Tu, there was no need to take a bath since she was crawling around in the soil all day long.

At this time, Dr. Li from the side came forward. Shaking Chen Yu's hand, he said softly:"It's time for us to enter the dimensional space to rest."

"With this in mind, it’s time for us to upgrade."

Chen Yu smiled slightly, put away the crystal, and took Dr. Li into the dimensional space.

In the bathroom of the dimensional space.

Chen Yu soaked in the bathtub, stretched his body comfortably, and took a sip of the red wine next to him.

Another In a bathtub, Dr. Li couldn't help but let out a cry.

"It’s so nice to take a hot bath."

Chen Yu looked at Dr. Li aside and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"This...actually floated up?"

Doctor Li did not shy away from it at all. He picked up the cleaned crystal beside him and swallowed it.

Chen Yu also swallowed the crystal while appreciating the beautiful scenery in front of him.

After a long time, Doctor Li suddenly covered his stomach in pain and said breathlessly:"Brother Yu, I swallowed the crystal too quickly just now. It hurts so much!"

Chen Yu walked forward, picked up Doctor Li, and said seriously:"Don't worry, use healing magic to repair the damaged body first, and then slowly digest the energy of the crystal."


Dr. Li hurriedly used healing techniques to repair his body, and then began to slowly digest the energy of the crystal.

After more than ten hours, Dr. Li finally succeeded in rising to level four.

And Chen Yu also successfully rose to level five!

Dr. Li slowly He slowly opened his eyes, squinted and smiled:"Brother Yu, I have reached level four so quickly!"

"congratulations!"Chen Yu gently patted Dr. Li's head and said

"I think it’s mainly related to this magical space. Here, not only does time slow down, but I also feel very safe, so I can upgrade better."

"Of course." Chen Yu looked down at the naked Dr. Li and said with a smile,"I am now level 5, and I can slow down time by 300 times! That means 300 hours in space will only take one hour outside."

"Wow, that's great! Then Brother Yu can spend more time with Coco.……"


Just when Chen Yu was chatting happily, a group of powerful mutants were rushing towards the Fukuhara Nuclear Power Plant.

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