On a tall building about 1,500 meters away from Chen Yu, a sniper aimed at Chen Yu's vehicle.

He had planned to wait until the vehicle was closer before shooting.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yu ordered all the vehicles to stop.

The sniper said in surprise:"Hey, they stopped unexpectedly. Did they discover us?"

Around the sniper, there was a group of islanders holding various thermal weapons.

One of the islanders with a mustache asked:"Are you too cautious? How could they detect us from such a long distance?"

While the others were talking, Chen Yu had already stepped out of the car and took aim at the sniper.

"not good! The sniper said in surprise,"They are aiming in our direction. It seems they have really discovered us!""

"impossible!"Mustache took a telescope, looked out the window and said,"Our glass is one-way glass, they can't see us even if they have clairvoyance!"

"At this point, we can only kill them first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sniper pulled the trigger directly.

Chen Yu sneered and then pulled the trigger.

However, the power of Chen Yu's Barrett had already been greatly increased under the effect of [Fire Power Gain].

The bullet fired by Barrett directly shattered the bullet on the opposite side, but it continued to shoot at the sniper's head.


The sniper's head exploded like a watermelon hit by a bullet. Come on.

The red and white spray instantly splashed on the faces of the people around him.

As he loaded the bullet, he said to himself:"You are still far behind in playing sniper game with me!""

Before several islanders could react, Chen Yu fired a second shot.


Another islander's head was shattered by a bullet.

"We are no match for him, run!"

Mustache knew that he had encountered a tough situation, so he ran towards the shelter in the basement.

"Huh, where to run?"

Chen Yu directly turned on the perspective function and maximized the power of [Fire Power Gain].

The bullet passed through the concrete wall and directly killed an islander behind the wall.

The mustache looked frightened and trembled. He said to himself:"Nani? That kid not only has clairvoyance, but also clairvoyance? Also, what kind of gun did he use, and how could it penetrate the wall?"

Chen Yu acted as if he was cheating in a game, ignoring obstacles and shooting in the head.

In a short while, the entire building was cleared of Japanese Japanese.

Chen Yu put away his sniper and shouted to everyone:"Across the way. The firepower points have been destroyed, and the remaining ones are some islanders who only have cold weapons. Everyone, follow me and kill!"

All the vehicles drove forward at full speed.

After a while, they arrived downstairs.

Chen Yu looked around, looked at everyone and said,"Da Tou, A Tu, Hong Yi, you lead your men to search nearby tall buildings. First turn those islanders into zombies, and then take out their crystals. Ah

Tu nodded repeatedly and said,"Don't worry, Master, I will make those devils suffer to death."

Datou also nodded vigorously:"Master, please rest assured, I will definitely make those devils' lives worse than death.""

Only Hongyi didn't speak, but had everything written on his face.

Chen Yu looked at Datou, who was about to upgrade, and said calmly:"Datou, just absorb the zombies you caught. It should be able to help you. Upgrade to level five"

"Thank you master for the reward! Datou was overjoyed and was the first to rush to a building next to him.

A Tu looked at Datou's figure and said helplessly:"No one is trying to rob you.""

Then, he led his men to another building.

Chen Yu glanced downstairs, then raised his eyebrows and said to Dr. Li and others:"Let's go, follow me to the underground shelter. There are many islanders inside."

"It's finally our turn to take action……"Doctor Li pulled the safety of the AK, and he couldn't wait any longer.

Everyone followed Chen Yu and walked down the stairs.

After a while, they arrived at the basement.

The basement had been transformed into a simple shelter.

The walls of the shelter were made of 20-centimeter-thick steel plates.

Chen Yu turned on his analysis glasses and scanned the wall, and finally found a weak part of the shelter in a corner.

"Humph, the strength of this shelter is far inferior to that of Longyuan Base. Even compared to Yiyuan Community, it is still far behind."

While speaking, Chen Yu flew up and kicked the weak part of the wall hard.


The twenty-centimeter-thick wall collapsed, revealing a hole large enough for one person to pass through.


The people in the house had long heard the noise outside.

Originally they thought it was a zombie coming after smelling the smell.

But unexpectedly, what they saw was a yellow-skinned oriental man.

What shocked them the most was, The wall made of steel looked like paper in front of Chen Yu.

However, the islanders in the room reacted quickly and immediately surrounded him.

One of the one-eyed islanders shouted loudly:"You are. who? Why raid our shelter?"

Chen Yu snorted coldly, crossed his arms and said,"I'll let you devils die today. I'm from Daxia, and I'm here just to kill you."

"asshole!"Another obese man said ferociously,"How dare a small Daxia person come to our island country to run wild?

The one-eyed man looked at the fat man and reminded him seriously:"Shouta, be careful!" This man looks unusual and must be a strange person."

The man named Shota rolled up his sleeves and said nonchalantly:"This kid just seems to be a little stronger. However, compared to Shota and I, he is a bit more tender! Chen

Yu chuckled and couldn't help but mocked:"Your name is Shota?" I will beat you out today!"

"Damn it! How dare you insult me? You are courting death!"

Shota bent over and rushed towards Chen Yu angrily.

Although Shota was fat, his speed was not slow at all.

Chen Yu was not panicked at all.

Because he had observed this man named Shota a long time ago. He was just a level 2 mutant.

Moreover, his ability was also useless, and he only had strength.

To deal with him, no ability was needed at all.

Chen Yu shook his hand, and a big knife appeared in his hand.

Then, he rushed towards Shota at a high speed.


No one in the room could see what happened, Shota had been cut in half.

Red and yellow instantly flowed all over the floor


Xiang Tai let out a scream, and he no longer had the fighting power.

Chen Yu took Xiang Tai into the space and absorbed the superpowers in his body.

The one-eyed man looked at the scene in front of him with an incredible look on his face, and roared loudly:"Everyone, follow I'll come with you!"

All the islanders picked up their weapons and immediately surrounded them.

Chen Yu calmly snapped his fingers and said softly:"[Time stands still]】!"


Everyone in the room immediately stood motionless.

Even the air seems to be frozen

"Brother Yu, don't worry, it's our turn!"

Dr. Li shouted and entered the room with the AK.

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