Uniform reference picture

The girls came forward obediently.

The reason why Chen Yu called Jiang Xueer and others out separately was, first, because Longyuan Base also needed people to take care of it.

Second, because Jiang Xueer and others were all"veteran" level women.

The defense capability and comfort of Longyuan Base are one level higher than Doomsday Manor.

So Chen Yu thought about taking them to Longyuan Base.

Of course, the girls knew what Chen Yu was thinking, and began to look forward to their new home.

Chen Yu thought about it, and waved to Si Xiaoye:"Xiaoye, come here."

Si Xiaoye was stunned, and then walked in front of Chen Yu

"Brother Yu, what tasks do you want to assign to me? Chen

Yu explained:"Your fighting skills and marksmanship are the best. Just stay in Doomsday Manor and train the girls here." I hope that when I come back next time, everyone here can become a well-trained warrior"

"Don't worry, Brother Yu, I will definitely not let you down."Si Xiaoye nodded vigorously, knowing that he had a heavy responsibility.

"That's good. Remember, don’t think of them as weak women"

"Well, I know. Everyone's physical fitness here has been greatly improved. People like Sister Xueer and I are already much stronger than ordinary men."

Si Xiaoye's words are true.

Because more than 100 days have passed since Chen Yu, Jiang Xueer and others first"met".

Under the influence of [mutual complementation], each of them has improved by more than 100 points. At this time , their basic attributes have more than doubled compared to their previous ones.

Even if they were able to deal with level one zombies with their bare hands,

Chen Yu nodded happily and took Si Xiaoye to a nearby place. Weapon arsenal.

With a wave of his hand, a large number of hot weapons appeared in the arsenal, including not only pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, but also rocket launchers and mortars.

Blinking his big eyes and looking at the weapons in front of him, he asked with disbelief:"Brother Yu, have you captured a gunpowder magazine? No, these heavy weapons cannot be seen in ordinary gunpowder depots."

Chen Yu explained casually:"There are a large number of armed organizations in Longyuan Base, and I seized them from them."

"So this is ah. Now, our strength has improved by several levels."

"Xiaoye, you must teach the people in the manor how to use light weapons as soon as possible. As for heavy weapons, try to learn them as well. You don’t need to be able to hit accurately, you just need to be able to use it. What we want is the deterrence of heavy weapons"

"Don't worry, Brother Yu, I will find out how to use various weapons as soon as possible. Like you said, even misaiming can make it ring. For ordinary armed organizations, it is enough to scare them away"

"That's good, I'll be relieved."

After that, Chen Yu told Si Xiaoye the password to the weapons depot and took her to the spacious cold room, leaving plenty of food for the people in the manor.

"Finally finished."Chen Yu exhaled, looked down at Si Xiaoye and said,"Xiaoye, the manor will be left to you."

"Don't worry, Brother Yu."Si Xiaoye said with firm eyes,"I will definitely protect our home."

"Well, then I'll take Xue'er and the others to Longyuan Base."

"Wait, Brother Yu, I want to be with you……"

There was a hint of flattery in Si Xiaoye's tone, as if he had something to say.

But considering that Chen Yu was short on time, that sentence was not uttered in the end.

Chen Yu naturally knew what Si Xiaoye was thinking.

Although he was indeed pressed for time, he could still spare a minute or two.

So he smiled evilly, showed his face and said,"Okay, seeing as you are so dedicated to your work, I will grant your little wish."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and Si Xiaoye was taken to the dimensional space by him..

Si Xiaoye looked at the dimensional space in front of him and couldn't help but admired:"Brother Yu, your dimensional space is much bigger.""

"That is, it can accommodate 50 people at the same time"

"Wow, that's amazing"

"I'll visit again when I have time later. I have to do business now."


Si Xiaoye walked to the closet skillfully and took out his own exclusive clothes.

——cos police uniform, hey silk, high heels and bunny ears


200 minutes later.

Si Xiaoye took off his tattered silk stockings and two broken rabbit ears, and changed back into his usual clothes.

Appeared in the cold room.

She glanced at the time, opened her mouth and said,"Brother Yu, why has only one minute passed? We obviously……"

"Time in space is different from time outside. One minute outside, 200 minutes have passed in space"

"So that’s it."Si Xiaoye smiled mysteriously and said,"When Brother Yu comes back next time, let's chat with Xiaoye in space for three minutes."

"Haha, don't brag." Chen Yu patted Si Xiaoye's shoulder gently, raised his eyebrows and said,"Let's go, Xue'er and the others are probably waiting."

"Well, I almost forgot Sister Xueer and the others. But there are still only two minutes, so there is no need to delay."

Outside the cold storage room, Jiang Xueer and others had been waiting for a long time.

They looked at the radiant Si Xiaoye curiously, and then followed Chen Yu towards the outside of the manor.

At the entrance of the manor.

At this time, Dabai had already risen to Level 4.

Not only has it grown in size, it can even speak.

Dabai stood up straight, stretched and said:

"I can finally speak... This way I no longer have to make strenuous gestures to figure out what I want to eat in the future, I can just order directly. The women in this manor are so stupid. I obviously meant ham, but they insisted on giving me carrots. I am a zombie rabbit, and I have stopped being a vegetarian for a long time.

After hearing this, Chen Yu joked:"Dabai, you are already fat enough by eating more. You can lose weight by eating more vegetarian food.""

"Master, being vegetarian may not necessarily lead to weight loss. Look at those monks, how many of them are thin? After hearing this

, Chen Yu found that this was indeed the case.

"Okay, okay, I guess what you said makes sense. After a while, I will take you into the space and let you eat as much as you like."

While speaking, Dabai suddenly disappeared.

Chen Yu looked at Xiao Hui again.

At this time, Xiao Hui had reached level five.

Even if he could control half a million mice at the same time, it would be no problem.

Chen Yu thought about it. Thinking about it, he asked:"Xiao Hui, if I tell you the address of Longyuan Base, can you find it?

Xiao Hui shook his head and said,"If it's a place I haven't been to, it's hard to find the specific location." But if you bring a mouse I control, I can find it"

"Well."Chen Yu put a mouse behind Xiao Hui into the space, and then warned,"You leave half of the mice here, and then take the rest to Longyuan Base."

"Good host."

Chen Yu then looked at Jiang Xue'er and others, and said calmly:

"It's time for us to go too."

After saying that, he waved his hand and took all the girls into the space.

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