Ahri, who was praised, smiled and said,"Hehe, when you level up again, you can increase your master's ability by 40%."

After hearing this, Chen Yu pondered for a moment, then took out a large number of crystals from the space and handed them to Ahri.

"Ahri, if you absorb these crystals, you can almost reach level three."

Ahri took the crystals and said embarrassedly:"Master, I have just recovered from my injuries, I am afraid that the absorption is very slow"

"it does not matter."Chen Yu seemed to have expected that Ah Li would be too slow to upgrade, and said calmly,"I can put you into the dimensional space and slow down time. Just slowly upgrade inside."

"Yes, why didn’t I think of that?"Ali recalled the scene that just happened in the dimensional space and said excitedly,

"After the slowdown time, 200 minutes have passed inside the space, but only 1 minute has passed outside. The owner and Ahri just chatted in space for more than 300 minutes, and his tail was so painful."

"300 minutes?! Dr. Li opened his mouth in surprise, gave Chen Yu a thumbs up and said,"Brother Yu, you are really awesome."……"

Chen Yu shrugged and said helplessly:"Okay. Can you avoid An An when you talk? Fortunately, she doesn't understand anything now, otherwise she will teach bad children."

"Huh, you underestimate me. An An pouted and said speechlessly,"You used to chat with your mothers at night, but I heard them all and knew what happened." It's just that I pretended not to know."

Chen Yu scratched his head in embarrassment and said with shame:"It seems that I will have to avoid An'an in the future. Forgetting that her mind is equivalent to that of a six or seven year old child. Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s take a moment and take a rest."

Hongyi and Dong Wushuang were lucky enough to say that they could go without rest for a long time.

But Dr. Li hadn't slept for more than 20 hours and was already very sleepy.

She picked up An An, yawned and said,"Then An An and I went to rest first. Call me if you need anything."

After Dr. Li left, Chen Yu looked at Dong Wushuang and Hong Yi.

"Hongyi, you must learn to control 50 zombies at the same time easily and effortlessly as soon as possible, and then go to the island country with me in two days. Wushuang, you will stay at Longyuan Base."

Dong Wushuang opened her mouth, but didn't say a word.

Because she knew that she was only level four and didn't have any superpowers, she really couldn't help Chen Yu much.

Staying at Longyuan Base to look after the house was the best choice.

After explaining some precautions to Dong Wushuang, Chen Yu put Ahri into the dimensional space, and then sneaked his consciousness into the system store.

The last time he bought superpowers, Chen Yu noticed an upgrade potion.

This potion can enhance the superpowers that have been acquired and the goods purchased from the store.

He didn't encounter any difficulties before, so he didn't need upgrade potions too much.

However, he now needs to enhance certain superpowers and goods.

For example, space superpowers and invisible protective clothing.

Because his space can only accommodate 8 zombies, it is too few.

In addition, the invisible protective clothing is also an important commodity. It can save lives at critical moments, but it's a pity that it has never been upgraded.

Chen Yu carefully read the instructions for the upgrade potion, and then spent 3,000 points to buy the potion.

At this time, a sweet female voice came into Chen Yu's ears.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully purchasing the upgrade potion. This potion can be used three times."

Chen Yu picked up the potion and drank one-third of it.

At this time, the woman's voice sounded again.

"Ask the host to select the ability that needs to be upgraded."

Chen Yu barely hesitated and blurted out:"Choose to upgrade the space to accommodate zombies."

"Ding! The space ability has been successfully upgraded and can currently accommodate 200 zombies."

Chen Yu's face showed a hint of joy.

Unexpectedly, the upgraded space could accommodate 200 zombies.

For Chen Yu now, it is completely enough.

Then, Chen Yu drank another third of the potion , and then upgraded the invisible protective clothing.

"Ding! The invisible protective clothing has been successfully upgraded. The protective clothing can withstand all kinds of bullets and can block two fatal injuries for the host."

"Really good!"Chen Yu couldn't help but sigh,"Now I am not afraid of bullets, and I have two more lives."

Finally, Chen Yu drank all the remaining potions.

However, he suddenly became entangled.

Because whether it is [Firepower Boost], [Thunderstorm], or even [Pupil Technique], after upgrading, they can improve his offensive ability.

And [Time Standstill]】,【Dragon Scale Armor】,【

After thinking about it, he decided to enhance the ability of [Time Stop]. After all, the time ability is a very powerful ability.

"Ding! [Time Stands Still] has been successfully upgraded! When the host activates this ability, time can be stopped within a 50-meter range centered on itself."

Chen Yu closed the system store and murmured to himself:"These 3,000 points are well spent. It seems that the more expensive some things are, the better."

After retracting his thoughts, Chen Yu immediately entered the dimensional space.

At this time, Ahri had two crystals stuffed into his mouth and was swallowing them with difficulty.

After seeing Chen Yu, Ahri swallowed the crystals hard, happily Say hello to Chen Yu

"Master, why are you here?

Chen Yu smiled slightly and said,"I came to see if you were lazy.""

"I won't be lazy. I want to complete the master's mission quickly, and then go with the master to kill the Japanese"

"Okay, then you should upgrade quickly. After hearing this

, Ah Li picked up a crystal and said helplessly:"This crystal is too hard to swallow.""

Chen Yu took a handful of crystals, put them in his palm, crushed them into powder, and handed them to Ah Li.

"This makes it easier to swallow. However, you have to slowly absorb this���Crystal, the energy of the crystal will be backfired. Ah Li took the powdered crystal, nodded fiercely and said,"It's okay, I've been using the [Amplification] power on myself now." Absorbing supernatural powers is easier than usual"

"Well, you absorb it slowly, I have to go to Doomsday Manor"

"Owner……"Ahri looked at Chen Yu and asked lovingly,"Um... when are you going to grab Ahri's tail again?"

Chen Yu was stunned, then laughed and said,"When I come back from the island country, I will definitely……"

"Hehe, I'll be waiting for you then"

"Well, I'll go to Doomsday Manor first and bring those zombies and Jiang Xueer and the others to Longyuan Base."

Chen Yu left the dimensional space and rushed towards Doomsday Manor.

At this time, he had strengthened a lot.

After only 6 hours, he flew to Doomsday Manor.

After verifying multiple pieces of information, Chen Yu successfully entered the manor.

When a dozen girls guarding the door saw Chen Yu, they gathered around him excitedly.

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