Nine-tailed fox Ahri reference picture

Chen Yu took out three night vision goggles from the space and handed them to the three people around him. He said calmly:"Next, everyone will work with me to eliminate the threats in the base."

The three of them naturally knew that Chen What does Yu mean?

So he took the night vision device and followed Chen Yu closely.

During this period, Dong Wushuang also joined Chen Yu and others and joined the battle.

Three hours later, all the idlers in the base were cleared away.

We can't blame Chen Yu for being cruel.

Because almost everyone in the base has blood on their hands.

If you accept them as your younger brothers, they might stab you in the back one day.

So it is better to nip the threat in the bud.

Moreover, these people can also become the nourishment for Dong Wushuang and Hong Yi to upgrade, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

After dealing with the threat to the base, Dr. Li walked to Chen Yu and said softly:"Brother Yu, have we fully mastered the Longyuan base?"

Chen Yu shook his head slightly and looked towards the prison area.

"Still missing the last���step. There are many zombies in the prison area. The most important thing is that there is a nine-tailed fox imprisoned inside.……"

Doctor Li was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:"Great. Hongyi and Wushuang just lack zombies as their subordinates."

"Without further ado, let’s hurry up and head to the prison area."

Everyone ignored the rest and continued walking non-stop towards the prison area.

At this time, the gate of the prison area had been blocked by Chen Yu, and the guards inside could not escape at all.

After Chen Yu entered the changed password, he successfully entered. In the prison area, several gun-wielding guards began to fire at the door.

Fortunately, Chen Yu had already seen clearly the guard's every move through the perspective function of the analysis glasses. An anti-explosion shield appeared and blocked the bullet.

At the same time, he ran behind the guard at a speed of 300 meters per second. After a few punches

, the guards fell to the ground and completely lost their ability to move.

After solving the trouble, Dr. Li and others entered the prison area.

The first thing they saw was the prisoners in the first cell.

Chen Yu ignored the first cell and continued to move towards it. Go inside.

Next, there is the second prison. Most of the zombies are chained to the experimental table, and they seem to be conducting some kind of experiment. After taking one look at these zombies,

Chen Yu stopped walking to the third prison area, because all the zombies there were Level 2 and above, even Level 3 zombies. There are zombies!

Chen Yu turned to look at Hong Yi and Dong Wushuang, and said calmly:"There are a total of 60 level 2 zombies and 10 level 3 zombies here. You two, pick some zombies that suit you."

"Thank you master. Dong Wushuang was as happy as a child and shouted excitedly,"Great, I can also have my own zombie squad.""

Hongyi has been able to control zombies for a long time, so she is not as excited as Dong Wushuang.

However, now that she can control 50 zombies at the same time, she still feels a little bit excited.

Dong Wushuang glanced at the third-level zombies and turned to Hongyi Said:"Hongyi, I have just reached level 4, and it is a bit difficult to control 10 level 3 zombies at the same time. I'd better leave them to you.""

Hong Yi nodded:"Okay, then you can choose the 10 most powerful second-level zombies first."

Next, Dong Wushuang selected 10 stronger second-level zombies and achieved control over them.

Hongyi took all 10 third-level zombies and 30 second-level zombies into his command.

In addition to the previous 10 Only experienced level 2 zombies, and Hong Yi had a total of 50 zombies.

Of course, Chen Yu came to the fourth prison area alone. The prison in the fourth prison area looked darker.

It was stronger than the other three cells.

Chen Yu opened the cell door and walked in.

There was an iron pillar as thick as a bucket in the middle of the cell.

A thick iron chain passed through the shoulder blades of the fox and was tightly tied to the iron pillar.

Chen Yu looked at the nine-tailed fox and said with a smile involuntarily:"I didn't expect that I found a treasure today.!

This nine-tailed fox can actually possess another person and enhance his abilities.

" Chen Yu couldn't help but think of the nine-tailed fox in the anime, which can parasitize in the human body and provide the host with huge energy.

When the nine-tailed fox saw Chen Yu, he bared his teeth and shouted:"Damn humans, you want to do this to me again.

Experimented? I won't cooperate with you!

If you can, kill me!

Chen Yu said calmly:"Don't worry.

" I won't do experiments on you, I'm here to save you


"help me?"After hearing this, the nine-tailed fox lost the anger just now and said with some doubts,"Are you lying to me? Why did you save me?"

"Because I need your strength."

Chen Yu calmed down, then opened his system directly and started to bind the nine-tailed fox.

Not long after, the system prompt sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully binding a mutant creature, the Nine-Tailed Fox."

The Nine-Tailed Fox's pupils suddenly shrank, and then it lowered its head and said devoutly:"Master, the Nine-Tailed Fox is at your disposal.……"

Chen Yu walked up to the nine-tailed fox, then took out the bone knife taken from Long Dingtian, and slashed at the iron chain.


The chain broke with a sound.

Chen Yu grabbed the iron chain and whispered:"Be patient, this may be a little painful."

Before he finished speaking, he pulled the iron chain out of the nine-tailed fox's body with lightning speed.


The nine-tailed fox groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

Its body couldn't stop shaking because of the pain.

Chen Yu opened his analysis glasses and carefully looked at the information panel of the nine-tailed fox.

【Species: Nine-tailed fox】

【Age: four years old】

【Level: Level 2】

【Ability: Amplification (it can increase its own abilities without any difference. It can also be attached to other mutant creatures or mutant people to increase the host's abilities. The current amplification effect is 30%)】

【Other abilities: Transfiguration (after reaching level 2, mutant creatures can transform into human form)】


After Chen Yu read the information panel of the Nine-Tailed Fox, he became interested in the ability to transform, so he asked,"Can you also transform into a human form?"

"Yes Master."The nine-tailed fox nodded slightly, covering his shoulder blades and said,"But my level is too low, and I am seriously injured, so I may not look good when I become a human."

"It's okay, I'll see if you change into a different person"

"OK, Master."

The nine-tailed fox stopped refusing and began to transform into a human form.

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