The three of them turned around subconsciously when they heard Chen Yu's voice.

However, before their necks could be completely twisted, three thunderbolts whose power was deliberately weakened by Chen Yu fell on them.

As for why it is necessary to weaken the thunder and lightning, it is because with Chen Yu's current strength, a single thunder and lightning can kill all three people.


【Name: Chang Kun】

【Level: Level 1】

【Power: Thunder and lightning】


After reading Chang Kun's message, Chen Yu was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Chang Kun is also a mutant, and he is also a mutant with lightning powers like himself.

Chen Yu knew that the three of them didn't have much ability, so he relaxed and said:

"I've been behind you for a while. You guys are like this, you still want to carry out a sneak attack?

Chang Kun frowned and argued:"We didn't conduct a sneak attack. We were just passing by and were curious about this community.""

"Stop talking nonsense!"Chen Yu waved his hand and brought all three people into the dimensional space.

Before the three people could recover from the shock, they were taken into a mysterious space.

At this moment, the three people could no longer express themselves in words. It describes the fear in his heart.

Chang Kun is the most experienced person among the three, and he pretends to be calm and asks:"Where is this?" How did we end up in this place?

Chen Yu said calmly:"This is a space in my body. Anyone here can only be at my mercy." Just put away your petty thoughts."

Chang Kun seemed a little unconvinced.

He stretched his hands behind his back, preparing to quietly activate his powers.

Chen Yu had long been aware of Chang Kun's little movements, and snorted coldly and said:"Chang Kun, don't waste your efforts. I said that in my space, I can dominate everything. Your powers cannot be used at all"

" do you know my name is Chang Kun? Also, how do you know I have powers?"Chang Kun saw that he couldn't use his superpower at all, and he suddenly realized,"

"I understand, are you Jiang Mobai from Longyuan Base?"

"What ink white and ink black. A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Chen Yu's eyes,"Chang Kun, tell me honestly how you found this place." Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you!"

At this time, a boy next to Chang Kun pointed to the wardrobe in the room and said in a low voice:"Brother Kun, look!"

Chang Kun followed the direction of his little brother's fingers and discovered the uniforms and some props.

Suddenly, he felt a certain part tighten.

" actually have this habit……"

Of course Chen Yu knew what Chang Kun meant.

However, he didn't bother to explain too much.

In an instant.

A pistol appeared out of thin air in Chen Yu's hand. boom!

Chang Kun's thigh was directly pierced by a bullet

"ah! Don't shoot! I said, I said it’s not okay yet……"

"Tell me quickly how you found this place!

Chang Kun calmed down and said in a trembling voice:"We followed a big-headed man to this community."

As early as a week ago, we focused on the big-headed man and his accomplices.

I found that they are like zombie hunters, specializing in hunting zombies.

I originally wanted to find out their whereabouts and then tell the leader of Longyuan Base about this.

Who knew, I would be discovered by you. Chen

Yu thought for a moment and then asked:"What is your purpose?""

"It's for crystals. Chang Kun covered his bleeding thigh and said without daring to hide anything,

"We saw Big Head and others actually kill hundreds of zombies and take out the zombie crystals. We were greedy for a moment, but we knew we might not be able to defeat them, so we followed them to this community.

Chen Yu continued to ask:"What happened to the Longyuan base and leader you just mentioned?""

"Longyuan Base is a base built by aliens and armed organizations 50 kilometers away from here. The leader inside is named Long Dingtian, and he is a mutant who has reached the third level! I advise you to let us go, otherwise if our leader comes to find you, you will be in misery."

Chen Yu had already expected that Datou and Hongyi would be targeted for killing zombies in such a high-profile manner.

He originally planned to go to Datou and Hongyi, and while using analytical glasses to observe possible enemies, he took advantage of the situation. At night, Datou and Hongyi returned to the villa.

Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly discovered the excellent base of Doomsday Manor, so Datou and Hongyi came back early, and he was not ready to respond.

Seeing that Chen Yu had been silent, Chang Kun thought that Chen Yu was afraid, so he said with some arrogance:

"Brother, I know you definitely didn't shoot on purpose. How about this, you quickly bandage me up, and then I'll take you to see the leader. With your ability, you will definitely be valued by the leader, and your status will definitely be higher than mine. Even if we don't know each other after fighting, we still have to take care of each other in the future."

Chen Yu came back to his senses and snorted coldly,"Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up and tell me everything you know about Longyuan Base."

"You... you don't want to drink the wine, right? To tell you the truth, we all have locators on us, and the leader already knows our location. If he sees that we haven't reported to him for a long time, he will definitely send someone to find us!"

Chen Yu didn't say anything, but fired three shots directly.

Chang Kun's two brothers fell to the ground.

And Chang Kun's other leg was also pierced by a bullet.

"I said, I said it’s not okay yet……"Chang Kun did not expect that Chen Yu would kill people just as he said, without fear of Longyuan Base.

He no longer dared to tell the truth about Longyuan Base and the aliens and armed organizations inside.

After Chen Yu heard this, he shot Chang Kun to death.

After all, this kid already knew Chen Yu’s secret, so how could he be released?

After Chen Yu killed Chang Kun, he absorbed the supernatural power in the latter's body.

His [Thunderstorm] became stronger again.

Before absorbing Chang Kun's superpower, Chen Yu could release several lightning bolts at the same time.

And now, he can release a web woven by several lightning bolts.

This kind of network was called"power grid" by Chen Yu.

The coverage area can reach 100 square meters!

If there is another wave of zombies, just throw a"power grid" over, and a large number of zombies can be eliminated at once.

Sure enough, absorbing the superpowers of mutants is much stronger than absorbing crystals.

Another point is that Chen Yu can no longer improve his abilities by absorbing low-level crystals.

However, the ability to absorb mutants is not restricted.

Even a first-level mutant can improve Chen Yu's abilities.

After disposing of the corpses in the dimensional space, Chen Yu left the space.

He looked into the distance and couldn't help but said to himself:

"It seems that we have to hurry up and go to Longyuan Base."

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