The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 96 No matter how fast you are, can you be as fast as my dog?

Although Cheng Siyuan's ability level has just broken through to level three, it is not something that an ordinary level two ability user can do to hurt him. The other party is at least a veteran who has been promoted to level two ability for a long time.

After realizing this, Cheng Siyuan's expression became gloomy.

Any one of the other party can attack with a level two fire ability with extremely strong attack power. On the other hand, except for him and Song Chen Lan Ya, the others are only level one abilities, and they only have a relative advantage in numbers.


This number of people is not enough in the face of the difference in abilities.

Cheng Siyuan can realize this, so the other party can naturally do the same.

Jiang Yuan, who spoke first, showed a mocking expression and said disdainfully: "You have the nerve to jump out and yell with this little ability? Why don't you kneel down and apologize to me!"

Cheng Siyuan's face was ugly.

If he hadn't been concerned about the others, he really couldn't help but attack back on the spot.

But if a fight really broke out, he and Song Chen would definitely be fine, but the safety of others might be uncertain.


Especially since the new members are students who were just brought out from North City University, how could they fight and kill people?

Even after a few days of special training by Song Chen, they are definitely no match for these guys who exude murderous aura.

At this moment, Song Chen stepped forward to block Cheng Siyuan, and his sharp eyes swept towards Jiang Yuan.

Song Chen's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and Jiang Yuan's heart suddenly tightened. He couldn't help but take a step back. After coming to his senses, he couldn't help but get angry.

"What are you looking at? If you look at me again, I'll dig your eyes out!"

As soon as Jiang Yuan finished his harsh words, a lavender lightning struck him.

"Why the hell are you talking to my brother?"

Cheng Siyuan held the flashing lightning in his hand and stared at Jiang Yuan with a warning.

It's fine if they insulted him in words and deeds, he could bear it for the sake of the team, but if they dared to say the slightest bad thing about Song Chen, these people deserved to die!

Jiang Yuan was essentially just a superpower who had just broken through to the second level. Facing the attack of Cheng Siyuan who had already reached the third level, he didn't even have time to react and was struck by lightning.

All the hair on his body stood up due to the electricity, but fortunately the difference in strength between the two sides was not big, so this attack didn't kill him directly.

But when the other party saw Cheng Siyuan take action, they immediately took up their positions.

The short-haired man who made Song Chen alert finally stood up and frowned.

"Are you not afraid of death, kid? How dare you hurt my people!"

"Bullshit! Why don't you say you started it first?"

"You bunch of trash should all die obediently."

Facing the other party's shameless words, Cheng Siyuan wanted to open his mouth to curse, but Song Chen raised his hand to stop him.

"Why waste so much time talking to them? You've been bullied to the point of being on top of your head, are you still going to endure it? Go, kill them all!"

Cheng Siyuan had long been unable to resist the urge to beat up these guys who wasted food and spoke wildly. When he heard Song Chen's words, he was the first to rush forward.

Chang Minghao and Yang Qian also followed closely with their team members.

Song Chen, however, comforted Lan Ya and stayed where he was without moving.

The battles with the psychics will become more frequent in the future, and the seven psychics on the other side are just right for the members to practice.

Seeing Cheng Siyuan attack, Jiang Yuan came up at the same time, and the two of them instantly entangled.

Jiang Yuan awakened the wind power. With the blessing of the wind, his agility was directly maximized. Whether facing zombies or psychics, they were all prey that could only be played with in front of him.

Even if Cheng Siyuan was a third-level psychic, he was sure that he could gain an advantage with speed.

The wind energy in his body was condensed crazily. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Yuan had already rushed out more than ten meters away. At the same time, a green wind blade appeared in his hand and attacked Cheng Siyuan fiercely.

Seeing the wind blade rushing in front of him, Cheng Siyuan still stood in place and looked up at him slowly.

"That's it?"


As Cheng Siyuan's voice fell, a light purple lightning suddenly rushed up to the wind blade, breaking it up without slowing down, and continued to rush towards Jiang Yuan.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan's expression changed suddenly, and he immediately mobilized his energy to speed up his escape.

But Cheng Siyuan's lightning skill was like a tracker installed on him. No matter where he fled, even if he used the fastest speed, he could not get rid of it.

There was a loud sound of thunder hitting the ground, and Jiang Yuan was struck by Cheng Siyuan's energy. His hair stood up, and the whole person seemed to have just crawled out of a coal pit.

"This... How is it possible..."

Jiang Yuan stared in disbelief.

He couldn't understand why he couldn't escape Cheng Siyuan's attack even though he had already increased his speed to the maximum.

Cheng Siyuan sneered disdainfully.

"No matter how fast you are, can you be as fast as my dog? Even the dog would think you're too slow when you walk the dog at this speed!"

As long as he didn't go out, he would take on the task of walking the dog every day.

When Lan Ya, who had awakened the wind power, ran, it was hard to tell whether the dog leash was tied to the dog or the person.

Cheng Siyuan only remembered that in the beginning, walking the dog every day was as exciting as riding a roller coaster, without any safety measures.

After a long period of "walking the dog", Cheng Siyuan gradually caught up with Lan Ya's speed.

Now Lan Ya's power level has broken through to level three. In comparison, Jiang Yuan's speed is like an old man racing with a sports car.

It's not good enough.

Cheng Siyuan did not give the enemy any chance to resist. Before Jiang Yuan could get up from the ground, another lightning skill struck him.


Jiang Yuan could only let out a shrill scream and completely turned into a piece of charcoal.

The rich aroma of barbecue that came with it made everyone present stunned, and the captain, Cui Sheng, was even more shocked.

Jiang Yuan's ability level had already broken through to level two a few days ago. He was considered a strong player in his team, but he was killed in such a short time?

Cui Sheng's expression of ease on his face suddenly restrained, replaced by a strong sense of vigilance and fear.

Compared with the opponent's surprise and frustration, the morale of the members on Song Chen's side was greatly boosted.

They knew that Song Chen was strong, and guessed that Cheng Siyuan, who was following him, would definitely not be a weakling, but they didn't expect him to be so strong. In an instant, everyone's confidence soared.

Yang Qian and two of her team members surrounded the girl with the fire ability, while Chang Minghao and Li Haichuan picked a man who looked difficult to deal with.

The remaining seven people formed groups of two or three, each dealing with the other three people.

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