Song Chen's voice immediately drew Ji Yumo's attention back. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the zombies were stopped, she quickly led the others to leave through the fire door.

Ji Lu looked at Song Chen's back as he fought against the zombies, and was worried.

"Sister, are we really going to leave Brother Chen behind and run away?"

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

Ji Yumo didn't say anything, but just followed Lan Ya to make a way down, but she was gritting her teeth unwillingly in her heart.

The feeling that the zombie gave her was so terrifying that when it attacked her, her hair stood up all over her body.

Only the high-level zombie she met in the mall had given her a similar feeling before, and the one in front of her was even more terrifying than that high-level zombie at the time, and its strength was definitely above that zombie. With their strength, staying there was just a way to get food.

Song Chen was determined to fight to the death to buy them time to escape. She must not waste it. After sending Ji Lu and others away, she would go back to support them.

At the same time.

Seeing Ji Yumo and others leave smoothly through the fire door, Song Chen felt a little relieved.

With Lan Ya following them, they should be able to leave the teaching building smoothly.

The rest was to deal with the zombie in front of him.

At this time, the zombie was very angry. It was so hard to find so many desserts and snacks, but it slipped away because of the obstruction of the human in front of it. Damn it!

The next second, the furious zombie suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared behind Song Chen, raising his claws and swinging them down fiercely.

But Song Chen seemed to have eyes on his back, and he quickly dodged its attack.

"Sure enough!"

Song Chen dodged the zombie's attack, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Sure enough, it was right as he thought. The zombie in front of him had awakened the space ability, and the level should have reached level four. The skill it just used was the instant step that could only be comprehended after the space ability reached level four.

If Song Chen had not experienced the awakening process of the space system in his previous life, he would not be able to use instant step at level three, and it would be even more impossible to see its ability and level at a glance.

I really didn't expect to encounter a level four space system zombie here. As long as I kill it and absorb the crystal core in its head, it won't take long for me to break through to level four.

Just for this reason, I must not let this zombie go.

After making up his mind, Song Chen tightly grasped the short knife in his hand and rushed towards the space zombie.


The short knife and the claws collided with each other, and it actually made a buzzing sound like iron.

Song Chen was slightly numb in the tiger's mouth due to the huge force, and then he made a knife flower and chopped the space zombie's head with his backhand.

Sensing the danger, the space zombie immediately used instant step to distance himself.

Song Chen's attack was in vain, but he didn't care and rushed towards the space zombie again with the knife.

Seeing Song Chen pressing forward step by step, the space zombie was also completely enraged. It no longer held back and launched a counterattack against Song Chen with all its superpowers.

The power of space condensed in its body, continuously delivering energy, and combined with the instant step skill to suppress Song Chen.

Song Chen fought hard, but he was always unwilling to use his superpowers.

It was not that he didn't want to use it, but he didn't dare to use it.

The space zombie in front of him was different from the gold zombie in the commercial building.

Although both levels were level four, there was a fundamental difference in strength between the space and gold superpowers.

In the eyes of other superpower users, the gold zombie was very difficult to deal with due to factors such as high defense, but in Song Chen's eyes, except for the high degree of physical enhancement brought by the high level, there was no other threat. As long as he could keep up with its speed and find an opportunity, he could use the broken blade to kill it in one blow.

But the space zombie was different.

Under the level enhancement, the speed of the space zombie itself was faster than him. Even if he wanted to use the instant step to find an opportunity, the opponent could also use the instant step to dodge.

In this way, the difficulty of finding an opportunity will be greatly increased.

Moreover, with his current level 3 supernatural power storage, he can only use five instant steps, and he has to save most of the energy for the broken blade as an attack. After the compression, the energy in his body can only support the use of instant steps twice. If he fails to find an opportunity and his supernatural power is exhausted, he will only have to wait for death.

These two opportunities to use instant steps must be saved for critical moments.

The space zombie condenses the power of space in his hands, and each attack is enough to be fatal. Fortunately, its intelligence is not highly developed, and it does not know how to seize Song Chen's vital points to attack, which relieves Song Chen's pressure a lot.

But this is not a solution. There is no difference between exhaustion of physical strength and exhaustion of supernatural power.

So when the space zombie waved his claws again, Song Chen used the short knife to bounce it away and changed his offensive, and grabbed it tightly with his backhand.

Although his arm was caught by Song Chen, the space zombie did not give up the attack. He raised another claw without hesitation, and Song Chen was waiting for this moment.

He reversed the arm of the space zombie and went around behind him, and began to condense the power of space in his hand.

The space zombie instinctively sensed danger and gave up the attack, trying to escape using instant step.

But the next second after it used instant step to dodge, Song Chen suddenly followed closely, appeared behind it out of thin air, and chopped it down with the space power in his hand.

Broken blade!

The terrifying space power chopped down, and when it was about to fall on the space zombie's head, it was bounced off by a white barrier that suddenly appeared.


Song Chen's pupils shrank, and his expression became shocked.

It turned out to be a space barrier!

This should be a skill that can only be mastered after reaching level five. The zombie in front of him is only level four. How could he master a level five skill?

Could it be that...

Just as Song Chen's mind was working rapidly because of this change, the strange phenomenon happened again.

A faint dark light gradually emerged in the hands of the space zombie, and it rushed straight towards Song Chen's face.

Broken blade? !

This guy actually learned the broken blade from the attack just now!

Without caring about anything else, Song Chen hurriedly used the instant step to distance himself.

Then there was a loud bang, and the broken blade in the hand of the space zombie chopped on the marble bricks under his feet, suddenly piercing the entire floor, and the corridor was divided into two.

The zombies wandering on the fourth floor were attracted by the sound, and all gathered under the cracks and roared with their heads raised, and their dense arms raised above their heads, trying to climb up through the gap.

Song Chen didn't care about the horrible scene under his feet, but just looked at the space zombie on the other side of the crack with a serious expression.

I didn't expect that this guy could learn to break the blade after just one encounter. Looking at the space barrier around it, there is only one reason to explain the current situation.

That is, this space zombie is about to break through to level five.

It must be solved as soon as possible!

If it really reaches level five, then I will have no chance of winning!

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