The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 7 Is Song Chen's iron tree about to bloom?

After finalizing the house renovation with Ji Yumo, Song Chen took Lan Ya back to the villa where they lived before, and decided to live here until the new villa was renovated.

The accidental encounter with Ji Yumo made Song Chen's mind active.

A gentleman loves a beautiful lady.

No one doesn't like beautiful women, especially someone like Ji Yumo, just standing there is enough to be pleasing to the eye.

However, what Song Chen values ​​most is her title as the strongest ice-type superpower in her previous life.

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In the end times, good looks are useless, and fists are the hard truth.

If we haven't met, forget it. Now that we happen to meet again, no matter what, we must accept this Doomsday Ice Queen.

But of course not now, he won't send himself to be a licking dog.

After a little thought, Song Chen took out his phone and dialed a familiar number.

It was connected after just two rings, and then a once very familiar voice came.

"Brother Chen, you finally called me!"

Song Chen's eyes were slightly hot when he heard Cheng Siyuan's surprised tone on the phone.

He and Cheng Siyuan have been good brothers since college. Later, when his parents had an accident and were isolated and helpless, it was Cheng Siyuan who accompanied him to the group to fight against Zhang Xinyang without hesitation and gave him encouragement and support.

It can be said that his success has a lot to do with Cheng Siyuan's help.

After the outbreak of the doomsday, he and Cheng Siyuan were trapped in the group company. When they went out to find supplies together, they were surrounded by zombies. In order to keep him alive, Cheng Siyuan chose to stay and delay the zombies.

Song Chen escaped successfully, but Cheng Siyuan was eaten by the zombies.

Although Song Chen killed all the zombies in that area to avenge Cheng Siyuan afterwards, Cheng Siyuan could never come back.

Since then, Song Chen has been alone in the doomsday and has never teamed up with anyone again.

But this life is different from the previous one. He must let Cheng Siyuan live well, and he must live better than others!

After calming down his excitement, Song Chen smiled and said to the phone: "The situation was quite special some time ago. The group..."

"Brother Chen, you don't need to explain, I understand!" Before Song Chen finished speaking, Cheng Siyuan smiled and said, "I heard that you sold your shares and prepared to transfer them abroad, so I also resigned from the group. Anyway, I don't obey anyone except you. You must take me with you when you go abroad!"

Song Chen solemnly promised, "Don't worry, I won't abandon you again."

Cheng Siyuan thought Song Chen was talking about selling shares, so he smiled and didn't think much about it.

"Let's not talk about that for now. I have something for you to do." Song Chen spoke again, "Help me investigate a woman named Ji Yumo. I will send you her identity information later. The more detailed the information, the better."

"Yo~!" Cheng Siyuan teased, "Brother Chen, you are really going to find a sister-in-law for me?"

Song Chen smiled helplessly, "Get lost, get to work!"


After sending Cheng Siyuan to investigate Ji Yumo, Song Chen packed up and prepared to go out.

There is still some time before the doomsday outbreak, so let Cheng Siyuan do what he should do first. After the new villa is renovated, he will find an excuse to take Cheng Siyuan over.

The funds in his hands have bottomed out, and he needs to find a new investment first.

Seeing Song Chen was about to go out, Lan Ya immediately followed him with his tail wagging.

Since being taken in by Song Chen, it has been following him wherever he goes, as if it is afraid that the new master will fall into danger again, and it has to keep a close eye on him at all times.

Song Chen did not stop it, thinking that it was a good opportunity to cultivate feelings with it before the doomsday.

After going through various loan companies one by one, Song Chen soon had nearly 100 million more funds in his hands.

First buy the most important staple food, rice, flour and various coarse grains, each purchased by tons.

Of course, the payment is still made by paying a deposit first.

Then Song Chen went to the 4S store to borrow money to buy a heavy truck, and immediately sent it to a professional car dealer for modification, requiring it to be modified according to the standards of explosion-proof trucks.

Although a lot of arms were wasted before, zombies were generally not strong in the early stage of the doomsday, and having a fully armed heavy truck could help him save a lot of time and trouble.

With a car, you naturally need to prepare enough gasoline and diesel.

The domestic fuel sales are strictly regulated, but it is not a difficult task for Song Chen, who is not short of money.

Not long after the doomsday, the power supply was forced to stop. For this reason, Song Chen also purchased hundreds of generators and a large number of photovoltaic panels, and also equipped with several batteries.

As for why you ask why you buy so many?

Of course, I am afraid it will break down!

He can't repair this thing, so if it breaks, he can only throw it away. Of course, he needs to prepare more.

Putting the generator underground can reduce noise, and the photovoltaic panels will be installed on the roof by Ji Yumo. The battery will store electricity for emergency use.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about power outages, and after the base is established, he can also ensure the operation of electricity in the base.

After buying the important parts, Song Chen bought some daily things, such as walkie-talkies for communication, kitchen utensils and electrical appliances for cooking, and various materials that may be used in life.

Among them, the most purchased are medicines.

Not only ordinary anti-inflammatory drugs, cold medicines, hemostatic drugs, but also various antiviral drugs, vitamins, antibiotics, etc., basically all the medicines that can be bought are bought.


Of course, entertainment tools are indispensable.

Mobile phones, tablets, and notebooks are all must-haves, and other types of game consoles cannot be left behind.

All the games that I liked but couldn't bear to buy until they were discounted were added to the shopping cart, whether it was movies, TV series, anime novels, or even some learning materials, as long as they could be downloaded, they were all downloaded.

These are all spiritual food in the end times, and their role must not be underestimated.

Time came to May 27th in a blink of an eye, and there were still three days before the outbreak of the doomsday.

The house renovation work has been completed. I have to say that Ji Yumo is really capable. The renovated villa is like a steel fortress. Not to mention people and zombies, even a bug can hardly get in.

It really won his heart.

Various aspects.

After the completion, Song Chen asked to delay the payment of the balance for a few days on the grounds that the funds could not be turned over. Ji Yumo almost thought that he was going to work for nothing. Fortunately, seeing his sincere attitude and earnest words, he reluctantly agreed.

In fact, Song Chen did not lie. The money in his pocket had long been exchanged for supplies, and there was not a penny left.

As for the balance?

The end of the world will come in three days, and Ji Yumo will probably not be in the mood to chase him for the final payment.

He took Cheng Siyuan to the renovated villa, which shocked the boy. He kept asking Song Chen what was wrong with him. Song Chen made up a random excuse to evade the question. Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Cheng Siyuan didn't ask any more.

Taking advantage of the last time, Song Chen and Cheng Siyuan acted separately and ordered meals from various hotels. Lan Ya stayed in the villa waiting for the ordered takeout.

Of course.

All this money was used by Cheng Siyuan's wife's money that he had saved with great effort.

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