The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 69 Who can come to save her?

Beicheng University.


Inside the gymnasium.

“Brother Ting, the guys hiding in the dormitory have formed a team and are heading to the school cafeteria.”

Hearing this, Chen Yanting leaned back on a chair made of high jump sponge pads, waved his hand with contempt, and said, “What a bunch of ignorant guys! There are less than 50 people left in the two buildings now, right? After all the people in this action are dead, we will go and take over the dormitory building!”

As soon as these words came out, a younger brother came over flatteringly.

“Brother Ting is really awesome!”

Faced with the flattery of others, Chen Yanting enjoyed it, and it was obvious that he was very pleased. Then he waved his hand.

“Go and call Tang Yunke over to me.”

After hearing this, the others immediately ran to a dark corner of the gymnasium and pulled up the girl curled up on the ground without saying anything.

"Don't play dead! Brother Ting is calling you over there, hurry up and follow me!"

Tang Yunke was like a puppet, letting the person drag her towards Chen Yanting.

"Tang Yunke, go and heal Lily."

Chen Yanting pointed at the naked woman lying on the high jump sponge mat.

The woman's body was mottled with purple and red marks. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell what she had just experienced.

Tang Yunke walked over silently and put her hand on the woman's body. A light green light lit up from her palm, and the scars on the woman's body began to fade slowly.

Even though he had seen it many times, Chen Yanting couldn't help but sigh.

"This healing ability is really useful. No matter how hard I play, she can help me repair my toys."

"Isn't that what you want, brother Ting?"

Chen Yanting laughed, "Yes! With her, I can play all the tricks I want to play. After all, there are only a few good beauties left. If I play them to death, I will be very sad."

Listening to the undisguised obscene laughter behind her, Tang Yunke's expression revealed a deep despair.

The gymnasium is like hell now. Who can save her?


At the same time.

Song Chen and the team finally arrived near the entrance of the cafeteria.

As Li Haichuan said before, there are a lot of zombies wandering here, and there are nearly 30 wandering around the entrance alone.

Looking at the clothes they wear and the posters next to them, it is very likely that some activities are being held at the entrance of the cafeteria on the day of the apocalypse.

The students led by Yang Qian and Li Haichuan totaled only 50 people, of which only 30 had superpowers, and all of them attended this search for supplies.

Judging from the number, they must kill one zombie each to reach the entrance of the cafeteria, and in the process, they may alarm other zombies in and around the cafeteria and face being surrounded.

It seems that they are not exaggerating when they say that they can't rush into the cafeteria.


Thirty zombies are not a problem for Song Chen and others.

"Let's start."

As Song Chen finished speaking, Lan Ya and Ji Yumo rushed to the cafeteria at the fastest speed, each responsible for killing zombies in different directions.

In an instant.

The zombies that were wandering aimlessly immediately pounced on them, and many of them followed the smell and pounced on Yang Qian and others who followed.

Seeing dozens of zombies pounce on them, all the students were subconsciously terrified and took two steps back uncontrollably.

At the critical moment, Song Chen took out two silenced pistols from the space, aimed at the zombies' heads and started shooting wildly.

? !

Looking at the gun in Song Chen's hand, Yang Qian's face was full of shock.

Everyone knows how strict gun control is in China, but how can this man get a gun?

But she was shocked by what was to come.

Song Chen seemed to have turned into a sharpshooter. Facing the endless stream of zombies, he calmly aimed, then pulled the trigger without hesitation and shot them in the head!

The zombies that were difficult to kill in their eyes were like fragile balloons in front of Song Chen's gun, which would burst with a single poke.

Not only that.

Ji Yumo and Lan Ya, who rushed out first, also showed their skills in the pile of zombies.

Ji Yumo's left hand condensed the ice power and fired sharp ice cones at the zombies in front of her. Her right hand held a sharp short blade. Any zombie that approached her would have its head chopped off, or the short blade would be directly inserted into the center of its eyebrows.

Her movements were clean and neat without any delay. It was obvious at a glance that she had developed her skills by killing a large number of zombies.

As for Lan Ya, she was even more terrifying.

Yang Qian and others never thought that a dog could turn into a killing god, shuttling back and forth among the zombies quickly. Everyone could only see the afterimages it left and the zombie bodies that fell to the ground wherever it went.

Is this really just a dog?

There were no idle guys in Song Chen's team. Even the weak-looking Ji Lu was holding a dagger and a pistol, harvesting zombies quickly.

"Oh my God!"

Li Haichuan's eyes widened.

Until now, he finally understood why Song Chen dared to bring them to the cafeteria to collect supplies. Not to mention the thirty zombies in front of them, even if there were another thirty, it would not be enough for Song Chen and his team to kill!

With the actions of three people and one dog, the thirty zombies wandering at the entrance of the cafeteria and the zombies that were attracted later were quickly solved.


Song Chen did not rush into the cafeteria.

In the puzzled eyes of the crowd, Ji Lu inserted the dagger in his hand into the zombie's head and stirred it slowly.

Red and white liquid flowed out of the wound, and some students with weaker receptive ability ran to the side and vomited immediately.

On the other hand, Ji Lu's expression did not change. She stirred the short knife calmly. After a moment, her expression was happy, and she picked out a gray-white crystal core from the zombie's head.


The boys, including Li Haichuan, all looked like they had seen a ghost.

The school beauty turned out to be a pervert who liked to dig zombies' heads!

What to do?

She seemed to be more charming~

Ji Lu didn't know how much impact her actions had brought to other students. She wiped the zombie crystal core she dug out and turned to give it to Song Chen.

"Brother Chen, here's the crystal core for you."

Ji Lu smiled and raised her little face to Song Chen, looking like she was asking for praise.

Seeing this, Song Chen smiled and rubbed her head, "Well done."

Hearing this, Ji Lu smiled even happier.

Seeing this scene, the male classmates who were just fascinated by Ji Lu suddenly heard the sound of their own heartbreak.

Woo woo woo.

They seemed to have broken up.

After collecting all the zombie crystal cores at the door into the space, Song Chen led everyone into the cafeteria.

As soon as they stepped into the cafeteria door, the zombies wandering inside immediately smelled the breath of living people and rushed towards them regardless of anything.

Song Chen stood there and counted them calmly.

The number of zombies that can be seen at present is about a hundred, which is just enough to replenish the limited storage of crystal cores in the space.

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