The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 62 Didn’t you see who was standing next to them?

After breakfast, everyone began to perform their duties.

Cheng Siyuan and Ji Yumo patrolled the community to clean up zombies wandering in as usual.

Zhao Yu and others who just joined yesterday followed the orders issued by Song Chen and began to search each villa one by one to collect supplies and vehicles.

Song Chen was worried that there might be any danger in the three of them's actions, so he asked Lan Ya to follow them just to be on the safe side.

Ji Lu stayed in the villa.

Song Chen gave her the zombie crystal cores collected outside in the past two days and asked her to strengthen them one by one.

It's a pity that Ji Lu's current power level is not enough to strengthen the fourth-level crystal core. Otherwise, Song Chen's power might soon be upgraded to level four.

Song Chen was left with nothing to do, thinking about absorbing today's superpower first, when he suddenly heard the sound of a car driving outside the villa.

Song Chen immediately put away the crystal core in his hand and looked through the window towards the source of the sound.

I saw three small SUVs driving into the community in a mighty manner and parked in front of a villa not far away. Then four or five people got out of each vehicle. In total, there were thirteen survivors. By.

It happened that Zhao Yu and others were searching the villa next door to them and ran out immediately after hearing the noise.

"Who are you?"

Before Zhao Yu could speak, everyone on the other side drew their weapons and asked questions with vigilance on their faces.

"I should be the one asking you this!"

Zhao Yu laughed angrily at the other party's rude behavior.

Originally, considering that we were all human beings, he wanted to communicate with the other party well. If Brother Chen was willing, he might be able to recruit him. However, without saying a word, these people came up and pointed their weapons at him. them.

If I hadn't had a good temper, I would have had to fight with them.

The person who asked the question first wanted to say something, but was stopped by a voice from behind.

"Xiao Liu, if you have something to say, please tell me."

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses who looked to be in his forties walked out of the crowd.

After these days of struggling, he looked a little embarrassed in his clothes, but judging from other aspects such as his eyes and temperament, he was obviously not an ordinary person.


The young man known as Xiao Liu immediately bowed his head respectfully after hearing the middle-aged man's voice.

"Mr. Zhang, this guy is too arrogant."

Zhang Pei did not answer his words, but looked up and down at Zhao Yu and the others.

The three of them looked young. They were probably all students who had just graduated from university. In these days when people didn't have enough to eat, they actually had a dog.


It's best to lie to students who are overflowing with love.

In the past, his company loved to recruit freshly graduated college students for internships. They would be fired for any reason when the internship period was about to end but had not yet passed. There was no need to pay too much salary or labor compensation. It is simply the perfect cheap coolie.

The only suspicious thing is that these three people are cleanly dressed and full of energy. They don't look like they need to worry about survival at all.

Looking back at himself.

Leading a team of more than a dozen people, food, drinks and other supplies were brought to him first, but he still couldn't stand the hot weather and the terrifying zombies. He spent the whole day in fear, and his body was already in pretty good shape. They all seemed to have suddenly aged ten years.

And why do these three boys in front of them look completely unfazed?

This doubt was easily solved after Zhang Pei saw the bag in the hands of Zhao Yu and others.

Thinking about it, there must be a lot of good things hidden in this villa area, which allowed them to persist until now. Combined with Zhao Yu's performance, Zhang Pei became more and more sure of his conjecture.

"Little brothers, are you the aborigines of the community?" Zhang Pei asked with a smile.

Zhao Yu didn't understand why he suddenly asked so, and just answered truthfully: "No."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Pei became even more satisfied.

Since he is not a native of this villa area, he came from other places. There happens to be a well-known university not far from here. Maybe he is a student there, and it will definitely be easier to fool him.

"That's just right." Zhang Pei said with a smile, "I plan to take the team to settle here. Are you interested in joining my team? Of course, there are conditions for joining. First, you must absolutely obey my orders, and you All materials in hand must be handed over and distributed by me.”

Zhang Pei had a confident smile on his face.

He was confident that the three young people in front of him would definitely accept his invitation with gratitude.

After all, if ordinary people want to survive in the cruel apocalypse, they can only follow capable leaders like him, otherwise they will be the first to be eliminated when life becomes increasingly difficult in the later period.

But what Zhang Pei didn't expect was that after listening to his words, Zhao Yu and others, instead of showing expressions of gratitude, looked at him with expressions that were hard to explain.

It's like looking at a fool.

The smile on Zhang Pei's face almost broke.

"Do you think the request is too much?" Zhang Pei persuaded in a superior style, "Everything I do is to make everyone live better. I think you should also be aware of the current world. The temperature When supplies are scarce, we can only live longer if we work together!”

Zhang Pei's tone was impassioned.

The people behind him were all affected by his tone, and they all nodded in agreement. Some even took this opportunity to express their loyalty and determined to follow Zhang Pei to the death.

And Zhao Yu and the others still had that indescribable expression.

Subway, old man, mobile phone.

Three walking emoticons.

Even Lan Ya's dog face showed an unspeakable meaning.

"We will not join you." Zhao Yu said bluntly.

Zhang Pei wanted to say something else after hearing this, but was interrupted by Zhao Yu before he opened his mouth.

"This villa area has been occupied. While it's still light now, you should quickly find other places to stay. You are not welcome here!"

If Zhao Yu had thought about introducing this group of people to Song Chen before, but after seeing Zhang Pei's self-righteous confusing speech, he just wanted to drive these people away quickly, so as not to pollute Brother Chen's eyes later.

Seeing that the bluffing tactics failed, Zhang Pei, who was originally smiling, suddenly changed his face.

"Occupied? Ha! Just because of you three stinky boys who haven't even grown all their hair?"

Zhang Pei's patience was completely exhausted, and his true face was exposed.

"While I'm still in a good mood, I advise you to hand in the collected materials quickly. I might take pity on you and recruit you into the team as laborers. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

After the words fell, the people behind Zhang Pei took two steps forward and stared at Zhao Yu and the other two.

Zhao Yu instantly became alert, but he was not scared at all.

What a joke!

Didn't you see who was standing next to them?

The dog raised by Brother Chen!

With Lan Ya guarding them, why should they be afraid of these guys in front of them?

Even if there are more people, what can they do? They can't withstand a slap from my dog ​​master!

Just when the atmosphere was a little tense, Song Chen's lazy voice came from not far away.

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