The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 46: All for the sake of being prepared

At the beginning of the apocalypse, hot weapons are in power.

Even Song Chen, whose supernatural power level has been upgraded to level three, must be cautious when facing ordinary people with hot weapons, let alone the twenty official elite team members.

If we meet head-on, isn't that just looking for death?

Although it is unlikely that the two parties will have to fight to the death after the encounter, if they are discovered, they will inevitably be targeted by the authorities.

Song Chen didn't want to be exposed too early, let alone attract official attention.

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The most urgent thing is to improve your strength first.


The White Tiger Team and others are equipped with well-equipped equipment, and all of them are agile and have extraordinary combat power. They will definitely be able to kill a large number of zombies.

If you think about it ideally, you might be able to kill all the zombies in the entire shopping mall.

When Song Chen and others enter the commercial building again, won't they be able to enjoy the benefits?

Anyway, with the loading capacity of those transport trucks, it is impossible to transport all the supplies in the commercial building. In the end, the bulk will be left to themselves, and the transported supplies can also alleviate the urgent needs of the temporary stronghold.

This method can be said to be the best of both worlds.

But waiting was just waiting, so Song Chen thought of taking the others to the nearby commercial street for a walk, maybe they could find some unexpected gains.

The entrance to the commercial street is not far away, right next to the side entrance of the commercial building.

Song Chen led everyone to bypass the official personnel left to guard the vehicles and successfully entered the commercial street.

There are various types of shops on both sides of the street, and their variety and quantity are not as large as those inside shopping malls.

I don't know if it is related to the commotion caused by the official team at the main entrance. There are very few zombies near the commercial street. There are only a dozen of them wandering around. Cheng Siyuan and Lan Ya didn't even need Song Chen to speak. Already got rid of them without any trouble.

After cleaning up the zombies on the streets, Song Chen led everyone to search the shops one by one.

First enter the nearest Golden Arches.

The zombies among them should have already run out through the broken glass doors and windows. Song Chen only found a low-level zombie in the corner of the front hall and killed it with a dagger.

The food on the table has already spoiled in the hot weather and cannot be eaten anymore.

Song Chen didn't even look at it and went straight to the kitchen.

Easily deal with the zombies trapped in the back kitchen and open the freezer.

Due to the power outage, the freezer lost its function of preservation and cold storage, and the meat and other semi-finished products had rotted. Song Chen could only put some well-preserved rice and noodles into the space.

Only a few rice noodles were found in such a large golden arch door. Song Chen couldn't help but feel a little pity, but he didn't take it too seriously.

I just wonder if Ji Lu can make pizza?

Speaking of which, I haven't eaten it for a long time. I usually don't think much about it, but now when I look at the Golden Arches sign, I suddenly feel like eating it.

After searching the Golden Arches, Song Chen visited several nearby restaurants.

It's a pity that most of the things in it have rotted and deteriorated. Song Chen only selected a small part of the storage space that could be seen. The time wasted was not proportional to the profit, so he simply gave up searching the hotel and hoarded it in his space anyway. The food is enough, no less than this.

Turn around and walk into a pharmacy.

Song Chen collected all the intact medicines into the space.

Nowadays, medicines are the most important supplies after food and water.

The number of healing power users is rare, and most of them are recruited by large bases to be responsible for the personal health of base executives. Ordinary power users are not eligible for treatment, let alone ordinary people who don't even have powers.

A fever or cold that is originally inconspicuous can take away a life. Hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral drugs are even more precious and can even be called life-saving drugs at certain times.

So as long as he passed by the pharmacy, Song Chen would never leave empty-handed.

Just as he was about to move forward, Ji Lu, who had been following Song Chen, suddenly reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Song Chen looked at her in confusion.

"No, it's nothing." Ji Lu's cheeks were slightly red. He didn't know why his expression looked a little guilty, and he didn't dare to look directly into Song Chen's eyes. "Have you collected all the medicine that can be used? Let's go to the next store to have a look. "

Song Chen raised his eyebrows in confusion.

Lan Ya was guarding the door. Ji Yumo and Cheng Siyuan were on separate sides and were on guard and searching for supplies. Only Ji Lu was always with him because he had the weakest combat power.

Did you discover something?

But there's something wrong with Ji Lu's reaction. Why does he look a little shy?

Suddenly thinking of something, Song Chen turned his head and looked in the direction he was going, with a knowing smile on his face.

"Wait a minute, there is another type that needs to be confiscated."


He raised his hand to put the rows of family planning supplies on the shelves in front of him into the space, and then looked at Ji Lu without changing his expression.

"Now that we've collected it, let's go."

At this time, Ji Lu's face was red, like a completely ripe red apple, which looked extremely tempting and delicious. His big watery eyes looked left and right, but he didn't dare to look at Song Chen.

She didn't dare to ask Song Chen why he collected these things, and she believed that Song Chen must have his own reasons for doing things.

Just what can this kind of thing do?

Maybe use it to blow up balloons?

The ultra-thin balloon should have good elasticity...

When Song Chen and Ji Lu met up with the others, Ji Yumo saw that his sister looked like a cooked shrimp, and her whole body turned pink from head to toe. He couldn't help but look at Song Chen with doubt.

Feeling Ji Yumo's gaze, Song Chen touched his nose with a little guilt.


Family planning products are also necessary medicines. He did this just to be prepared.

Cooked shrimp Ji Lu suddenly spoke at this time, pointing to a women's clothing store not far away, "Brother Chen, let's go there and search around, okay?"

When they left home, the sisters didn't expect the temperature to rise so high. The clothes they brought were a bit thick for the current temperature, and Song Chen didn't stock up on women's clothing at all, resulting in the two of them still wearing long clothes and long pants in a day of more than 40 degrees. It was time to change some new clothes.

"Let's go!"

With Song Chen's consent, the sisters rushed into the women's clothing store to clean up the zombies.

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