The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 42: Seeking Fortune and Honor in Danger

After the White Tiger team led the other survivors away, the entire community fell into complete silence.

This is exactly what Song Chen expected.

Only when all the survivors in the community left, he could start the construction plan of the base.

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Song Chen did a survey before buying the villa. The area of ​​this community is about 30,000 square meters, which is a little more than four football fields. It is enough to be used as a small base in the early stage.

If the area needs to be expanded later, both the garden square on the side and the small forest behind can be used.

What needs to be done now is to build the outer wall of the base first.

And Ji Yumo, who specializes in house renovation, came in handy.

Song Chen took out all the sand, cement and other materials that had been stored in the space in advance, and asked Ji Yumo to design a new wall based on the community wall.

They are now seriously short of staff, and they can't build it even if they want to, so they can only make a design drawing first.

It is convenient to wait until new people are recruited in the future, and then the plan of building a wall can be directly carried out.

In addition, Song Chen also needs to consider the planning and distribution of the base.

After all, it is not just a matter of building an outer wall. Even if the base is built, it is also necessary to consider various issues such as residential distribution, personnel management and future development. The end of the world will not end in a short time, and he must plan for the future in advance.

Resource regeneration is the top priority. You can't really rely on the supplies in his space.

Even if he hoards a lot, there will always be a day when he will run out of food and drink. Will he live on the northwest wind at that time?

And the most important thing in resource regeneration should be the planting plan.

As a native Chinese, farming is deeply engraved in Song Chen's DNA. The base has been built. If he doesn't prepare a farming plan, he always feels that something is missing.

It's a pity that the current land and water resources are seriously polluted. Although Song Chen's space has also hoarded a large number of seeds and arable soil, it is not as fertile and vast as the black soil. It is necessary to find a way to purify the land.

But he didn't know anything about this, and Cheng Siyuan and others were not much different from him. If he really wanted to purify the land, he had to recruit some professionals in this area.


Song Chen rubbed his head with a headache.

Although he had prepared for the problems brought by the establishment of the base in advance, he still felt a little tricky when he actually faced it.

You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Rely on the resources in the space first, and develop the rest slowly.

After initially planning the initial content of the base, Song Chen counted the zombie crystal cores in the space. He could barely make up the quota for tonight, but there was no place for tomorrow.

Improving the level of superpowers is the highest priority. Even if you stutter less, you can't lack zombie crystal cores, so Song Chen decided to set out to collect crystal cores tomorrow morning.

But the question is where to go?

Song Chen thought seriously.

The current global situation is still a mess. The domestic response should be the fastest, but it is only a temporary delay in symptoms. The real problem has not been solved, and various cities are still in chaos.

The North City is no exception.

Although they responded to the command from above to establish a temporary base, they were not well prepared and would soon fall into the predicament of lack of supplies and had to go out to find supplies.

There is a large shopping mall in the northern suburbs.

That shopping mall covers various fields and industries. In addition to the most scarce food, it also includes clothing, tools and even medicines.

But sufficient supplies also mean danger.

Although it is not as prosperous as the most prosperous commercial district in the city center, the population density there is enough to stop ordinary teams. Even if Song Chen goes there now, he dare not guarantee that he can come out intact, not to mention Cheng Siyuan and others who are still at the second level.

But if they don't go, the supplies there will soon be taken away by the official troops.

Now is the early stage of the apocalypse. Many zombies can't withstand the attack of hot weapons at all, and the official troops with many hot weapons have an absolute advantage. In the previous life, the temporary base sent three teams to the shopping mall to search for supplies, and finally harvested a lot.

There are many supplies that can't be loaded, and they can only watch them rot and deteriorate.

What a waste!

For someone like Song Chen who doesn't want to leave even a grain of rice when eating, this is simply a kind of mental torture.

After weighing the pros and cons, Song Chen finally decided to go.

The official has the advantage of using hot weapons, but don't forget that he also has them!

Judging from the current search situation, he may have more hot weapons than the official!

At that time, everyone will be equipped with a light machine gun, and Lan Ya will carry a flamethrower on his body. He doesn't believe that he can't sweep a commercial building?

After this trip, will there be supplies and crystal cores soon?

Fortune is sought in danger.

Let's do it!

Song Chen told everyone about this slightly risky decision and asked them to prepare in advance.

Fortunately, Song Chen started training the Ji sisters to use firearms when they joined, so after hearing this decision, he didn't seem to panic, but just agreed seriously and started to sharpen his gun before the battle.

As for Cheng Siyuan.

When this guy heard that he could finally have a light machine gun, he was so excited that he danced with joy, as if he was a primary school student who was about to go out and was full of expectations for the action on the second day.

Not to mention Lan Ya.

Even if Song Chen asked it to go out to collect supplies, it would go out without hesitation.

Who made it a loyal dog~

The community is located in the south of the North City, and the shopping mall is in the north. They almost have to cross half of the North City to reach the shopping mall.

Considering the zombies and other uncontrollable external factors on the road, Song Chen and others set out in the early morning when it was just dawn, driving a heavy truck to the shopping mall in the northern suburbs.

The zombies around the community had been cleared away long ago. At first, there was no obstacle at all, but after leaving the neighborhood, zombies roaming around slowly began to appear around.

Song Chen didn't take the scattered zombies seriously at all, and drove the heavy truck directly over them.

But rushing around in the city started to fail.

For safety and speed considerations, Song Chen selected several routes. Once he found that there was an obstacle on the road ahead, he turned around and took other small roads. After walking for half a day, it was relatively smooth.

At noon, Song Chen and others ate the lunch prepared by Ji Lu in the car.

Since Ji Lu joined the team, Song Chen no longer cares about the self-heating hot pot that he once loved. Freshly cooked food is more delicious.

After lunch, everyone continued on the road.

Until passing an intersection, Song Chen saw an off-road vehicle rushing towards them from the side.

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