The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 4 It’s actually not bad to have a dog

The warehouse where the transaction was conducted was very remote, and it was a good place to kill and rob.

After getting off the car, Song Chen looked around for two circles, and walked towards the warehouse after finding no other abnormalities.

As soon as he entered the warehouse, the door behind him was closed.

"Hey! This guy really dares to come!"

A man in a black vest jumped down from the shelf and looked up and down at Song Chen.

Song Chen glanced at him lightly, and then turned his head to look at the entire warehouse.

The other party didn't seem to take him seriously at all. There were only three people in the huge warehouse, and one of them was a man wearing a leather jacket and leather pants sitting inside. Song Chen saw at a glance that he should be the boss of the three people, Parker.

"Where is the thing I want?"

Song Chen looked straight at him, and didn't even give a glance to the man in the vest beside him.

Unexpectedly, this weak man from the East dared to ignore him. The man in the vest was immediately angry and raised his fist to wave at Song Chen.

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As the boss, Parker had no intention of stopping it. It seemed that he was determined to give Song Chen a head start.

Seeing that the fist was about to fall, Song Chen was about to fight back, but suddenly there was a sound of glass breaking behind him, and then a black shadow suddenly rushed towards the man in the vest.

"Isn't this the mixed-blood husky from before?"

Song Chen looked surprised.

Why did this guy suddenly appear?

"Fuck! Where did this stray dog ​​come from?"

Stray dogs that have been surviving outside for many years are naturally more ferocious than domestic dogs, especially large dogs like huskies. The man in the vest who was thrown to the ground couldn't turn over for a while and could only struggle under the attack of the dog.

The other person got up quickly when he saw this, and Parker took out his weapon and aimed it at the dog.

Song Chen's heart skipped a beat and he shouted.

"Get out of the way!"

Hearing Song Chen's shout, the dog immediately let go of the man in the vest, quickly retreated to Song Chen, hunched over and grinned at the three people opposite, looking like a protector.

Seeing it like this, Song Chen felt mixed emotions.

After struggling for many years in the apocalypse, he had met many people of all kinds.

But no matter how kind a person is, under the long-term destruction of a desperate environment, they will more or less expose their sinister side and eventually completely abandon their kind self.

And he just threw a piece of unimportant meat to it, but it was able to protect it with its life.

This reminded Song Chen of a sentence.

Dogs don't have as many little thoughts as humans. They only know who is good to them, and they will be good to that person without reservation.

In fact, it's not bad to have a dog.

"It's dangerous here, go hide to the side first."

Song Chen raised his hand and patted the dog's head, pushed it to the back without saying anything, and then looked up at the three people opposite.

At this time, the man in the vest had already climbed up from the ground, staring at the dog behind Song Chen who was still grinning at them, exuding a vicious aura.

"Damn wild dog, I'm going to make it into dog meat soup!"

Pike next to him stared at Song Chen and asked in an unpleasant hoarse voice.

"Did you bring this dog?"

Song Chen did not answer his question, but asked again: "Where is the thing I want?"

Pike laughed at the words, turned around and took out an AK from the big box behind him, pointing the gun at Song Chen.

"As a businessman who keeps his promises, I naturally brought the things, but the price must be tripled on the original basis."

Although the words were not said explicitly, the muzzle of the gun pointed at Song Chen had already made the meaning very clear.

Money and life, you can only choose one.

At this critical moment of life and death, Song Chen, the prey, smiled.

"I can afford to triple the price, but what can I do? I don't like you and don't want to give you a penny."

Song Chen's arrogant expression and tone stunned the three people on the opposite side.

They had never thought that Song Chen would dare to speak wildly when he was about to die. Pike immediately sent two people around him to teach Song Chen a lesson.

"Don't even think about walking out of here alive if you don't pay!"

The man in the vest took the brunt of the attack and obviously wanted to vent his anger on the dog on Song Chen.

Facing the attack of the man in the vest, Song Chen was not afraid, but looked disdainful.

Are you kidding!

He has survived in the apocalypse for many years and has seen all kinds of death scenes. It's just that he is a little bigger. His bare hands are not a threat to him at all.

Then Song Chen told them with practical actions that they should not mess with the guy from the East.

With a whip kick, the man in the vest was kicked out, and he hit the iron railing hard and lost consciousness. At the same time, with an uppercut, he almost knocked out the rest of the man's overnight meal.

Before Pike could recover from the shock of his brother being knocked out by a single blow, Song Chen had already rushed in front of him, and without saying a word, he took out a dagger from the space and cut his throat.

This guy was holding something in his hand, and Song Chen didn't dare to give him a chance to react. In such a life-and-death situation, hesitating for a second longer might kill himself.

"Huh... Huh..."

With his throat cut, Pike couldn't make a sound at all, and he fell to the ground and died, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

After dealing with Pike, Song Chen also gave the man in the vest a good blow.

The last remaining man was stunned by this turn of events. Seeing Song Chen approaching with a dagger, he knelt down in horror and begged for mercy.

"Don't kill me! Please don't kill me!"

"Don't be afraid." Song Chen smiled, "Speaking of which, I would like to thank you all a lot. If you didn't have any bad intentions, I would be really embarrassed to take so many things for nothing."

"Things? Take them! Take them all..."

Before the man finished speaking, he was sent away by Song Chen.

"I'm sorry, I'm a timid person and I'm afraid of retaliation, so you'd better die."

Song Chen was worried that the long delay would cause other troubles, so he did not open the box carefully and check it. He put all the weapon boxes into the space and left quickly.

I also didn’t forget to bring my dog ​​with me.

After returning to the city, the first thing Song Chen did was to take the dog to the pet hospital for a one-stop service of bathing and physical examination. It took nearly two hours to get everything done.

Looking at the freshly cooked dog, Song Chen realized that this guy was not an ordinary mixed-race, but a combination of German Shepherd and Husky. It was because he was too dirty before that he didn't notice it at all.

All indicators in the physical examination report are normal. This guy is so healthy that he doesn't even look like a stray dog.

However, this also made Song Chen feel at ease.

I just don’t know whether it is the German Shepherd or the Erha that occupies the IQ high ground in this De-Ha combination?

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