The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 34 A home cannot be without a cook!

After each of them cleaned up, Song Chen couldn't wait to take out the ingredients and put them in front of the two sisters of the Ji family.

"Does anyone of you know how to cook?"

Facing Song Chen's expectant eyes, Ji Yumo turned his head away guiltily.

"I... I can't."

Hearing this, Song Chen's bright eyes dimmed.

No way?

He just wanted to eat spicy and sour potato shreds, is it so difficult!

"But my sister can!" Ji Yumo pointed at Ji Lu beside him.

Song Chen glanced at her speechlessly.

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Sister, let's finish what we have to say in one breath, don't breathe heavily, okay?

"Then can you fry spicy and sour potato shreds?" Song Chen looked at Ji Lu tentatively.

I didn't expect that Song Chen, who killed people without blinking, would show such a cautious expression for a bowl of spicy and sour potato shreds. Ji Lu couldn't help laughing, and the fear of Song Chen in his heart was also dispelled a lot.

"I can!" Ji Lu nodded with a smile and rolled up his sleeves, "What else do you want to eat? Tell me and I'll make it for you!"


Hearing this, not to mention Song Chen, even Cheng Siyuan and Lan Ya were instantly alert.

Cheng Siyuan immediately reported the name of the dish he wanted to eat, and Lan Ya jumped in front of the ingredients and barked.

Just like Song Chen wanted to eat hot and sour potato shreds, the two of them also chose vegetarian dishes.


Eating braised pork ribs and braised pork every day will also make you sick, okay?

Not long after, bursts of fragrance began to waft out of the kitchen, and the three people and the dog couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

About an hour later, Ji Lu had prepared eight dishes.

Song Chen and Cheng Siyuan had eaten a lot of fish and meat in the past four days. Although they would be a little excited when they saw the dishes they wanted to eat, they would never embarrass themselves.

But the two sisters of the Ji family were different.

Ji Lu barely survived by eating packaged snacks, and she had to endure eating when cooking.

Ji Yumo was even more miserable.

Trapped in the pantry, he could only rely on candy and desserts to replenish the sugar needed by his body. He almost forgot what the food tasted like. Now facing this big table of food, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Song Chen smiled.

"Don't look at it, just pick up your chopsticks and start eating!"

Picking up a mouthful of shredded potatoes, the sour and spicy taste instantly filled his mouth, and Song Chen suddenly felt that his life seemed to be complete.

Sure enough, a family can't be without a chef!

Cheng Siyuan praised Ji Lu's cooking skills again and again, and even Lan Ya was so happy that she wagged her tail.

Facing the praise, Ji Yumo was proud.

She was not bragging. In her heart, Ji Lu's cooking skills were even better than those of some hotel chefs.

Ji Lu smiled shyly. Because it was the first time they met, she was a little restrained and just lowered her head to eat the food in small bites.

All eight dishes were eaten up. Song Chen leaned on the sofa and laid down like Ge You, rubbing his stomach comfortably, and sighed that this meal was really comfortable.

Ji Yumo and his sister cleaned the table and washed the dishes very consciously.

After cleaning up these, the sisters still couldn't sit still, always wanting to find something to do, so they started mopping the floor and cleaning the villa.

Looking at the busy backs of the two, Song Chen felt happy in his heart, and he would never have to do tedious and boring housework again.

Especially Ji Lu, who gave him a big surprise.

Not only is she serious and efficient at work, but the most important thing is that her cooking is really delicious.

Originally, I wanted to treat her as a parasite, but now it seems that I have picked up a treasure!

However, recruiting Ji Yumo into the team is not just for cleaning the villa. Song Chen stopped the work of the two sisters and called everyone and Lan Ya to the living room.

"Everyone sit down first, let's discuss what to do next."

Seeing Song Chen's serious expression, Cheng Siyuan and others couldn't help but sit up straight.

To be honest, the apocalypse came suddenly, and everyone was very confused. Even Cheng Siyuan didn't know what to do next. After all, if Song Chen hadn't taken him in in advance, he might have died in the mouth of a zombie.

In the face of a world-class disaster like the apocalypse, humans seem very small, and even struggling seems very ridiculous.

Especially the two sisters Ji Yumo felt more deeply.

They both witnessed the tragic situation on the day of the apocalypse, and personally experienced how difficult it was to survive afterwards. If they hadn't met Song Chen, they didn't know how to survive in the days to come.

Seeing that the three people fell into thinking and were a little depressed, Song Chen knocked on the coffee table to draw their attention back.

"Since none of you have any ideas, I'll make a suggestion."

"You can see the current situation clearly. Most humans have become zombies for some unknown reason, and ordinary people will be infected and mutated into new zombies after being bitten by zombies. If things go as expected, the number of zombies will only increase, while the number of humans will decrease."

Cheng Siyuan and others thought about it and felt that it seemed to be the case.

Humans are infected and become zombies. If you increase and I decrease, won't the number gap become larger and larger?

Song Chen saw that the three people had figured it out, and then continued:

"The situation of hiding at home and waiting for rescue like now will not last too long. After all, humans are social creatures. Even if they are seeking protection from the strong, they will definitely stick together. It is a general trend to build a team and a survival base centered on the strong."

"So I suggest that while others haven't reacted yet and take action, we should create our own team and then slowly expand it into a base."

Hearing that Song Chen wanted to build his own team and base, Cheng Siyuan naturally did not refute.

No matter what Song Chen wanted to do, he would just follow behind and help execute it.

But Ji Yumo, who had just joined the team, raised questions.

"If we want to build a base, there will be many problems involved. Whether it is personnel management or resource allocation, there may be disputes. How are we going to solve these problems at that time?"

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