The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 21: Something must be wrong when things are out of the ordinary

The sun was shining brightly.

The temperature rose more rapidly than Song Chen had imagined. The sun above his head was like a big grill, scorching all creatures walking outside.

This was only the third day of the apocalypse.

In Song Chen's impression, the temperature should not have risen at this time in his previous life. He didn't know if it was because of his rebirth that some things had changed.

Cheng Siyuan was born afraid of heat, and such weather was simply torture for him.


Not to mention Lan Ya, he wanted to shave off all the hair on his body.

In order to make them feel better, the first thing Song Chen did after getting in the car was to turn on the air conditioner until the temperature in the car dropped, and then drove towards the wholesale market.

Due to the weather, there were fewer survivors outside, and almost all of them hid in their rooms and refused to go out.

But they didn't know that this period would be their last chance to save themselves.

When the hot weather ended, most of the food stored in the granaries had rotted and deteriorated, and the supplies would become more precious and rare.

If they don't seize the opportunity to find hope for survival, there is only one way to die waiting for them.

However, Song Chen didn't have the time to tell them what would happen in the future.

In his opinion, those who didn't have the courage to go out and find hope even in the early days of the apocalypse should die as soon as possible.

They arrived at the entrance of the wholesale market smoothly. All the zombies encountered on the way were ignored by Song Chen. He just crushed them roughly. Those that he couldn't crush were handed over to Cheng Siyuan and Lan Ya to practice. It can be said that there was no obstruction along the way.

"This is my first time to come to the wholesale market here. I didn't expect it to be so large. There should be a lot of things in it!"

Cheng Siyuan looked around curiously.

The scale of the wholesale market was much larger than he imagined. It was as large as five or six football fields. There were dozens of shops in sight alone, not to mention the invisible warehouses for storing goods in the back.

If all the supplies here could be taken away, they could completely lie down in the apocalypse.

But unlike Cheng Siyuan's optimism and excitement, Song Chen's face was solemn, and his eyes were fixed on the entrance of the wholesale market.

Something is wrong!

It was too quiet around.

There was an unusually pungent stench in the air, and pools of blackened blood solidified on the ground. All signs indicated that something extremely horrible had happened here.

But except for the occasional growls from the zombies wandering not far away, Song Chen did not hear any sound.

When the apocalypse broke out, it was impossible that there was not even one person in this huge wholesale market.

But now, let alone survivors, there was not even a zombie in it.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

Song Chen's nerves immediately tensed up.

"The situation here is not right. Don't rush to collect supplies inside. Check the situation outside."

Seeing Song Chen's serious expression, Cheng Siyuan nodded solemnly, and then jumped off the heavy truck.

Logically speaking, Lan Ya's keen sense of smell should make it easy to identify the situation in the wholesale market, but the fishy smell in the air was too strong, which made its head buzz and its eyes black.

Seeing this, Song Chen kindly used a nose plug to help it block its nose, and it felt better.

Separated from Cheng Siyuan, Song Chen groped towards the right side of the wholesale market.

The more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong.

The chickens, ducks and geese kept in front of the shops in the wholesale market were all dead without exception. Song Chen went forward to check and found that they were covered with bite marks, as if they had been bitten by some kind of beast.

There are other things in the wholesale market!

Cats or dogs?

There will definitely be no other beasts in the North City. Only mutant creatures such as cats and dogs can cause such bite marks.

But no matter which one it is, it is not good news for Song Chen and others at this moment.

The reaction and movement of cats and dogs are originally more agile than humans. If they mutate now, their actions will become faster. Even if he holds a hot weapon in his hand, it will be useless if he can't hit them.

On the contrary.

As long as they are injured by zombie creatures, they are likely to mutate into zombies.

Without any hesitation, Song Chen decisively turned around and prepared to call Cheng Siyuan and Lan Ya to retreat.

Although it was a pity that this batch of supplies could not be collected, it was more important to save lives.

Especially Cheng Siyuan, he couldn't take the risk of his buddy's life.


As soon as he turned around, a low roar came from behind him, and Song Chen's face changed drastically.

It's a mutant dog!

He ran towards Cheng Siyuan without hesitation, pulling him away while Song Chen called Lan Ya to evacuate as quickly as possible.

He was not sure how many mutant dogs there were. If there were only two or three, maybe he could deal with it.

But if there were more than ten, they would all have to die here today.

Although Song Chen made a decision very quickly, the mutant dog was faster than he thought.

Before the two of them ran a hundred meters, the mutant dog behind them had caught up and took the lead in attacking Cheng Siyuan, who was slightly behind.

Seeing this, Song Chen immediately turned around, took out two pistols from the space and fired two shots at the mutant dog that was rushing in front.

Although the mutant dog reacted quickly, Song Chen's speed was not slow either. At a very close distance, two bullets accurately hit the mutant dog's body, and the strong impact force pushed them back.

Cheng Siyuan, who survived the catastrophe, was full of fear.

The fangs of the mutant dogs were only a few centimeters away from him, and he could even smell the strong stench from their mouths.

"Don't be dazed!"

Song Chen took out two more guns from the space and threw them to Cheng Siyuan.

Just as he was repelling the two mutant dogs, five more came after him.

It was obviously too late to run at this time, and they could only fight and think of ways to retreat.

"These mutant dogs are very fast, and they may be knocked down if they lose their concentration. Be alert and be extra careful!" Song Chen urged again.

Cheng Siyuan nodded seriously and raised his hand to take the pistol.

This was his first encounter with mutant creatures.

Although he could easily kill zombies under Song Chen's deliberate training in the past two days, and he was more proficient in using superpowers and firearms, these mutant dogs were obviously stronger than the zombies he had encountered before, and they were not at the same level in terms of attack power and speed.

He had to be fully prepared to fight, as he didn't want to be a burden to Song Chen.

"Woof woof!"

Seeing that Song Chen and Cheng Siyuan were left behind, Lan Ya, who had already run far away, turned back and barked at the mutant dog.

It seemed that he wanted to attract the mutant dog's attention to himself and buy time for Song Chen and Cheng Siyuan to escape.

But the mutant dog on the opposite side was obviously not fooled.

Compared with a dog, humans are obviously more attractive to them.

Song Chen also understood this, and he didn't dare to relax his hand holding the gun for a moment.

The current situation is very serious.

The entire wholesale market has obviously become the territory of this group of mutant dogs. They were hiding in the dark and smelled the scent of Song Chen and others, and ran out one after another.


This number is difficult for them to deal with, and the situation that Song Chen is most worried about has finally appeared.

In the shadow inside, a huge mutant dog with shiny black fur slowly walked out.


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