The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 16 Why is there such a big gap between people?

Song Chen drove the heavy truck along the road, Cheng Siyuan sat in the co-pilot, and Lan Ya followed behind the heavy truck to pick up zombie crystals.

This road was the harvest road he carefully selected and confirmed.

There were relatively few people passing by this road on weekdays. Even if zombies from other places would wander here after the outbreak of the apocalypse, there would not be a large-scale zombie group. The destructive power of the heavy truck could completely ignore and crush them.

Lan Ya, who was blessed with wind power, was extremely fast. While picking up crystals, he could catch up with the speed of the heavy truck.

It was so wonderful.

Lan Ya: I didn't expect that in terms of being a dog, sometimes it would have to admit defeat.

Song Chen didn't know that he relied on his unique personality charm to make Lan Ya admire him very much. He was driving the heavy truck through the streets and alleys with ease.

As early as when he was just reborn, he had already figured out all the streets and alleys in the entire North City. Now he can even be compared to a certain German map.

And this time the destination is a small granary on the south side of North City.

Although the supplies stored in the space are enough for him and Cheng Siyuan to eat for several lifetimes, who would complain about too many supplies?

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

Rather than letting the food in the granary rot and spoil, it is better for him to collect it.

As for the reason for choosing this small granary, it is naturally because the location is remote and not far from the villa. It can collect zombie crystals well without encountering large zombie groups. All risks are within controllable range.

Turning the steering wheel and turning a corner, after driving forward for dozens of meters, Song Chen frowned and stepped on the brakes.

The originally spacious road was blocked by a large transport truck. There was only space left on the side that could accommodate one car, but it was also blocked by the out-of-control car.

There is only one road nearby that can lead to the small granary. The rest are either too far away or densely populated and dangerous.

Obviously, changing the route is not feasible, so we can only find a way to move the out-of-control car behind.

However, because the road was blocked, the zombies around could not go anywhere else and could only wander around here. Song Chen took a rough look and found that there were at least 30 zombies.

There was no other way but to get rid of them all first.

After briefly explaining the situation to Cheng Siyuan, Song Chen patiently said, "Be careful later. These are the lowest-level zombies. You can practice with them, but you must protect yourself first."


Cheng Siyuan nodded seriously, and then jumped off the heavy truck with Song Chen.

Lan Ya, who was following behind, had already been waiting by the car and ready for battle, waiting for Song Chen's order to rush up and kill.

But before Song Chen gave the order, the zombies who sensed the breath of the living had already rushed up like hungry dogs.

The low roar of the beast came from all directions.

Some zombies were running wildly with bloody intestines, while others were completely unrecognizable, and even their eyeballs had flown away. However, they could still accurately find the location of Song Chen and others by following the smell.

Such a shocking scene was much bloodier than in the movie.

Cheng Siyuan's right hand holding the dagger trembled unconsciously.

Although he had done psychological preparation thousands of times, when he really faced these monsters that were once humans, he was still a little scared.

On the other hand, Lan Ya's adaptability was much higher than Cheng Siyuan's, which might also be related to the training program that Song Chen sent it to pick up crystals. It could already accurately tear the zombies' skulls with its claws.

As for Song Chen.

These zombies were treasures more precious than gold in his eyes!

The number of zombie crystals in his hand was not enough before, which resulted in him not being able to eat enough last night. This time he had to stock up more.

Holding the dagger in his right hand and the gun in his left hand, Song Chen plunged into the rushing zombies without hesitation.

A sharp cold light flashed.

The head of the zombie closest to Song Chen was split in two, and red and white liquid splashed out, but Song Chen dodged it nimbly. Then two gunshots rang out, hitting the eyebrows of two zombies not far away.

But in the blink of an eye, Song Chen had killed three zombies cleanly and neatly, and there was not even a drop of blood on the corner of his clothes.

Cheng Siyuan, who was behind him, was completely stunned.

Did Brother Chen secretly train without his knowledge?

When did he become so good?

Turning back to look at Lan Ya, he had turned into a hurricane and shuttled around the zombies. All the zombies fell to the ground wherever he passed.

No way?

It turned out that he was the worst person here? !

Forget about Brother Chen, after all, he has never won since they met, but he can't be beaten by a dog again and again!

The strong desire to win over the fear, Cheng Siyuan's eyes became firm, and he aimed at the zombies that pounced on him and stabbed them with a backhand knife.

The first time he attacked, he failed to grasp the position and strength, and the dagger was inserted into the right eye socket of the zombie, which was not enough to kill it. Instead, the dagger was stuck in the eye socket, and Cheng Siyuan was forced to step back two steps.

But he was not discouraged. He kicked the zombie with his foot, used the force to pull out the dagger, and then decisively chopped it on the head, finally killing it.


Cheng Siyuan wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Killing zombies is much more difficult than he imagined. With his current physical fitness, he can only kill seven or eight in a breath, and then he will fall into a weak state of exhaustion.

But Song Chen on the other hand.

When he finally killed this zombie with great effort, nearly ten zombies had fallen around Song Chen.


Why is there such a big difference between people?

After easily getting rid of all the zombies, Song Chen picked out their crystals with a short knife and taught Cheng Siyuan by the way.

At this time, Cheng Siyuan's acceptance ability had obviously improved significantly. After Song Chen demonstrated it once, he could help the zombies mix their brains and pick out the crystals inside without changing his expression.

Seeing this, Song Chen showed a relieved expression.

In this battle, Cheng Siyuan killed four zombies by himself. As a novice who just came into contact with the battle, this number is already good.

After gradually adapting, both the killing speed and the number will gradually increase.

After collecting the crystals, Song Chen walked to the car on the side of the road.

There was no one in the car, but the key was still in the car. It was obvious that the owner suddenly turned into a zombie while driving, and then he ran away. Maybe one of the dozens of zombies they just killed was the owner.

Quickly moving the car away, Song Chen drove the heavy truck on the road again.

Because he had just experienced a small-scale battle, he did not let Lan Ya use his superpowers to follow behind to pick up crystals, but let it sit in the car and rest slowly. After all, he did not know what was going on in the small granary. In case of a dangerous situation, Lan Ya, who could use superpowers, could provide him with considerable help.

This time, he arrived at the door of the small granary without any surprises.

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