
Song Chen's heart tightened when he heard Zhou Yuluo's description.

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Based on his understanding of Zhou Yuluo, the things that can be called monsters are zombies, and Zhou Yuluo said that she saw a lot of monsters, which should be a group of zombies.

Zhou Yuluo hugged Song Chen's arm tightly, like a frightened kitten.

"I saw many monsters surrounding you, and my brother and sister Xiaolu were also fighting with monsters. There was fire everywhere..."

Zhou Yuluo's voice became smaller and smaller. She didn't dare to recall the scene she just saw. She was so scared that she curled up beside Song Chen, as if only being close to Song Chen could bring her more sense of security.

Song Chen asked two more tentative questions, and finally barely pieced together the content of the prophecy from her intermittent description.

The base will be surrounded by countless zombies in the future. Song Chen led other members to fight against the zombies, but was surrounded by zombies.

Although the information obtained from Zhou Yuluo was very limited, Song Chen quickly guessed a possibility.

The zombie tide of the end of the world.

In fact, based on Zhou Yuluo's prediction alone, Song Chen could not be sure whether the base was besieged by the zombie tide or they encountered the zombie group when they were out on the move, but he combined a series of events that happened around the base during this period.

A large number of zombies suddenly emerged, not only in larger numbers, but also began to travel together.

At that time, Song Chen did not take this matter seriously, but now it seems that this should be a precursor to the formation of the zombie tide.

In his memory, the zombie tide in the previous life began to appear three months after the end of the world.

At that time, he had just left the official base and began to survive alone, but he heard that a certain base was suddenly besieged by a large number of zombies.

Fortunately, the number of zombies was not too large, and the base was not too small, with enough combat power to fight against the zombie tide, so it was saved from death.

Everyone thought that the zombie tide attacking the city was a special case, but they did not expect that the bases that were besieged by the zombie tide began to increase gradually, and the number of zombies also increased accordingly.

Many bases did not have enough strength to resist the attack of the zombies and were directly destroyed.

No one survived in the base.

It was not until this time that the survivors began to pay attention to the news about the zombies.

Many small bases began to feel insecure, and the survivors left one after another and chose to join large bases.

However, there were already many survivors in large bases, but the amount of supplies was limited. There was no spare capacity to absorb more survivors, and they could only give priority to recruiting survivors with higher levels of superpowers and combat capabilities.

This also led to the death of many low-level superpowers and ordinary people.

Further accelerated the speed of human extinction.


Song Chen did not expect that the zombie tide, which was supposed to occur three months later, would appear a whole month in advance.

After the outbreak of the apocalypse, the communication equipment that could be used was relatively limited, and the flow of information became extremely difficult and slow.

It is hard to say whether it was because the accuracy of the information in the previous life was wrong, or many things had changed.

In this regard, Song Chen did not dwell too much.

Even if you think about these things, you can't figure out the reason. What's more, Zhou Yuluo's prophecy information is not enough to determine when the zombie tide will appear. All of the above may be Song Chen's speculation.

However, it is always right to take precautions before it happens.

The content of the prophecy is something that will definitely happen, and we must make corresponding preparations before things get worse.

From the picture described by Zhou Yuluo, they did not gain an advantage in the face of the zombie tide, on the contrary, they were even in a bitter battle, and they must find a way to avoid such a situation.

After thinking for a long time, Song Chen summoned all the core members outside back to the villa and explained to them the information that the zombie tide was coming.

Suddenly, all the core members were stunned when they heard that a zombie tide was about to attack the base.


It's less than two months since the outbreak of the apocalypse, and we have to face the zombie tide?

Is this progress too fast?

Song Chen knew what they were thinking, and he didn't want to believe in the zombie tide from the bottom of his heart, but this is the fact.

The real apocalypse is far more terrible than imagined.

The zombies are evolving faster and faster, and their numbers are increasing. If we don't take measures soon, the only fate waiting for humans is extinction.

Cheng Siyuan was the first to react, "Since we know that the zombie tide will definitely come, but we can't determine the specific time, then I suggest sending more patrol teams to investigate farther away from the base to ensure that we can get the news before the zombie tide arrives."

"That's what I think." Song Chen nodded, "I'll leave this matter to you to arrange. Chang Minghao and Yang Qian, you will assist Cheng Siyuan in focusing on the investigation, and the cleaning work in the high-end residential area will be put aside for the time being."

Chang Minghao and Yang Qian, who were named, nodded and agreed.

Compared with the zombie tide, the cleaning task can be done at any time, and there is no rush to finish it now.

After assigning the investigation work, Song Chen turned to look at Ji Yumo.

"We need to speed up the construction of the base's perimeter wall. We are still unsure of the exact direction the zombies will come from. We need to ensure that the zombies cannot break in within a short period of time. I am also planning to place some defensive traps around the base."

The villa area is located in a semi-suburban area, with many buildings surrounding it being green parks.

In addition to the high-end residential area that has been included in the base, the rest are the Bay Villa and two other residential areas in the distance.

Song Chen originally wanted to dig a ditch around the base to slow down the attack speed of the zombie tide, but considering that the base wall has not been built yet, he can only give up this idea temporarily and wait until there is spare manpower in the future.

However, although the ditch cannot be dug, other defensive traps can be made.

For example, ground spikes and fences that can be deployed on a large scale.

In addition, Song Chen's space also has a large amount of munitions, grenades, bombs and other gunpowder weapons.

After the level of superpowers is increased, the effect of these things begins to decrease, but they are rare practical weapons in the face of zombies, which can play a very significant role.

After all, the energy of superpowers is limited, and using superpowers too early can easily cause overdraft.

Thermal weapons can help solve these problems.

"I was also preparing to tell you about the wall." Ji Yumo said, "After this period of hard work, now only the high-end residential area has not been blocked. It is estimated that it will only take about a week to build it all."

Song Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

He didn't expect the wall to be built so quickly. He thought it would take at least a month to be completely completed.

If the wall can be built before the zombie tide arrives, the safety of the base will be more guaranteed.

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