Being surrounded by a group of people who suddenly appeared, Wang Jinlong, who originally had the advantage in numbers, was instantly in a passive state.

Song Chen took a rough look and found that the number of people surrounding them was about fifty, which was about the same as the number of survivors on Wang Jinlong's side.

However, the team members on Wang Jinlong's side were more or less injured, not to mention that Li Lin and others were standing on the opposite side, staring at them, and the situation was not optimistic.

Wang Jinlong obviously understood this and his face was very ugly.

From the flame attack on the building just now, it can be seen that the night attack on the Creation Team was obviously well prepared. Now they are trapped in the encirclement again. It is probably difficult to break out, but they are not completely without a chance of winning.

Thinking of this, Wang Jinlong glanced at Song Chen behind him with his peripheral vision.

If Song Chen can kill Li Lin, they also have a chance to turn the tables.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

There is no time for Wang Jinlong to analyze carefully, and the enemies surrounded on all sides have already launched an attack.

Zhang Chao took the lead in leading the rest of the brothers to go forward, and they had to protect Wang Jinlong at all costs.

The two groups of people immediately fought together.

Song Chen stood behind Wang Jinlong, in the protected center circle, holding down the restless Lan Ya and still watching.

The younger brothers had already left the field, and the opposite Li Lin and the players around Li Lin had not yet made a move, and he did not want to expose his cards too much.

Wang Jinlong stared at Li Lin, clenched his fists, stepped back half a step with his right foot, and then bounced up with force, rushing straight towards Li Lin like a cannonball.

Seeing this, a man next to Li Lin took a step forward to fight, but was stopped by Li Lin.


Wang Jinlong's fist hit Li Lin's arm that was used to block hard, and it made a sound like hitting iron.

Gold defense skills.

Wang Jinlong only felt that the person in front of him was not a human, but a piece of hard steel. The fist hit Li Lin without even leaving a trace.

Although this result was expected, Wang Jinlong's face couldn't help but become a little ugly after being personally confirmed.

Li Lin grinned with a smug smile, and after shooing Wang Jinlong away, he turned his head and looked at the people behind him with ease.

"You guys go down to hunt too!"


The people who were standing in place and waiting quickly dispersed and rushed into the crowd in the melee.

Screams were heard all over the place.

Hearing the screams from behind, Wang Jinlong's face became even gloomier.

Originally, the number of people on both sides was equal, and their strength was similar. At the very least, they could fight Li Lin's people to a draw, but now that the elite members around Li Lin were gone, the battle became one-sided in an instant.

If Li Lin was not dealt with as soon as possible, his people would probably be killed soon.

Wang Jinlong's eyes condensed, and the supernatural power flowed in his body, and finally gathered in his limbs.

A roar like a mad lion was heard, and Wang Jinlong rushed towards Li Lin again.

But Li Lin was completely unmoved when he saw Wang Jinlong rushing towards him. He even stood there without moving his feet.


Wang Jinlong used all his strength to punch Li Lin hard, and it still made the sound of hitting steel.

Wang Jinlong didn't know whether Li Lin was hurt or not, but he felt that his hand was quite painful.

"That's it?"

In front of the defense skills of the fourth-level gold-type psychic, Wang Jinlong's attack of the third-level power system had no effect at all.

In addition to the most obvious level difference, there was more attribute restraint.

The power system tests brute force, and the gold system just restrains brute force.

Otherwise, even if Li Lin was a fifth-level psychic, he might not dare to stand there and resist Wang Jinlong's full-strength attack.

Wang Jinlong saw that his attack was still unsuccessful, so he retreated immediately, preparing to distance himself and plan how to attack next time.

But Li Lin didn't want to give him this opportunity.

Before Wang Jinlong could push him away, Li Lin, who had been passively beaten, suddenly raised his hand, grabbed Wang Jinlong's arm decisively and quickly, and then the surface of his right hand was coated with a layer of silver metal film, and he smashed it hard towards Wang Jinlong's face.

The fierce and rapid fist caused a burst of air-breaking sound. Wang Jinlong looked at the fist that was about to fall and struggled desperately, but found that he had no way to get rid of Li Lin's grip, and could only wait desperately for the pain to come.


The imagined pain did not appear. A tall figure suddenly flashed in front of him, grabbing Li Lin's two hands.

Li Lin felt the pain in his wrist and the strength in his hand loosened.

Wang Jinlong easily broke free from Li Lin's grip and quickly retreated behind Song Chen.

"Brother Song!"

Looking at Li Lin's right hand completely covered with metal plating, Wang Jinlong suddenly felt like he had survived a disaster.

This metal plating looks like a future mecha. You don't need to know that it must be very heavy. If it really falls on his head, it will definitely bloom instantly, or at least break into eight petals.

"You again!"

Li Lin's face was gloomy.

It was this guy who discovered them when they set fire at night, and now this guy jumped out to ruin their good deeds.

Who is he?

Song Chen didn't even look at Li Lin, turned his head and said to Wang Jinlong in a deep voice: "Retreat to the back."

Wang Jinlong nodded and was about to retreat, but saw Li Lin suddenly rushing over, and immediately exclaimed.

"Brother Song, be careful!"

Li Lin was just too fast. As soon as Wang Jinlong finished speaking, Li Lin had already rushed behind Song Chen, raised his metal fist and aimed at the back of Song Chen's head, muttering something.

"How dare you ignore me! Go to hell!"

Li Lin gathered all his superpowers in his hands. Unlike the seven-point strength he used to deal with Wang Jinlong before, this time he used all his strength.

For some reason, he felt an inexplicable danger from the strange young man in front of him, so he decided to go all out and ensure that this blow would definitely make Song Chen's head explode.

But what Li Lin didn't expect was that his fist stopped at the last centimeter away from the back of Song Chen's head.

It seemed that there was an invisible barrier blocking him, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through.

"What's going on?"

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