As soon as Song Chen finished speaking, Cheng Siyuan and others behind him all stepped forward and stood directly in front of Qin Sen and Wang Jinlong.

Looking at Song Chen's tough attitude and the expressions of the people around Song Chen, Wang Jinlong always felt that something was not right.

In his impression, although Song Chen acted arrogantly, he never did anything he was unsure of. But now, facing a team of nearly fifty people behind them, he could still say such arrogant words. He must be absolutely sure.

But what did Song Chen rely on?

Wang Jinlong subconsciously looked around and suddenly noticed something.

What about zombies? !

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Why are there no zombies in this villa area?

Zombies are very sensitive to sound. So many of their survivors gathered at the entrance of the villa area and made a noise. They had been honking the horn for a long time just now. Logically speaking, the zombies should have appeared a long time ago, but why didn't he see even one?

Thinking of this, Wang Jinlong suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Having been in the circle for many years, he has long developed the ability to observe people's emotions. In his opinion, any small and trivial thing may cause huge changes, and he needs to consider carefully before making a choice.

It is precisely because of this meticulousness and sensitivity that Wang Jinlong can thrive in Beicheng.

At this time, Wang Jinlong couldn't help but swallowed when he looked at Song Chen who was facing the crisis and the other members behind Song Chen.

He said decisively: "I actually have nothing to do with Cui Sheng and the others. I don't need any supplies or anything. I came here just to catch up with you, Brother Song."

Everyone present was stunned.

Wang Jinlong's expression when he met Song Chen for the first time didn't look like he was here to reminisce about old times. Instead, he looked like he wanted to eat Song Chen.

Why did you suddenly change your face?

Wang Jinlong's younger brothers were even more incredulous, but after all, they had been with Wang Jinlong for some time, and even though they were confused, they did not ask any questions or refute in public.

On the contrary, Qin Sen and others were completely dumbfounded.

"Wang Jinlong, were you kicked in the head by a donkey?" Qin Sen's eyes widened and he looked at Wang Jinlong fiercely, "Don't forget that you and our Brother Sheng are in a cooperative relationship!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Jinlong just had to raise his eyelids.

"You said it yourself, the relationship between Cui Sheng and I is just mutual cooperation. Since it is cooperation, there will definitely be a day when the cooperation will be terminated. And obviously, I have decided to sever the relationship with you now."

"From this moment on, whether you live or die has nothing to do with me, Wang Jinlong."

Listening to Wang Jinlong's heartless words, Qin Sen had an expression of disbelief on his face.

Song Chen laughed when he saw this, "As expected of Boss Wang, he can always make the right decision at critical moments, so now take your people and hide aside."

Facing Wang Jinlong's knowledge of current affairs, Song Chen generously chose to let them go.

After all, he is not a murderer. Since Wang Jinlong has a good attitude, he naturally has no reason to pursue him to the end.

Wang Jinlong ignored the angry-looking Qin Sen and others around him, and immediately retreated to the side with his subordinates.

Qin Sen didn't expect Wang Jinlong to retreat so decisively, and immediately scolded: "Wang Jinlong, you coward! It's a shame that our Sheng brother praised you as a loving and righteous man, but in the end, you were so incompetent in the face of them. The little bastards are scared even before they grow up. We were really blind before we chose to cooperate with you!"

Wang Jinlong rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Does Qin Sen think of him as a fool?

Don't think that he doesn't know that Cui Sheng and his gang have been trying to annex his men for a long time. Even if Song Chen hadn't taken action, he would have started a war with these guys sooner or later.

How could I be fooled by such a clumsy trick?

Seeing that Wang Jinlong still didn't respond, Qin Sen gave up on him completely and turned to glare at Song Chen.

Even if Wang Jinlong refuses to help, the strength of the remaining people is enough to deal with these guys in front of them.

"Want to deal with me? First see if you are qualified!"

After saying that, Qin Sen suddenly condensed a hot fireball in his hand and rushed towards Song Chen at an extremely fast speed.

But Song Chen stood there without even moving.

Yang Qian, who was standing at the front, flicked her hand, and a larger fireball came towards her, directly scattering Qin Sen's condensed fireball.

The impact of the fireball sent by Yang Qian was stronger, so all the scattered flames were directed towards the direction where Qin Sen was standing.

The people on the other side were caught off guard, and many of them were even covered in flames.

Fortunately, the flames are not big and can be extinguished with your hands.

However, in the eyes of others, Qin Sen and others' busy appearance was as funny as monkey tricks.

"That's it?"

As soon as Qin Sen put out the flames on his body, he saw Yang Qian standing opposite him, looking at him with a disdainful smile, and his anger suddenly rose.

To be looked down upon by a girl?

Damn it!

Qin Sen condensed all the supernatural energy in his body into his hands, and in a blink of an eye, he gathered a fireball that was even bigger than before, and attacked Yang Qian with all his strength.

Seeing the bigger and hotter fireball coming, Yang Qian's expression finally became serious.

Immediately afterwards, her whole body was suddenly ignited with blazing flames, wrapping her whole body in it, and then she rushed towards the fireball like a sharp sword.


An explosion-like sound was heard, and Qin Sen's fireball was dispersed again.

Yang Qian did not stop or slow down at all, but rushed towards the opposite side at a faster speed.

Yang Qian's attack was like a signal. As she rushed to the opposite side, other members also took out their weapons and used their superpowers to attack the other side.

Ji Lu was holding a short knife in his hand and was ready to rush forward, but was pulled by Song Chen.

"Why are you going up? Just stay beside me honestly."

Ji Lu was already unwell today. If she went forward and got bumped, she would be the one who felt bad. Anyway, the team was not short of her combat power, so it was better to stay quiet.

After being stopped by Song Chen, Ji Lu pouted a little dissatisfied, but she still stayed beside Song Chen honestly.

After Yang Qian rushed into Qin Sen's team, she began to rush around with the flames wrapped around her body.

Some people wanted to stop her, but they were burned by the scorching temperature of the flames and were directly scared away.

At this time, the guy who awakened the water power rushed out, shouting that he wanted to teach Yang Qian a lesson, but he was frozen as soon as he condensed a water ball.


Before the man could react to what happened, he himself had been frozen into an ice sculpture.

In an instant.

There was a scorching flame on the left and a freezing frost on the right.

Qin Sen and others personally and deeply felt what it was like to be in a world of ice and fire.

Wang Jinlong, who was watching from a distance, was completely dumbfounded.

So much fun?

Which man could endure such torture?

Under the fierce attack of the members, in just over ten minutes, Qin Sen and his teammates all fell to the ground and died.

Until the moment he died, Qin Sen stared with his eyes wide open, not understanding why he, a second-level fire-type mutant, was beaten without any ability to fight back?

Song Chen glanced casually, "Don't forget to dig out their crystal cores."

Then, Wang Jinlong saw a scene that he would never forget.

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