The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 104 There is no such thing as accidental injury with me

Song Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't expect to hear Wang Jinlong's name.

This guy was very famous in North City before the outbreak of the apocalypse. Almost all underground forces were related to Wang Jinlong. Song Chen had had a brief contact with him because of business relations.

This guy is very capable, but he is also too conceited.

Song Chen seized this point and cheated him of a nearly 100 million project.

Wang Jinlong almost hated him because of this. How could he fall into his trap?

Song Chen rejected Zhang Chao's proposal without hesitation, "I don't like living under someone else's roof."

Zhang Chao didn't expect that he brought up Wang Jinlong's name, but Song Chen still refused so decisively. His face suddenly became a little ugly.

The other brothers around him were furious when they saw this.


"Brother Chao is willing to recommend you to join our Brother Long's team because he thinks highly of you. Don't be ungrateful, kid!"

As soon as these words came out, before Song Chen could react, Cheng Siyuan and others behind him rushed up immediately.

"Keep your mouth clean!"

"What kind of people are your Brother Chao and Brother Long? Why should we join just because you ask us to?"

"That's right! Being mean is not a reason for you to be shameless!"

The other party just said one sentence, Cheng Siyuan and others all started to shout, spraying the faces of the five people on the opposite side with spit.

If it weren't for the fact that Song Chen hadn't spoken yet, they would have to let them see why the flowers are so red.

Zhang Chao's face was gloomy, and the four younger brothers behind him were even more angry.

The other party looked like some fledglings, but they actually pointed at their noses and scolded them. It was simply intolerable.

Just as they were about to start, Zhang Chao's face suddenly changed, and he quickly raised his hand to stop them.

"Since you don't want to join, forget it." Zhang Chao suddenly changed his previous gloomy expression and put on a friendly and kind smile, "Brother, can you tell me your name, so that we can avoid accidental injuries when we meet again in the future."

"Forget the name." Song Chen decisively refused, "There is no accidental injury here. Whoever starts will die first."

Hearing this, Zhang Chao's heart tightened.

If he can't hear the warning in Song Chen's words, then he has been messing around for nothing all these years.

"Brother, you are right." Zhang Chao quickly agreed with a smile, and then said, "We have something else to do, so we will leave first."

After that, Zhang Chao and others left quickly without looking back.

Looking at Zhang Chao's back as if he was running for his life, Song Chen didn't take them to heart, and took others into the clothing mall.

But Zhang Chao, who was supposed to leave, parked the car not far from the clothing mall.

"Brother Chao, why are we leaving?"

"That's right! Those little bastards dared to act arrogantly in front of us, shouldn't we teach them a lesson?"

"What do you know!"

Listening to the indignant tone of his younger brothers, Zhang Chao interrupted them impatiently.

"You have been following me for so long, didn't I tell you to observe carefully and figure out the situation before doing anything? But you! You just know how to yell, if you dared to do it just now, we would have been killed there!"

Seeing that Zhang Chao was really angry, the others didn't dare to continue talking.

After a while, one of them asked cautiously: "Brother Chao, is there anything wrong with those little bastards?"

Zhang Chao pointed to the direction where Song Chen and others parked their cars, and asked back: "Don't you see the cars parked over there?"

"Aren't these the cars they drove over? What's wrong?"

Zhang Chao glanced at them, "Don't you find that one of the cars looks familiar?"

Hearing this, the other four people observed carefully, and then exclaimed in surprise.

"Isn't that Cui Sheng's car?"

"How did it get here!"

Some time ago, Cui Sheng came to Wang Jinlong to discuss cooperation. He drove the car in front of him. There was a unique sticker on the car body, so they couldn't make a mistake.

It is said that Cui Sheng took people out to search for supplies a few days ago, but he has not returned yet and there is no news.

Everyone is speculating whether he encountered a high-level zombie and was killed, but they didn't expect to see his car here.

"Now you know why I left without saying anything?"

Zhang Chao frowned.

Cui Sheng is a third-level psychic, and he awakened a rare ice power.

General third-level psychics are not his opponents, not to mention that their psychic levels are only one or two small characters. Even if they are all added together, they are not the opponent of Cui Sheng alone.

But now Cui Sheng's car is in the hands of the other party. Considering that Cui Sheng has no news these days, Zhang Chao can only think of one possibility.

That is, this group of people killed Cui Sheng and robbed his car.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain Cui Sheng's disappearance and why his beloved car fell into the hands of others.

Since the other party can kill Cui Sheng, they can also kill them.

If they don't escape before the other party has the intention to kill them, then when will they wait?

After Zhang Chao's explanation, the other four people finally realized who they had just faced, and they couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Fortunately, they were stopped by Zhang Chao and did not fight with Song Chen and others, otherwise they might be as chilled as Cui Sheng.

After easing up a little from the feeling of surviving a disaster, one of them asked, "Brother Chao, what should we do now?"

"Wait." Zhang Chao replied in a muffled voice, "Don't forget that Cui Sheng and our Brother Long are in a cooperative relationship. Brother Long was still asking about Cui Sheng's whereabouts two days ago. If we bring back the news that Cui Sheng was killed, Brother Long will definitely notice us."

"Yes! Then what are we waiting for? Hurry back and tell Brother Long, let Brother Long deal with them!"

"You are stupid!" Zhang Chao glanced at him with disdain, "If we go back like this without knowing the reason, Brother Long will definitely beat us! Wait for these guys to come out first, find out their base, and whether there are other helpers. After all the investigations are clear, go back and tell Brother Long."

The others suddenly realized what was going on.

"Brother Chao is really thoughtful!"


At the same time.

Song Chen and his members were sweeping the clothing mall.

Maybe it was because Zhang Chao and others had searched there before. The number of zombies in the mall was much less than expected, even less than the number wandering outside the mall. Everyone cleared all the zombies without much effort.

After clearing the zombies, Song Chen began to let the members choose their favorite clothes and load them into the car.

Song Chen waved his hand and put all the remaining clothes into the space.

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