The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 101 First Welfare Distribution

Compared to the various materials piled up in Song Chen's space, the seeds harvested in this operation were piled in the corner and looked inconspicuous.

If Cui Sheng and others had not deliberately damaged the food, there would definitely be a lot of materials harvested in this operation.

However, Song Chen did not care about this.

Compared with the materials that lose as much as you eat, seeds with sustainable development in the future are more important to him.

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As long as you find a reliable plant-based mutant, you can start researching mutant seeds.

But having said that, plant-based mutants are not common, and it takes more luck to meet reliable and worth recruiting.

Song Chen is not in a hurry.

Anyway, the materials stored in the space are enough for them to live for several lifetimes. Finding plant-based mutants is not an urgent matter at present, and they will slowly touch them later.

After carefully sorting out the harvested seeds and putting them somewhere else, Song Chen picked up the fourth-level space crystal core he had obtained before.

The unexpected situation when he met Cui Sheng and others during this outing sounded the alarm for him.

Even if he was reborn and seized the opportunity, there is no shortage of geniuses in the world.

With his qualifications and talents in his previous life, he was just a superior one, and there were countless geniuses above him.

They did not need to plan carefully like himself to seize the opportunity, and they could easily reach the height that others could not reach even if they tried their best.

In order to protect himself and the people and things he cared about in front of these geniuses, he had to work harder and improve his own strength.

Otherwise, everything would eventually become empty talk.

Song Chen tightly grasped the fourth-level crystal core in his hand and immediately absorbed it seriously.

When he absorbed all the energy in this crystal core, his superpower level should be able to break through the fourth level, and then other superpowers would not be able to threaten him.


The next day.

Song Chen called everyone together and distributed corresponding points to each person according to their performance in the previous outing.

Chang Minghao and Yang Qian killed the most zombies, so they naturally got the most points.

In addition, the first welfare after the establishment of the Dawn Base was also distributed.

According to the different levels of members, rice, pickled mustard, sausage, instant food, and various meats were distributed from low to high.

As for Chang Minghao and Yang Qian, although they were still temporarily serving as captains, Song Chen still gave them some extra seafood products according to the treatment of core members, which not only encouraged them to continue working hard, but also inspired others to work harder.

The fact was just as Song Chen expected.

After seeing that Chang Minghao and Yang Qian actually got extra seafood, the others stared and swallowed their saliva.

I thought that the meat that Li Haichuan got as an elite member was already enviable enough, but I didn’t expect that the captain level would have seafood to eat. They didn’t even dare to think about this thing, but Song Chen dared to give it!

Does this mean that as long as they perform well enough, they can also eat delicious and fresh seafood?

Lobster, crab, abalone...

Delicious food is waving to them!

The members wiped the saliva from the corners of their mouths, and instantly they were full of fighting spirit, wishing that Song Chen would issue the mission of going out now, so that they could kill zombies and earn more points.

Song Chen was very satisfied with this.

However, he was not going to go out for the time being. It was important to seize the opportunity to search for supplies, but rest and adjustment could not be ignored.

In the end, only daily patrols inside and outside the base and other trivial work contents were issued.

After distributing supplies and benefits, Song Chen found Chang Minghao alone.

"Brother Chen, you are looking for me?"

Chang Minghao's tone was a little respectful.

He killed a total of ten level 2 zombies during this trip.

According to the standard set by Song Chen, the points of each level 2 zombie crystal core are ten. Ten level 2 crystal cores plus the points awarded by Song Chen, he can now be regarded as a big scorer in the base.

But he also needs to be responsible for the crystal core payment of his mother Liu Fang.

New members need to pay 30 low-level crystal cores or 5 second-level crystal cores first. As an ordinary person, Liu Fang naturally cannot get so many crystal cores, so he can only pay.

However, apart from the five second-level crystal cores required to enter the base, he still has nearly 100 points left, which is enough for his and his mother's daily needs.

For this, he is very grateful to Song Chen.

Not only did he help him rescue his mother, but also because Song Chen gave them a place to stay.

"Has Aunt Liu settled down?" Song Chen asked with concern.

"Everything has been arranged." Chang Minghao nodded with a smile, "My mother was very happy to hear that there is a single-family villa to live in. Now she is cleaning the new villa."

After getting the points, he immediately took out some points to exchange the right to use the new villa from Song Chen, and moved in with Liu Fang.

Of course, this is also because there are relatively few people in the base at present, and most of the villas are still vacant, so Song Chen did not set too high a point price for it.

But when the number of people in the base increases in the future and the number of residences required gradually increases, the rental price of single-family villas will naturally increase.

"As long as Aunt Liu is happy." Song Chen smiled, "I called you here alone because I want you to go back and discuss something with Aunt Liu."

"What is it?" Chang Minghao asked.

"Aunt Liu should be able to cook, right?" Song Chen asked back, and then said, "It may be difficult for you to support the expenses of two people with your current strength. It just so happens that the base lacks a chef. If Aunt Liu is willing, I want her to help cook first, and I will pay her the corresponding points."

Chang Minghao was able to earn nearly 100 points in a short period of time, mainly because of this collective outing. If he went out alone to kill zombies, he would definitely not be able to obtain so many crystal cores.

But in the final analysis, this outing is like a tutorial for novices, and it will be difficult to encounter similar welfare bureaus in the future.

It is easy for Chang Minghao to support himself at his current level, but it is difficult to support Liu Fang's life.

The new members who joined the base are all students of North City University, and basically they can't cook, so Song Chen thought about setting up a canteen to provide meals.

At present, only Ji Lu can cook and cook well, but Ji Lu is mainly responsible for the meals of Song Chen and others. If the work of the canteen is added, she will definitely not be able to handle it alone.

It just so happened that Liu Fang, as an ordinary person, could not earn points by killing zombies or taking tasks, and urgently needed a normal job, so Song Chen thought of letting her be responsible for the meals of other members.

After hearing what Song Chen said, Chang Minghao was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, my mother can cook!"

Song Chen smiled and nodded, "In that case, the work of the canteen will be handed over to Aunt Liu, and it's just right that I will go to taste Aunt Liu's cooking skills when the time comes."

"Of course!" Chang Minghao patted his chest and said confidently: "I'm not bragging, my mother's cooking is delicious, every time I go home, I have to eat three bowls of rice!"

Song Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

"It seems that the members of our base will have a good time in the future."

"Hehe." Chang Minghao touched his head and smiled foolishly, and said to Song Chen sincerely: "Thank you, Brother Chen, for arranging a job for my mother."

Song Chen waved his hand indifferently.

If the base wants to operate stably, in addition to killing zombies and superpowers who perform tasks, ordinary people who do daily work are naturally needed.

Even if there is no Liu Fang, there will be Wang Fang and Li Fang, and someone will always be needed to do it.

He just helped the mother and son.

Chang Minghao didn't think about these.

He only knew that Song Chen always lent a hand when he needed it, saved his life many times and provided him with help, and he had to repay this kindness no matter what.

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