The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1759: 1759: Feeling emotional

Chapter 1759 Chapter 1759: There is emotion

Feng Xiu, the bear child, still has a very strong desire to survive. In the face of the death of his two big brothers, he revealed a little bit.

After all, it comes from a dream.

"What dream?" Feng Jin held on to the anger. This bear child has always supported people to win, and he is not obsessed with envelope construction, but he always dismisses everything that is linked to numerology. Why are there any dreams mentioned now, and still confused for a long time?

Feng Feng said, "A dream related to Liu Ye."

Feng Jin was short of breath, for fear that her brother would say a few words of profanity.

What good can an adult man dream of another woman?

The other women are just fine, and dreaming is not a problem, but the subject is the same.

The severity is the same as the beginning of the "Feng Shen Yan Yi" story, that the King of Kings ... To be precise, it should be Emperor Xinzi's written sexual poem YY son-in-law. Of course, since it's a romance, it's a fictional story. Although the slots are full and the bugs are flying all over the sky, but the plot is not beautiful and the content is novel. Feng Jin is still a fan of the novelist, always chasing the kind on time every time.

The king of the family ridden the son-in-law and lost the big business. If Feng Ye said his dream YY Jiang Yanji, Feng would probably be cold and windy.

Fortunately, Feng Xiong this bear child is not so ignorant ... a fart!

(╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

Feng Feng said, "It's very strange. The dream of Liu Ye is not Liu Ye. Her last name is Jiang, and her name is Ji, which is called Ji Ji."

After hearing this opening, Feng Jin was a bit desperate.

My brother is a novelist. I have read too many romance stories, thinking about night and day, and dreaming, crookedly having a romantic relationship with goddesses of various people? Yes, there is such a text in the market at present. Although the goddess has a variety of settings, there is no meaning, but it can not change the core-the overbearing queen fell in love with the stubborn kind and intelligent and talented-Tom Su Ji .

Feng Jin still doesn't understand how this spicy chicken romance passed the audit from Wei Ci?

Is it because of resonance?

Feng Yan said unconsciously, "It's just a dream."

Feng Feng said, "Is it really a dream? It's too real, everything in the dream seems like a long cloud but it seems to be within reach."

Feng Yan asked, "What's the specific content? Would you like to go to Mr. Yuan Jing for a dream and peace of mind?"

Feng Feng said, "The Jiang's and today's Liu Yan have similarities and differences in temperament. They look the same, and have the same origin, but ... this should not be the case, although there are only a few fragmented scenes in the dream. , But my brother thinks ... it's very different. "

That dream, Feng Ye had only done it once.

Although only once, the details of the dream are deeply imprinted in the mind, which is completely different from the dreams you usually dream.

It is this uniqueness that makes the wind catch the heart.

He was too busy to analyze the difference between dreams and reality, the more the analysis, the more confused, the more confused, the deeper the mud.

At the same time, he also found many places that had not been discovered before.

For a while, he could hardly distinguish reality from dreams.

Without clearing up these messy things, he would not be able to go into business, for nothing else, the hurdle in his heart could not survive.

Even if he sorted it out, he didn't know if he had the courage to work.

In the dream, he met Jiang Wei at the end of the day, and he ran away from home and encountered difficulties. He entered the bandit and met the bandit leader Jiang Shi.


Jiang's dream is a bandit, or a bandit, who sneers and kills.

In order to save his life, Feng Yan can only use the pseudonym "Feng San" to serve as the dog's head military division for several months _ (: з) ∠) _

At first, I was quite sensible in my dreams. Later, I did n’t know which one was pumped. I heard a few bottles of wine. I heard that the other party was going to do something great. Cut off the focus of this chaotic world ...

To sum up, that is, the two of the two sicknesses drank the wine for one night, yelled at the moon, like neurosis.

Do not--

That's neuropathy.

From the perspective of the third person, Feng Yan clearly saw the faint savvy eyes of Jiang's eyes after his dream pseudonym Feng San.

Wake up, this cargo knows the identity of Fengyao from beginning to end, and deliberately dragged it into the pit.

Due to the severe fragmentation of the dream, Feng Ling can only sort out a general trend.

Because of coincidence, he became a close friend and was destined to go astray.

When the dreaming self watched Jiang's wearing the fur representing the emperor and wearing the twelve crowns, he could feel the inner excitement and joy of the deity. It seemed that the depression squeezed in his chest was all spit out. Going out, my heart is shaking.

However, this is not a fairy tale and cannot be abruptly stopped at the best moment.

With Jiang's ascendance and power, the two people who had talked about each other still have differences. The root of the differences lies in Feng's ... or the proposition of Shi Yan. Looking at myself in my dreams, the wind is a bit stunned. It turns out that I also have a clan side?

After that, there were some fragmentary scenes, Feng Feng only knew why he dreamed of defending Feng's in this way.

There is only one Feng family left in the Feng family, and he has no willful rights, but can only carry the entire family.

Fighting with the emperor for the benefit of Feng's reason, doing what he once thought he could not do, gradually consuming the friendship for decades. Feng's lost his two elder brothers, and Feng's dream in his dream became what he once hated the most.

It is bad to say that the emperor lived up to the dream Feng Feng, or Feng Feng violated the original intention of the two.

According to the dream, the death of the two elder brothers seems to have an indirect relationship with the emperor and himself.

Well, that's probably what it was when we were in the world.

This is why Feng Ye refused to face the two elder brothers in recent years.

One was guilty enough, and the two were simply crit damage.

Feng Jin couldn't help but vomit, "Dream is still real."

Feng Yun said indefinitely, "The dream is too real. Maybe ... there is a previous life, this life, cause and effect?"

According to piecemeal dreams, Jiang and Liu Yan both have one thing in common.

It doesn't show up until twelve years old. After twelve years old, it is amazing. One can do things better than the other.

The "liuyang" he knew was okay. The Jiang family in the dream called it out of the blue, and fell into the grass to attack the Kou assault.

Such a devilish figure ...

Alas, it seemed more in line with the appetite of this bear child.


This is not the point, the point is Feng Feng asks whether there is a possibility for the senior to win.

As a result, the Supreme Master gave him a white look and pointed at the heavenly path, "The heaven descends on your son, mortals don't talk about their secrets, and cares to provoke their bodies."

Oh, is that possible?

No matter how empty the mouth is, Feng Yan can only hold this secret to decay.

The devil and the devil robbed the house, which is called 祟, can the noble son robbed by the Lord be called robbed?

Horse riding calls destiny home!

Feng Yan said vaguely about his relationship with Jiang in his dream.

Feng Jin shook his wink.

If the past life and the current life, Feng Ye is not in time to catch up?

What is crooked?

The two ministers continue their leading edge, what a great novel.

Feng Yan couldn't help sighing.

"Liu Yan is not Jiang ..."

The wind in the dream was Jiang's first white moonlight, and the friends of wine and meat flew up.

Realistic Liu Yan?

Oh, this woman is too emotional.

He has small emotions.

_ (: з 」∠) _ I do n’t know if I have noticed that the style of the previous Wenchen ranking is the second, and the first is the **** ’s letting (? ′?`?) ┏

Although it is the magpie who wants to suppress the clan's arrogance, this ranking is not fair to the wind fighters who have helped her in the first place, and he has made more achievements than the eunuch. This is the inside story, and this pair is finally stunned. Feng Xiong bear was born there, and his position could not always be here with Ji Ji, especially after the death of the two brothers, when Feng ’s continued inheritance burden was on him, he did not have the right to continue the bear, Ideas and concepts inevitably conflict with Xi Ji ...

(End of this chapter)

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