The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1651: 1651: Receiving Nansheng, Killing An An

Chapter 1651 Chapter 1651: Collect Nansheng, Kill An An (Sixty-one)

Prejudice and hatred are accumulating over time. Even if Lu Zheng was talking dry, Kang Yitong would not understand her mother's hard work at once, but she was willing to think about it from the perspective of her mother with a fair mind. It can be regarded as a great improvement.

Mother's affairs can be left to think about later. Kang Yutong is now more concerned about the immediate issues, such as--

"Sir also want the slaves to be your mortuary?"

Children are different from adults. Adults often cover up these things implicitly, because they know that these things cannot be preached, and even shameful talk is shame, but children do not have so many concerns and are more frank and straightforward.

Lu Zheng patted her forehead with her palm and snorted. "Girl Huangmao, who is not as good as people's creaking nest, really thinks she looks like a fairy? In this world, not every man is as indifferent as your stepfather. If you are eighteen or nineteen years old and ask this question, I would be willing to think about one or two. Now it is eight or nine years old, and even slightly normal men would not look at it. "

Kang Tongtong blushed his cheeks and uttered a sentence, "The slave family is already twelve."

Lu Zheng rubbed her hair.

"The wind is strong, let's go home."


Kang Yantong couldn't help burying his thin and red cheeks into the cloak, and a little red silk appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Lu Zheng ’s mansion is much larger than Kang Yuntong ’s stepfather, but it is also much simpler. There is no decoration on the door or the main hall to receive guests. It is very simple. There are only a few carved ornaments on the wall. And tasteful. On the other hand, Kang Yuntong's stepfather wanted to place the gold and silver utensils won from the battle outside, so that outsiders could see how rich his loot was.

Thinking of this, Kang Yitong couldn't help thinking about it.

Mr. Lu said that his mother is also a spoils. Then the stepfather always likes to make her beautiful and attractive, and let her participate in the small gatherings of the shattered ladies, is it also a show? Showing off her spoils is a noble woman of aristocratic backgrounds. She should look and look, and be conserved and conserved. On the other hand, the ladies are shortened by their mother every time ...

"From tomorrow on, you will stay at the house as my righteous daughter." Lu Zheng took over the hand stove delivered by his servants, and a wave of warmth dispelled the coldness of his fingertips with a strong gesture, he said, "Fu Shang Except for you and me, there is no third host. If there is any shortage on weekdays, you can directly look for the housekeeper. Except for the spouse, the house is basically a man. You are also a daughter's house, and there should always be a few maids to take care of you Tomorrow, I will let the housekeeper pick some from Ya Xing. You choose two to stay with you ... "

Kang Yingtong stood in place. His little hands covered with red and purple frostbite were skinny, holding on to the clothes on both sides.

"Why is your husband so good to the slaves?"

She did not doubt that Lu Zheng had any bad intentions, but she was puzzled. Why was Lu Zheng so good to her? Need to know that even the people in this world, even if their parents are raising their children, the original intention is to continue the bloodline and inheritance, and the truly unselfish people are afraid of being rare.

Lu Zhengdao said, "There is no particular reason, I really want to say, probably because the recent days have been boring."

Kang Litong's face was stunned, what is the reason for this?

Even if she did not understand what Lu Zheng was, but even her stepfather was violent in temperament and drunken to anyone who could not persuade him to show respect for Lu Zheng, which shows that Lu Zheng should be a big man. Big guys should n’t take care of everything, do n’t they have any spare time?

Lu Zheng said again, "Why care so much? After all, it is not a bad thing for you, and you have nothing to plot."

Kang Yitong embarrassed. "The slave family couldn't help it, and made Mr. laugh."

Lu Zheng asked the housekeeper to clean up the guest house and let Kang Yitong stay for a while.

Seeing him not leaving, Kang Yitong couldn't help wondering, and asked a few more words.

"Mr. said earlier that there is already a family?"

Lu Zheng slowly blew the freshly brewed tea, and occasionally poured a cup for her.

Kang Yantong has had a hard time these years, but he was spoiled in the early years. He sat down at one end, and the temperament couldn't be faked. Lu Zheng said casually, "Yes, but they are not here. It is too chaotic here. Don't worry."

Kang Yantong put down his alert and looked very quiet. This mouth is talkative, so let's stop without stopping.

Lu Zheng could not help thinking of someone.

Kang Yantong knew the size and did not listen too much to Lu Zheng, but instead turned the topic to Jiang Yanji.

She clenched her hands tightly to the tea bowl and whispered, "Mr. Can you talk more about that willow?"

Lu Zheng was not surprised.

"She was my classmate."

Kang Yantong's eyes were already large, and now he was opened rounder by surprise.

"Similar classmate? But isn't she a woman? How can I go with my husband?"

Lu Zhengdao, "She was dressed up by his father as a man since he was a child, and it didn't come to daylight until many years ago."

"Is someone else blind? I didn't see her as a daughter's house ..." Kang Yantong just finished speaking, seeing Lu Zheng's inexplicable look, and immediately realized that he had said something wrong, panic remedied, "... Sir, slave family Not that you ... "

"It's normal to not recognize, after all ... no woman will be like her ..."

At that time, men were still prevalent, and Jiang Yanji was in harmony.

As everyone knows, she is still the dream of many young ignorant scholar girls.

Lu Zheng seemed to be thinking, his expression was twisted for a moment.

Although he and Jiang Yanji haven't been together for a long time, she managed to leave Lu Zheng with a nightmare shadow in this relationship.

Loss and loss, Lu Zheng did not deny all of Jiang Yanji.

"The person Liu Yan had no reputation in his childhood. He went to Hejian County to inquire about it. Most people just knew that there was a Lang Jun who lived in the house for a long time. Mr. Xi Xi was the famous Confucianist Wei Yuan in Dongqing. More, I ca n’t find out. ”Lu Zhengdao said,“ At the beginning of the twelve-year-old, he had a head start, training ministry, clearing up bandits, and admiring Shi Yuanyuan. After three years, there were frequent disturbances in Dongqing, and the three ethnic groups in Northern Xinjiang were aggressive. Liu Ye ’s sister-in-law gave her a marriage Wong Ma Jun, the fourth prince of Dongqing, married her sister-in-law on behalf of her father Liu Ye. Soon after, she was placed under house arrest in Beijing. "

"House arrest?"

Kang Tongtong exclaimed.

Lu Zhengdao said, "This involves the struggle between the two factions in the Eastern Qing Dynasty. The reason for this is more complicated ... In order to stabilize the power, the emperor Dongqing ordered the gentry to send his junior sons to Beijing as the hostage. See this to restrain all parties. If you are interested in the future, It is possible to study ... "

"Then how does she get out of sleep?"

Lu Zhengdao, "I don't know what she thought of to get out of trouble, because before she saw her action, there was a movement in Shangjing."

Moving to Beijing, the royal family moved the capital, abandoned the abandoned capital city and moved the capital to Luzhou, and even abandoned the people on that land.

In the past, it was all about making fun of herself. Moving to Beijing was the starting point of her famous world.

Lu Zheng said in his mouth how the Ji Ji was, but he was highly identified.

(End of this chapter)

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