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Chapter 1634: 1634: Receiving Nansheng and killing An An (46)

Chapter 1634 Chapter 1634: Collecting Nansheng and Killing An An (Forty-six)

How to reflect on Jiang Yanji for the time being, not to mention, Fenzhou Nan's side like an ant on a steamer, anxious to hot feet.

They devoted a lot of effort to this assassination, and everything was arranged properly in an effort to be foolproof.

Only success and no failure!

"That said, but Liu Yan's martial arts are overbearing. I heard that there are still miracles to protect him. Those dead people don't know if they can succeed."

The Nan's owner was confident, but the Nan's brother's brother didn't think so, but was restless for a few days.

From making the plan to doing it today, his heart has always been hanging in the air, and the unpredictable feeling is stronger than the day after day.

"Grow others' ambitions and destroy their prestige. Even if Liu Ye has three heads and six arms, she can survive the ambush of more than a hundred dead men? What miracles are blessed, but it is Liu Ye who puts out seductive words. This nonsense You believe it? I don't know what it means! "

The owner of the Nan family can't see the cowardice of his brother, and he doesn't like the guess of the other side.

When he planned to ambush Jiang Yanji, he took great risks by himself. An accidental person would even take a family to throw a broken body.

Even if the face is not obvious, there is a backlog of tremendous pressure that can't be described in words, which makes people breathless.

His brother didn't know how to relieve him of his worries, but shouted to the enemy.

"Brother, I didn't mean that ..."

The elder brother, who was nearly fifty years old, stared at him with a stare and asked sharply, "It doesn't mean that, what do you mean?"

The younger brother was dumb asked. He knew that he couldn't hear what he said and could only accompany him to wait for the news.

More than a hundred dead men were sent out. This was an arrow that had to be sent on the string. It was too late to say anything.

For hundreds of years of inheritance of Fenzhou Nanshi, he could only silently pray for the success of the ambush. As soon as Jiang Yanji died, the forces gathered because of her would fall apart and the external problems would be solved. In this way, not only Nan's revenge can be revenge, but also can rise up in chaos.

The hatred between Jiang Yanji and the Nansheng clan is not so great.

There were grave digs that disturbed the ancestors' ancestors before, and later there was the hatred of plundering properties and plundering Liangtian tenants.

Losing money is nothing, and you can make it back in the future, but you ca n’t do that.

Fenzhou Nanshi is also a famous family of centuries. How can a tolerant group of Caotai **** on their heads and pee?

What kind of Kama Liu?

However, it is a small door and a small family who can't get on the table and has very little information. They really put gold on their faces and dare to claim to be a clan.

Jiang Yanji entered Nansheng, and every thing she did made Nansheng people disgusted!

Where is this clan, clearly a shameless bandit! Taking the loss of Nanshi in Fenzhou as an example, Jiang Yanji not only sent people to dig a lot of gold and silver utensils buried in their ancestral graves, and stole their accumulated wealth, but also stole thousands of good fields by force.

Even if these good fields were taken by the Nan family from the people by various means.

However, it was theirs when they got into their pockets, and Jiang Yanji snatched them, and that was the bandit!

You can imagine the future by staying under the eyes of such princes.

The first to start is strong, the second to be attacked, and Nan Shi, who was touched by Jiang Xiji's fundamental interests, finally took the risk.

"Newspaper-Grandpa and Grandpa, there is news!"

The Nan brothers anxiously waited for the news. They waited until dusk until midday on the moon, and finally received the secret information passed by the housekeeper.

"Liu Yan is dead?"

The steward calmed his rapid breathing, and said with excitement, "Yellow catfish is infected with wind and cold, and no one is seriously ill."

"Wind-cold?" Nan's owner sneered, "Is it really cold or wanting to be covered at this time?"

I don't get sick early, but I don't get sick late, but the sick died after the gangsters started to work.

"By the way, will the dead return?"

He was not stunned by surprise, and instead asked the whereabouts of the deceased. If the deceased also said that Jiang Yanji was dead, it was really dead.

"Not yet back," the steward said quietly, "but most of the time, it's done."

Nan's owner asked, "What do you know?"

The steward elaborated in his ear, and analyzed, "According to the news, Yang Tao and the guard stayed for a long time before returning, and he looked hurriedly and solemnly. The slave thought that most of them were Liu Yan, and they went out hunting without a person around. Hit the ambush of the deceased ... the deceased in the house are elite, but Yang Tao can not be underestimated. For the sake of safety, it is normal for the deceased to return without sacrifice. "

The strongest princes in the world are assassinated, and the news will surely shake the whole Kyushu.

For the sake of his small life, Yang Tao could not let go of the ambushing dead, and he would inevitably search across the mountains.

For the safety of the Nanshi, the dead would always have to throw away the chase, which would delay a lot of time.

"It is not appropriate to preach this matter, and send someone to inquire again."

On the second day, Jiang Yanji's shadow was still missing. It seemed that the princes who had gone to school three or five hours a day had evaporated.

Not only did Jiang Yanji evaporate, Yang Si's response from several important ministers was also very wrong.

Various details were in front of him, and the chief of the Nan clan completely believed that Jiang Yanji was dead.

"When Liu Ye died, what use did Yang Si have to block the news?" Nan Sheng chief mocked sarcastically. "Liu Ye had no children at his knees, an elder family girl, and Yang Si did not want to support the new owner Subject. There are hidden dangers inside, and there is security outside ... "

With a cold hum, he seemed to guess that the death of Jiang Yanji could not be covered, and the forces under his account were falling apart.

Nan's has not pinned his hopes on An 慛 ... The previous cooperation proved that An 慛 is also a pitfall. It is better to ask for oneself than to ask for oneself. Nan's secretly contacted several families with good relations, secretly plot, and at the same time sent people to quietly spread the rumors that Jiang Yanji might be dead, thereby shaking the army of Yang Si and others ...

As a result, similar rumors quietly emerged from the teahouse and wine shop.

The Marines did not say that Jiang Yanji was dead at first, but in the disguise of a passerby, and smiled and asked where she had gone recently.

It's been a long time since I haven't seen anyone.

Other marines took the opportunity to take the topic and slowly take the rhythm, but after two or three days of fermentation, the rumors began to take shape.

Seeing this, Yang Si smiled at Wei Weici.

"Zixiao met his opponent."

Wei Ci said, "There is no evidence and poor means."

Yang Si froze.

It is indeed the head of the sailor Wei Zixiao, speaking is domineering!

"Which way to stop?"

Wei Ci said, "This kind of rumor, as long as the protagonist appears in front of people, does not attack and self-defeating, no need to bother."

Yang Simuo chucked his chin and said, "Nanshi started without credentials, aren't they afraid of a round?"

"The dog jumped off the wall," Wei Ci said. "Whether it was a game or not, Nan was determined to send someone to ambush, and there was no room for turning around."

If Wei Ci had done such a bold thing, he would be afraid of night long dreams.

Nan's choice is normal.

It's true that the rumor was thrown to Wei Cizhun, and Yang Si didn't care much. He was more curious about the changes of the protagonist in the past two days.

He asked coldly, "Is there anything wrong with the Lord?"

"What's wrong?" Wei Ci asked.

Yang Si pointed his head, and said solemnly, "It's not right anywhere! It's just a change of person! In the past few days, the lord has been diligent in politics, and I dare not dare to do so. Zixiao ... you said Was she taken away by the mountain monster? "

Wei Ci: "..."

_ (: з 」∠) _ The next chapter is Fanwai. Recently, it has been raining heavily. The power was cut off near my mother ’s house. There was no air conditioner or fan on a hot day, and the laptop ’s power was insufficient. Remarks, girls with fanfare may not subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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