The Empress’ Livestream

Chapter 1617: 1617: Collect Nansheng and kill An An (29)

Chapter 1617 Chapter 1617: Collecting Nansheng and Killing An An (29)

Jiang Yanji was about to attack Nansheng, and Yang Tao was the first to rule the land.

What worried most was not An An and others, but the group of gentry who betrayed Yang Tao.

How can they not be in a hurry?

This group of clergymen was bewitched and solicited by An An. To be precise, they were attracted to the big cakes painted by Lu Zheng. At the moment, their desires were smoked and their heads were dizzy. Not only did they lead troops to rebel against Yang Tao, they also forced Yang Tao to death several times.

It was not only to cut Yang Tao away from the roots, but also to show loyalty to the new master on the old master.

I thought it was so beautiful, and An should fulfil his promise.

The benefits that have been negotiated in advance have only been realized by 10%, and the remaining ones have been dragged on again and again, and no one dares to rush, An An is even pretending to be deaf and dumb, and obviously depends on the account. This kind of intangible behavior, to say something ugly, is to pull X and not recognize people.

Let him not cut meat, let him run faster than anyone else.

They just stabbed Yang Tao on the front foot, and An Tu sent someone over to take over the benefits, and accepted Yang Tao's land as a whole.

After taking control of these lands, An An did not send people to govern and appease the people, nor did he open up warehouses and put in food. Instead, he recruited soldiers and horses, recruited young people, and persuaded wealthy households. If the first two are to strengthen their own strength and stand up with Jiang Yanji, this can be understood, then the latter's behavior is intriguing-the savvy scholars see it through at a glance.

An An sent people to lobby and drew a lot of delicious cakes. The wealthy wealthy family of Amway provided money and food to help him raise funds for listing.

Do they buy it or not?

Bought, I don't know when I can get it back?

An An only needs to move his lips, but they have to pay real gold, silver and grain.

What if An Zhuan ran out of water, and An Ye relied on his account?

If you do n’t buy it, the person in charge of the land under their feet has changed from Yang Tao to An An, and they have the right to say “no” on the land of others.

Although the clans have connections, the private soldiers they support are not as good as the princes.

An An wants to be a hooligan and exploits his family and privacy in a tricky manner. They are very passive.

Seeing through An's tricks, these group of speculative elements finally calmed down.

"Anduo Xi spoke nicely, but in fact, he didn't do anything. It's not as good as Yang Zhengze's--"

An An encountered a crisis of trust, and promised empty checks could not attract a large amount of investment for him, and the wealthy and wealthy nobles had learned lessons. At this time, An Yan also revealed his true colors, and changed from a business to a threat of both hard and soft, making it hard to say.

Whenever this time, they remember Yang Tao's good.

Although Yang Tao is a Dongqing person, he is more dependent on the team brought out by Dongqing, but Yang Zhengze is also a man with a strong bone. Borrowing food and borrowing people have borrowed and repaid, and the Nansheng clans who initially supported Yang Tao also earned a lot of dividends.

Although Yang Tao later lost the game with Jiang Yanji, it was better than An Yan who squeezed their family members as soon as he came up.

Regret it!

Several patriarchs came together to talk, and they were extremely dissatisfied with An An.

Against the backdrop of An An, former protagonist Yang Tao became cinnabar mole and Bai Yueguang.

"I thought that An'an was strong and unified most of the South. We should have a fight with Liu Ye. Nowadays, most of them are strong and strong." A patriarch wearing an indigo blue shirt, Shen Shen said, "Liu Ye brought people. Sending troops southward, posing a posture that violated Nan Sheng's territory, we sent Twelve urgent letters for help to An An, but the other side was indifferent ... Hey, he really looked away. "

Fighting is a burning activity.

In the previous two months, An Ying vigorously recruited soldiers and horses, almost pulling away the nearby young people.

There are only old, weak, and disabled soldiers left in the city. Each family can gather more than ten thousand elites, but it is not a long-term solution.

Jiang Yanji, as the vassal of Dongqing, is not enough for people to plug their teeth.

It is now too late to recruit money to recruit soldiers and defenders.

The nearby young man was like leeks, which had been cut by the greedy guy An An, and they were all bald.

Without youth and strength as the main force, how can you defend the army like Jiang Yanji who is like a wolf?

If only Jiang Yanji was okay, Jiang Yanji would not let Yang Tao assist in training, and Yan Lin would help. The two cooperated tacitly with each other. They could take thousands of people to build a large-scale base in Nansheng. Now they can also lead Jiang Yanji. Annexed here.

Jiang Yanji is not familiar with Nansheng's chassis, but Yan Lin and his old officials are very familiar!

However, after three or four days of work, the border was anxious one after another. Jiang Yanji's sailor divided into several routes and went south at the same time. The momentum was unshakable!

"Repent now what this is doing ... We are not here to review Yang Tao ..."

Repentance is also the water that is spilled, and it is difficult to receive water.

They should think about the status quo, how to get through the immediate difficulties is the right thing!

Everyone kept silent, you look at me, I look at you, big eyes and small eyes, a posture that no one wants to be a leading bird.

"Since you both have reluctance to say anything, let's make ugliness and throw in the jade."

It wasn't a problem to have a rigid atmosphere, and someone couldn't sit still.

He said, "Follow my humble opinion, there are only three ways before me now."

"Which three?"

Everyone hurried to ask.

"The first one is to prepare forage, gather soldiers and horses, and fight against Liu Ye."

"Isn't this a pebbles?" Someone sighed depressively, and there was no difference between what he said and what he said.

"Second, how we treat Yang Tao, now we treat An An."

Everyone listened to each other behind the scenes, this suggestion is not good.

Yang Tao limped on the front foot, and then went back to An An on the back, Jiang Jiangji would not be touched.

If Jiang Yanji also encountered a strong enemy, would they run to the new owner and hit her with a backhand?

After casting Jiang Yanji, Mo said that it tastes sweet and sweet, and it's not bad to be killed.

"This is not possible! If you do this, how will people in the world view me and wait? There is no such thing as ethical conduct, and I cannot agree with you."

Several other patriarchs also successively agreed with this statement.

They are the example of the clan, how can they do capricious evil for the benefit?

"Isn't this one left? What's the last one?"

The humane, "The last one ... it's better to be alone and do everything in your power to help An An and make it happen!"

Everyone's face was blue, like a mosquito fly that had swallowed several pits.

An An's eating makes them sick.

Really want to hollow out the family to help An An, whether An An loses or wins, anyway, they lose.

An's nagging credit has long since gone bankrupt, and they pay again to invest in the goods, being careful not to return even a pair of obscene pants in the future.

_ (: з ″ ∠) _ Tomorrow's monthly ticket rose by two hundred and four. Currently 1781, there is one more.

(End of this chapter)

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