Chapter 70: I said I went in the wrong place, do you believe it?

In the center of the altar, Lu Changqing was lost in thought.

The transmission of this altar does not seem to limit the number of people.

It means that the person coming from over there may be a person.

It is more likely to be a group of people.

Now one hundred altars obviously have owners.

All that is left is to start hunting down the Demonic Beasts in this secret realm, to divide up luck.

But in this way, only the controller of the altar is profitable.

The number of places is limited, and the Tianjiao gathered in the altar will certainly not agree.

So, teleport to another altar with only one purpose.

Kill, win luck!

This is huge profits, but there are also huge risks!

Things succeeded, mastering two altars, and luck skyrocketing!

If things fail, death will disappear, and everything will be empty!

Those who dare to take the initiative to provoke and send out messages are definitely not ordinary people.

There was a smile on Lu Changqing’s mouth.

No matter how strong you are, can you be stronger than me?

Lu Changqing, who practices mortal sutras, is equivalent to a walking bug in this secret realm.

As long as they don’t meet the ancestor of the Jiang family, the rest of the people are basically here to give luck.

Lu Changqing made up his mind, the manipulator of the altar, and the opponent teleported over.

That is an altar close to Lu 07 Changqing.

The message sent is also the strongest.

Thoughts fell, and the jade coffin above the altar slowly sank.

A multicolored divine light connects the sky, and the huge beam of light distorts the space.

A huge arch was formed.

A group of cultivator slowly stepped out of the door.

Surrounded by a young man with a gloomy face.

Above the young man’s right hand was a golden armguard, with a cold smile, slowly speaking.

“Aaa, this seat is the sacred son of the Purple Thunder Gate of Dongguan, and the treasure here has returned.

Before he could finish his words, he saw a handsome young man ahead of him.

Looking at him with a smile.

After half a sentence, I got stuck in my throat on the spot!

The arrogance on the original face disappeared instantly.

Son of Yaochi!

The cultivator that surrounded him behind him was also pale, and his whole body trembled.

They have seen the methods used by the saint son of Yaochi outside the secret realm!

On Daoyun, even Sage can be easily killed, let alone them!

Many people are even the ones robbed by Lu Changqing!

Secretly cried out in my heart!

I thought it was a big fat sheep, but I didn’t expect it to break into the King Yama Hall!

Let’s go now, is it too late?

Many people suddenly turned around, but the teleporting beam behind them has completely dissipated.

If you want to open it, you must agree with the controller of this place!

In everyone’s hearts, a trace of despair couldn’t help but rise.

The son of Zixiao was embarrassed.

“Origin… it turned out to be Lu Shengzi, excuse me.”

“I said I just went wrong, do you believe it?”

Lu Changqing smiled coldly and said, “I believe it.

Everyone smiled suddenly.

Then Lu Changqing’s voice sounded from Adu: “Then I am a fool!”

Everyone’s expression suddenly became a little bit.

“Lu Shengzi, you, what do you want?”

The son of Zixiao swallowed.

Lu Changqing smiled slightly and stepped forward and said, “It’s very simple, hand over what is on your right arm!”

If I read it right, the golden armband should be the same as the mask in my hand.

They are the keys that control the altar.

As long as you have mastered two Divine Armaments, you can control two interlinked altars.

Even, get the bonus of the strength of the two altars!

Shengzi Zixiao’s expression changed: “Shengzi Lu, don’t deceive people too much.”

“You must also know the importance of this thing.

“Can you change a condition.”

“Your Jade Lake is strong, and I am not a vegetarian at Zixiaomen!”

Lu Changqing nodded and said, “That’s right, I want to give you a little bit of the face of Zixiaomen.”

Everyone’s expressions only then eased a little bit.

Then, I saw Shengzi Yaochi raised his hand, and the horror breath immediately gathered in his palm.

A colorful divine light with the thickness of his neck suddenly burst from his palm!


It fell directly into the Demonic Beasts group!

A great monster of the Supreme Realm suddenly turned into flying ashes!

The aftermath of the setting off directly killed the Demonic Beasts next to it, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared on the ground!

A group of people suddenly softened their legs and feet!

They know that if they get the treasure, their strength will have a terrifying Ascension1

But the Ascension of the Son of Yaochi is too exaggerated, right?

Raise your hand to directly destroy the Demonic Beasts of the Supreme Realm?

This is not a level at all!

The air is extremely quiet.

Many people swallowed secretly, looking at Lu Changqing like a monster.

Lu Changqing approached slowly, and said, “Now, Face is enough.

“Can you talk about it?”

When the words were over, the sage Zixiao quickly dropped the arm guard on his hand and passed it directly.

“I think what Lu Shengzi said makes sense!”

Lu Changqing took the armband in his hand and nodded slightly.

Then he pointed towards the outside world: “Go away.

A group of people hurriedly bowed their heads and ran towards the outside of the altar.

Although there are countless Demonic Beasts outside, there is still a glimmer of hope of survival.

But stay here, Yaochi Shengzi is upset, they all have to die!

Soon, a group of people disappeared from Lu Changqing’s sight.

He held a golden armband in his left hand and a golden mask in his right hand.

The two treasures suddenly resonated.

And send out a wonderful charm!

In an instant, Lu Changqing’s palm was suddenly separated.

It directly covers his cheek and right arm!

At this moment, Lu Changqing felt his own power once again 617 got Ascension!

The terrifying energy contained in the two altars is now connected together.


Lu Changqing slowly spit out a word.

Above the altar, the original position of the jade coffin was distorted!

A colorful beam of light is approaching the sky!

That is the portal to another altar!

Lu Changqing let Xia Manzhi stay, and he took Murongying into the portal.

The moment the two entered the portal, the huge beam of light suddenly dissipated!

A roar erupted, and the entire space was fierce!

On the other side of the altar, a colorful beam of light suddenly appeared.

Lu Changqing walked out of it with Murong Ying.

After walking out of the portal, Lu Changqing looked around, and it was empty. Obviously, this was the altar where Saint Zixiao was originally located.

From here, you can feel the breath of Lu Changqing’s altar.

He looked at the golden armband in his hand, and he began to have a plan in his heart.

This thing can be increased.

As long as the original host agrees, the treasure that controls the altar can be changed to another owner.

Moreover, Lu Changqing has already felt the will of the two altars to unite just now, as long as the two altars have the same idea, they can forcibly come!

So, Lu Changqing took off the arm guard and handed it to Murong Ball!

He has a bold plan!

Start coming forcibly!

The plunder begins!

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