The 649th chapter saves a life

Originally, Shao Jun had a firm attitude, but he couldn’t stand Lu Heqing’s painstaking persuasion, so he couldn’t say anything more.

“Okay”, then I’ll try it, but first say yes, it will be better to save life, if you can’t save it, don’t blame me.

“Of course, of course.” Lu Changqing was already very happy when he saw that he agreed.

In this way, Shao Jun went to see Qiang Wu.

Qiang Wu was lying on the bed, and his whole body had fallen into a coma.

After some inspections, Shao Jun knew what he knew.

Lu Changqing asked hurriedly, “How is it, is there any help?”

Shao Jun sighed, “If there is salvation, there is salvation, but it is a bit troublesome. Also, even if he is saved, he will be a useless person.”

Lu Changqing is puzzled, “Waste?”

“Yes.” Shao Jun said, “I checked his veins just now, and it is already a mess. Just like the roots of a tree, a lot of it has been broken.

Chen Su said, “If this is the case, there is no need for treatment, and for him it is a living suffering.

Lu Changqing looked at Shao Jun again, “How far can it recover?

Shao Jun judged, “This is hard to say, it depends on his own desire to survive.”

Lu Changqing said, “If you can’t control so much, you can save him first.

“Are you really going to save him?” Chen Su asked.

Lu Changqing said, “No matter how you say it, you are still alone, saving a life and winning the seventh-level floating tutu.”

“But he is a villain.”

“The wicked can also reform, so that if he is still obsessed with understanding, then I will kill him myself.”

“Okay.” Shao Jun said, “To treat him, not only do I need to work for him, but also to cooperate with the treatment of drugs. There should be no drugs here, so I have to look outside.”

“What kind of medicinal materials do I need? Is it easy to find?”

“It’s not hard to find,” said Shao Jun. “It should be in the depths of this mountain.”

“Okay, then you hurry up and find it.” Lu Changqing said, and looked at Chen Su, hoping that he could go with Shao Jun.

Chen Su nodded and went with Shao Jun.

Not long after they walked out of the cave entrance, Shao Junbing sat down on a rock.

Chen Su was surprised, “Why are you sitting down?”

“Isn’t I feeling upset? Just such a guy who almost killed us, in the end, we have to save him.”

Chen Su said, “Don’t complain, maybe he has his plans.

0….seeking flowers,

“It’s a waste of time to treat such a guy.”

“Let’s go find medicine quickly.” Chen Su said, “Or it will be dark.” He looked up at the sky as he said.

Shao Jun was helpless, so he stood up, and the two began looking for medicine.

In the cave, Lu Changqing, Man Muxue, and Master Lingzhi were visiting the layout of the cave.

“Unexpectedly, Qiang Wu, such a rude-looking man, could still live so elegantly?” Xiao Muxue said.

The spiritual master agreed with her statement.

Lu Changqing smiled bitterly, “He lives alone in this meditation jade mine and has nothing to do all day long. Of course, he has this leisurely heart. Unlike our street and sleepers, it would be nice to have a mouthful of warm rice.”

The three were chatting when they heard Qiang Wu muttering something thick.

Lu Changqing walked over to the bed and watched.

Qiang Wu had already woke up, his eyes opened a slit, “I want to drink water.

Despite the ambiguity, Lu Changqing understood, and quickly fed him water.

Seeing Lu Changqing taking care of Qiang Wu in this way, Master Lingzhi was a little puzzled, “Do you really think he can get better?”

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