The six hundred and forty-seventh chapter is completely crazy

Pu Muxue said, “After all, he is crazy now. If he wants to kill him, he should still have a chance.” While speaking, she looked at Lu Changqing.

Lu Changqing said, “Don’t rush to say that you want to kill him, but check the situation first.

“Look, he is coming to us.” Shao Jun said in surprise, “He didn’t find us?”

Lu Changqing said, “Ready to fight.”

Everyone is ready to face off.

Although Qiang Wu came in the direction where they were, he looked around and seemed to be talking to himself.

“What is he talking about?”

“Look at him.” Xiao Muxue said, “it looks like she has lost her mind.

At this moment, an unexpected scene happened. Qiang Wu raised his hand and stirred his face to Own.

“He’s really crazy, he stopped by himself?” Shao Jun said and stood up.

“You squat down.” Chen Su quickly pulled him.

Although Shao Jun squatted down, he was discovered by Qiang Wu.

Qiang Wuxiang discovered something and ran over quickly. ”

When he saw Lu Changqing and others, he opened his mouth wide and looked surprised.

Now that they were discovered, Lu Changqing and others no longer need to hide.

Looking at Qiang Wu up close, this face is no longer able to see, if he is not always watching him, he will not be recognized.

Qiang Wu stared straight at Changqing, with his mouth open, as if he wanted to say something, but he forgot what he wanted to say.

Lu Changqing tried to ask, “Do you remember me?”

Qiang Wu wrinkled his face, as if reminiscing.

Lu Changqing said, “Can you tell me, what’s your situation now?”

Qiang Wu was still in a sluggish state, as if he had forgotten who he was.

“It’s over, he is completely crazy.” Chen Su said on the side, “It’s a pity that Lingxiang Dan.”

“It seems that this Lingxiang Pill is not a good thing either.” Shao Jun said.

Lu Changqing nodded. “Everything has both good and bad sides.

“Then what shall we do now?”

Although “Lingxiang Pill caused him to be like this, I am still wondering if I can let him spit out the Lingxiang Pill.”

“Will Lingxiang Pill already merge with him?”

Lu Changqing sighed, “Lingxiang Pill is the most Spiritual Qi, and he won’t recognize such a master.”

“In other words, the Lingxiang Pill can still be taken out?” Shao Jun said, “Will the Lingxiang Pill be taken out so that he can restore his mind?”

Lu Changqing shook his head, “I don’t know.

Xiao Muxue looked at Lu Changqing, as if waiting to see his decision.

Lu Changqing discussed with Master Lingzhi, “What do you think should be done?”

Master Lingzhi said, “In his current state, if the Lingxiang Pill is allowed to remain in his body, let alone cause certain damage to his body, it will be too violent for the Lingxiang Pill. .

Lu Changqing nodded, he thought so too.

“Anyway, this person is of no use to all beings alive, then…Chen Su has already decided to attack Qiang.

Shao Jun has also drawn a weapon post.

Lu Changqing beckoned them not to be reckless, after all, Qiang Wuluo was so pitiful that he had come to such an end.

However, Chen Su and Shao Jun hated his evil deeds between the two sides.

Just when they couldn’t make up their minds, Qiang Wu walked towards them with a grin.

Suddenly, Master Lingzhi noticed that Qiang Wu’s body was emitting light, and he quickly shouted, “Get out of the way.”

Everyone could not help but ran away.

On the contrary, Qiang Wu looked at a loss.

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