Chapter 639: Discuss Countermeasures

Lu Changqing said, “This kind of poison is not very toxic. Even if it is poisoned, it is only superficial. It will not go deep into the internal organs and endanger life. Therefore, everyone should not use traditional detoxification, but just like normal cultivation. , Maintain a normal state of mind and let Spiritual Qi run in the body. As it runs faster and faster, the body will heat up and the poisonous gas will be excreted from the body with sweat.

Everyone nodded and started detoxification. Lu Changqing stood up and wanted to observe the situation in this room.

After searching for a circle, the door was not found, which made Lu Changqing wonder.

What kind of house is this? There is no door?

It suddenly occurred to him that this should be a stone house. The stone door is closed. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t find the door. Besides, the light here is very dark.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Changqing began to fumble with his hands.

As he expected, he really touched a seam. According to him, this was the location of Shimen.

He tried to push, but couldn’t move a bit.

How can I open this stone gate?

Lu Changqing wondered, since it is a stone chamber, there must be a mechanism, and the mechanism cannot be in a stone chamber.

Is there no way?

Lu Changqing paced, thinking of a way.

Master Lingzhi and others also discharged the poisonous gas from the body one after another.

Despite this, although it is more comfortable than before, I still feel a little weak in my body.

Shao Jun said, “Why do I still feel that my body is a little awkward?”

Lu Changqing said, “This is normal. I have to give it some time. It’s not so fast.”

Shao Jun believed him very much, so he didn’t say anything.

Lu Changqing turned around and went back to where he had been sitting before.

We “have to discuss how to get out of here.

Shao Jun said, “I haven’t even figured out what this place is.”

Lu Changqing said, “I have checked it just now. This is a stone room. It should be a place for people who have nothing to do with Qiang. If you want to escape, you can’t get out unless you can penetrate the stone room.”

Chen Su, who was close to the wall, knocked on the wall with his hand, “This stone wall is thick enough, can it be penetrated by our skill?”

“Even if it is penetrated, what will happen? Qiangwu will still be attracted.” Shao Jun said.

Master Lingzhi said, “The most important thing at the moment is to settle Qiangwu.

Lu Changqing inadvertently put his hand into his arms, and his face suddenly changed, “My…

0………Look for flowers

Xiao Muxue asked hurriedly, “What’s the matter?”

Lu Changqing searched all over himself again and was sure that there was no more.

“The paper I used to record the consumption of Lingxiang Pill is missing.

“Could it be that we fell when we were brought here?”

Lu Changqing shook his head, “It should have been taken away.

“Qiang Wu?” Xiao Muxue blurted out.

Lu Changqing nodded, “Who else is there besides him?”

“What can I do?” Xiao Muxue said anxiously, “Then he knows how to take Lingxiang Pill, and his skill has greatly increased, let alone us, even the entire Rivers and Lakes may suffer.”

“Yeah, if this makes Rivers and Lakes bloody, it is our sin.

“But we can’t do anything here.”

“First of all we have to be able to go out first.” Lu Changqing muttered to himself.

“When Qiang Wu thinks we have no use value, he will kill us.” Xiao Muxue said.

The spiritual master nodded, “Based on my observation of Qiang Wu, this person’s martial arts is mediocre. There are too many crooked ways.

Lu Changqing didn’t speak, but looked down and thought. 4.

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