The 637th chapter rises poisonous fog

Although Lu Changqing had fought with him before, but at that time mainly fleeing, not in love.

“Get out of the way.” Xiao Muxue shouted.

The group of people who were fighting Qiang Wu was taken aback for a while, and each retreated, and looked at Xiao Muxue.

The soul-shaking whip in Xiao Muxue’s hand flicked into the air, and it made a crisp sound, which was very ear-piercing in the empty black swamp.

Xiao Muxue waved her soul-shaking whip and slapped Mei Wu.

A long whip was like a spirit snake, throwing it at Qiang Wu one after another.

Seeing the shock whip dancing in Xiao Muxue’s hands, flashing light from time to time attacking Ruowu, like a bolt of lightning, struck Qiangwu one after another.

Lu Changqing and others were not idle either, but dispersed, surrounded Qiang Wuqi in a surrounding situation to prevent him from escaping.

Qiang Wu sneered slightly, facing Xiao Muxue’s lightning-fast whip, not only was able to calmly parry, but he was also able to get the chance, and he grabbed the soul-shaking whip.

Xiao Muxue was shocked, and quickly wanted to take it back, but the other party had already grasped it firmly.

Lu Changqing hurriedly saw Zong in front of him, and attacked him.

At the same time, Master Lingzhi and others began to besiege him.

When Qiang Wu was under attack, his hand holding the whip had to be released.

Xiao Muxue retracted the whip, and the whole person took two steps back.

Although Qiang Wu quickly let go, Man Muxue still realized the strength of the opponent.

If it weren’t for Lu Changqing’s immediate relief, it might be…

Qiang Wuwei sneered, “I originally wanted to give you a chance, but you don’t want it, so don’t blame me for being impolite.

Lu Changqing and others unanimously thought that he was going to zoom in on the move, and they saw Qiang Wu’s figure retreating. Under the gaze of Lu Changqing and others, white gas appeared on his body.

Lu Changqing thought it was his cultivation technique, but soon realized that something was wrong.

“It’s not good, it’s poisonous.” Lu Changqing yelled, quickly raised his arm to block his mouth and nose, and quickly set up the protective cover.

Others also carried protective covers, but it was too late.

The poisonous gas melts into the mist and spreads quite quickly.

Lu Changqing felt that a phantom had appeared. He also wanted luck to force the gas out, and when he saw it, Muxue was poisoned and fell to the ground.

Soon afterwards, Shao Jun also fell.

Qiang Wu’s sneer sounded in his ears.

Lu Changqing turned his head to look at Qiang Wu, but he could no longer see him clearly.

In his blurry vision, Qiang Wu became shaky.

“Oh, who can blame this?” Qiang Wu said helplessly, “”Tell me earlier, why bother to spend so much effort?”

As soon as Lu Changqing tilted his body, he lost consciousness.

When Lu Changqing woke up, he found that it was dark all around. He settled down, tried to sit up, and found that it was a small dark room without a window, and he didn’t know if it was day or night.

He stretched out his leg, and he felt that something was kicked, and it was still soft.

The first thing he thinks of is people.

Yes, what about Xiao Muxue and others? They should also be locked in this (Nuo Dehao) post?

He stretched out his hand to touch it, and as expected he felt a hand, but this hand was obviously not Xiao Muxue’s, and he knew it was a man’s hand when he touched it, and it still felt a little dry.

This reminded him of Master Lingzhi.

That’s right, Shao Jun and Chen Su are both young people.

When he wanted to speak, he wondered if anyone was watching them.

In the darkness, he looked around for a week, and there was no light at all.

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