Chapter 635: Finally found the real murderer

Lu Changqing and others were taken aback, and they all looked at Master Lingzhi.

Master Lingzhi said, “He is the one who attacked me.”

As soon as these words came out, Lu Changqing and the others stared at Ruo Wu closely, as if even if Qiang didn’t want to give up, they refused to do so.

Chen Su glared at him, “How come I think you are a bit familiar? It turns out that we met.

Qiang Wu not only didn’t deny it, but snorted coldly, “Yes, it’s me, you bunch of rubbish, I only recognize it now. It’s really blind.”

When the other party said that, Lu Changqing and others were very angry.

Master Lingzhi motioned everyone 07 to calm down first, and then asked Ruowu, “I want to know, what kind of grievances we had before, you have to do this.”

Lu Changqing and others also found it too strange.As the Master Lingzhi said, if there is no grievance between them, why do they want to attack?

Qiang Wu laughed loudly, “You guys are not only blind, but also blind in your heart.”

Every word spoken from his mouth can irritate Lu Changqing and others.

Regardless of his expression and tone, Qiang Wu showed great contempt for them.

Lu Changqing felt like he had fallen into a big trap of no setting.

Qiang Wu was also proud of his success in this trap.

“Well, then I’ll tell you only, let you be a ghost.”

Shao Jun and Chen Su can’t wait to fight Qiangwu now.

The spiritual master wants to solve this mystery in happiness first.

Qiang Wu said, “Everyone knows that this Lingxiang Pill is a rare treasure. Since it spread all over the Rivers and Lakes, I don’t know how many people are looking for it. Of course I am no exception, but it is a pity that I have been looking for it for many years. To no avail.

“What does your search for fruitless have to do with me?” the spiritual master asked the same.

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that he had nothing to do with Lingxiang Pill.

“Everyone knows that the spirit medicine will be the place where the spirit medicine of the world is gathered in one body. I suspect that the spirit medicine pill is in the spirit medicine society, and the spirit medicine society is very powerful. The treasures, even if they can kill all the people in the Spirit Medicine Society, they may not be available.

Shao Jun looked at him coldly, “So you deliberately dropped the Seven Star Grass, so that Master Lingzhi thought it was someone from our Spirit Medicine Society?”

“Yes.” Qiang Wubu said triumphantly, “The spiritual and intellectual has always had no enmity with others. It is really not easy to stir up disputes between you.”

“You are so mean.” Shao Jun said angrily.

Chen Su also avenged the look of hatred.

Master Lingzhi nodded, “You really have a good intentions.”

Qiang Gangwu doesn’t think there is anything wrong with what he did.

“Do you know how many people will be killed? 913” Lu Changqing was angry.

“That’s not something I should care about, I only care about whether I can find the Lingxiang Pill.”

“You are too selfish.” Chen Su said, “for the sake of one’s own selfish interests, I did not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of many people.”

He is now even more grateful to Lu Changqing. If Lu Changqing were not there that day, they and the elixir would not know what the result would be.

Shao Jun snorted heavily, “In this case, even if I let me go now, I won’t go anymore. I want to avenge the disciples of the Elixir Society who were casualties because of this.”

He had said so, and Chen Su had to do his part.

For this, he has always been deeply guilty. .

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