Chapter 628: Get Medicine Pill

Suddenly, he almost couldn’t support it. Fortunately, he adjusted his state in time to let himself barely support it.

Lu Changqing was frightened, just a little bit, he failed.

At this point, it would be a pity if you fail.

Suddenly, he thought of a problem, that is, the larger the Cultivation Base he activated, the greater the power of Lingxiang~dan.

Turning his eyes, as if he found the reason, he tried to put away the Cultivation Base.

Sure enough, he guessed it, Lu Changqing gradually put away the Cultivation Base and changed it to Mortal-System.

Lingxiang Dan floated into his hands.

The moment he got the Lingxiang Pill, Lu Changqing’s face also showed joy.

As soon as the door opened, he walked out with Lingxiang Pill in his hand.

At this moment, everyone outside was shocked, especially the hall master, staring intently at the Lingxiang Pill in Lu Changqing’s hand.

Master Lingzhi also opened his mouth in surprise.

He tried it and there was no response at all, and Lu Changqing took out Medicine Pill.

He increasingly felt that Lu Changqing was not a mortal.

“Congratulations, you are the first one I have ever seen, oh no, you are the first person to get a Lingxiang Pill in hundreds of years.”

Lu Changqing is also very happy.

“Your money is finally not wasted.” The hall master said again, “After you take this Medicine Pill, Spirit Power will increase greatly.

Lu Changqing also wanted to base it on the fact that when he thought of such a good thing that was hard to come by, he would naturally be unwilling to give it to people like Qiang Wu, but since he has agreed to it, how can he go back?

This “Medicine Pill is going to be exchanged, so I can’t take it.”

The hall master was surprised, “Exchange? What do you use it for? This price is too high, right?”

Lu Changqing smiled bitterly.

The hall master raised his eyebrows, as if he wanted to say something, and then gave up.

Lu Changqing saw in his eyes, “If you have anything else to say, just say it straight.”

The hall master shook his head slightly, “You are the first person to get the Lingxiang Pill. I want to take you to meet someone.”

Lu Changqing was curious, “Who is it?”

“You’ll know when you go,” the hall master said to the twelve-minute hall master, “you should go back first.”

These branch masters agreed and left.

Seeing that Master Lingzhi did not leave, the hall master said, “Please come back too.”

The spiritual master looked at Lu Changqing.

0………Look for flowers

Lu Changqing rushed and nodded, reassuring him.

Master Lingzhi was really a little worried. According to his thoughts, now that he got the Lingxiang Pill, he should leave here as soon as possible, lest the devil regrets it.

Looking at the devil again, it seems that he admires Lu Changqing very much, so he shouldn’t be malicious.

This is on the demon’s territory, or go back and tell Xiao Muxue and the others the news first, even if the demon is malicious, they can deal with it together.

Thinking so in my heart, he left.

Lu Changqing followed the hall master.

Speaking of this cave, it is really intricate. If Lu Changqing is alone, it is easy to get lost.

It seems that “your spouse has a long history of operating here.”

“Of course, it has been passed down to my generation for hundreds of years.

“You have always survived here?”

The hall master smiled, “Yes, this is the main hall of our demon, and there are branches distributed elsewhere, and then the demon village, through these institutions to collect and sell items.”

Lu Changqing nodded.

The hall master also said, “We do business based on the concept of innocence, and our life is pretty decent.” Tu,

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