Chapter 626 Nobody Can Take It

This point, Lu Changqing can understand, after all, the Medicine Pill with a certain Spirit Power recognizes the owner, let alone the top Medicine Pill like Lingxiang Pill?

“In order to get the Lingxiang Pill, this apprentice used all the methods he could think of. In the end, not only did he not get the Lingxiang Pill, but he also lost his own life. From then on, around the Lingxiang Pill. There have been battles, big and small, and I don’t know how many times.

Lu Changqing asked, “Then how did you demon get the Lingxiang Pill?”

The hall master smiled slightly, “We got it together with the pill furnace. If you want to get the Lingxiang Pill, first you must be able to afford it, and second, you must have the strength to take it away.”

“Money is not a problem.” Lu Changqing said.

“Seeing that you are also very sincere, so let’s live here first, and I will arrange for you to get the Lingxiang Pill later.”

Lu Changqing whispered to Master Lingzhi, “Or let them all come over?”

Master Lingzhi nodded, thinking that I don’t know how long it will take, and I can’t let them wait at the bottom of the mountain all the time.

Lu Changqing said to the hall master, “It’s true that we still have companions at the foot of the mountain. Since the Lingxiang Pill is so difficult to get, can we let them try “||?”

“Of course.” The hall master readily agreed, “It doesn’t matter how many people come. For the sake of Lingxiang Pill, I don’t know how many people have died. Just on your way here, I don’t know how many jade and stone burns have occurred. The fight is over.

Listening to the tone of the hall master, there is no fear that Lingxiang Pill will be snatched away.

The hall master sent someone to find Xiao Muxue and others and brought them to the mountain.

They were arranged in a cave where the food would be delivered, and they were waiting to get the Lingxiang Pill.

Lu Changqing said to everyone, “To get the Lingxiang Pill, we still have to look at fate. We all take advantage of the current efforts to restore the Cultivation Base, and strive to get the Lingxiang Pill in one breath.”

Shao Jun nodded, “Don’t worry, we just came for it, and we can’t explain it without taking away the Lingxiang Pill.

“Even if we get it, we still need cupped hands for others.” Chen Su said, “Instead of knowing what the price will be, it is better to go back and tell Qiang Wu the news, let him take it by himself. It depends on his own ability.”

Lu Changqing said, “Don’t you want to try? Anyway, I want to try.

Xiao Muxue nodded and expressed his approval of Lu Changqing’s decision.

The Master sighed, “I heard from the Demon Hall Master that this Lingxiang Pill has a special Spiritual Qi. Therefore, for hundreds of years, it has been scrambled by various forces. Xiangdan, the purpose is definitely not simple.”

“Yes, we know this, why should we help him find the Lingxiang Pill?

“Because we agreed.” Lu Changqing said.

“Then you can’t find it.” Shao Jun said.

Lu Changqing shook his head, “According to my guess, even if you get the Lingxiang Pill, it will not be so easy to improve the Cultivation Base.

Shao Jun didn’t say anything anymore.

Lu Changqing began to nurse Cultivation Base, and the others also wanted (Qian Nuo Zhao) to try their luck and adjust their interest rates.

After some interest rate adjustments, Lu Changqing discussed with them, who should arrange for the Dan to go in.

Shao Jun and Chen looked at each other, knowing they were inferior to Lu Changqing and Master Lingzhi, so they didn’t say anything.

Lu Changqing said, “I will do my part, so let me and Master Lingzhi go and get the pill.”

Master Lingzhi nodded.

Xiao Muxue looked at him.

Lu Changqing knew she had something to tell herself.

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