Chapter 622: One Pillar of Beauty

Shao Jun doesn’t care about that. “Miss Wan, my brother is very affectionate for you. At the beginning, your parents thought my brother was poor and rejected this marriage. Until now, my brother has never been moved by the second woman. .

Wan Zhenzhu sighed in his heart, it is true that the mountains are not turning, the situation is like this, who would dare to ask for it?

Chen Ling quickly signaled Shao Jun not to talk nonsense.

Shao Jun curled his lips and smiled.

Lu Changqing winked at Xiao Muxue and Zhen’er, and they withdrew.

In the courtyard, Lu Changqing and others are discussing the work.

“Can you two still play?” Xiao Muxue said with her chin in her hand.

Shao Jun said, “I think there is a play. Although it is a bit of taking advantage of people’s danger, my brother is really sincere to Miss Wan.”

Lu Changqing nodded, “It can be regarded as a great story.”

As 897 was talking, there was a noisy voice on the street.

Ge Xian got up and went out to look.

“Don’t stop me, I came to my Little Sister, what does it have to do with you.”

When the words arrived, he saw a very embarrassed man barge in. This guy just took the fight.

“Pearl, come out, I know you are here.” The man yelled.

Wan Zhenzhu in the room ran out to take a look. It was Wan Jinfei who was own Big Brother, and Hua Rong was eclipsed by fright.

Chen Ling walked out unhurriedly and said to Wan Jinfei, “What are you doing?”

“Who I said (ahci) is such a bold person, who dare to take away my Little Sister? So it is you? “Wan Jinfei stretched out his hand to go to Rawan Pearl, “Quickly follow me, Zhao Da Young Master is still waiting. .”

Wan Zhenzhu quickly backed away.

Chen Ling grabbed it. He stretched out Wan Zhenzhu’s hand and warned, “Don’t move your hands or feet.”

Wan Jinfei said, “She is my Little Sister.

“From the time you took her to pay off the debt, she has not been your Little Sister.”

Wan Jinfei glared, “This is a matter between our brothers and sisters. What does it have to do with you?”

“She is my wife who has never been through the door, do you think it has anything to do with me?

Wan Jinfei was stunned, “What did you say?”

Chen Ling said unhurriedly, “She has promised me that she will get married if she chooses a good day.”

“It’s impossible.” Wan Jinfei said, “Marriage matters, parents’ orders, matchmakers’ words, parents are absent, and the eldest brother is like a father. I don’t agree.”

“What are you?” Chen Ling glared, “Tell you, I already gave you a face, so hurry up.”

Of course, Wan Jinfei was not convinced, and insisted on taking Wan Zhenzhu away, but was driven out by Shao Jun and others.

“That bastard Zhao Qing made him come.” Shao Jun said angrily.

Lu Changqing looked at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling said to Wan Zhenzhu, “Come with me, I will take care of you.”

Wan Zhenzhu nodded affectionately.

Shao Jun was in pain. Lu Changqing said, “I have a wedding drink.

Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue thought they had done a good deed, and they also achieved a good story, so they went to the panacea meeting.

In the spirit medicine meeting, Shao Yuedong is discussing with Master Lingzhi about finding the Lingxiang Pill.

Chen Ling came with Wan Zhenzhu.

He has no father and no mother. Of course, Shao Yuedong is the master of marriage.

After listening to him, Shao Yuedong saw Wan Zhenzhu’s quiet and beautiful appearance. Of course, he responded with one mouthful and comforted Wan Zhenzhu.

“Don’t worry, no matter how bold Zhao Qing is, he won’t dare to make trouble with my elixir.

Of this, Wan Zhenzhu was relieved. This was also what she considered in agreeing to Chen Ling’s marriage proposal.

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