Chapter 607 A little enjoy the fun of Life

Xiao Muxue nodded, “I’m actually not worried that I can’t find the Lingxiang Pill. I’m just thinking about what Qiangwu’s origin is? He occupies the Jingxin jade mine, not to mention that the black spirit fox belongs to him, if it weren’t for us. The first aid person must have a good theory with him.

Lu Changqing smiled, “What can be theorized about this kind of person? But, since I promised him, then I will do it.”

“I’m worried that he is not a good person. If we found the Lingxiang Pill for him, wouldn’t we help him be abused?”

“Don’t think about it so much.” Lu Changqing said, just to see if the chicken is ready, and when he smells it, he has an appetite.

Pu Muxue turned the chicken over, “It’s really crisp outside and inside.”

“I have tasted it.” Lu Changqing said as he pulled off a chicken wing and took a bite. “It’s cooked and hot.”

As soon as the voice fell off, I heard someone talking, “What’s so fragrant?”

Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue unanimously turned their heads to look around, and saw that Shao Jun and Chen Ling were walking in small, steady steps.

“You two will enjoy Life.” Shao Jun said.

Lu Changqing took out the chicken wings that he put in his mouth.

Shao Jun and Chen Ling came over and sat down.

It just so happened that “we haven’t eaten yet.” Chen Ling looked at the roast chicken, as if his eyes were shining.

“Why, don’t the people in Lingzhi Palace even care about food?” Lu Changqing said.

Shao Jun sighed, “How can the food in Lingzhi Palace be good for you? We came here smelling it.”

“That is, I don’t eat too much.” Chen Ling said, “just give me two chicken legs.

“The best thing is wings.” Shao Jun reminded him.

“Although the wings are delicious, they are just a little bit of meat, not enough to eat.”

Lu Changqing frowned and said, “Just such a chicken, you have eaten all the meat, what else do we eat?”

“It’s stingy.” Chen Ling said, “let’s get another shot.

“Then you go, there happens to be a river over there, take care of it by the way.”

“I’ll go as long as I go.” When Chen Ling stood up, he did not forget to pull a chicken leg while eating and then left.

(ahci) Lu Changqing gave another chicken leg to Xiao Muxue, and he shared the rest with Shao Jun.

After a while, Chen Ling came back. The pheasant didn’t hit him, but he hit a rabbit and started roasting rabbit meat.

They had a small party here, and when they arrived at the meal, Chen Su couldn’t find them outside. He found fireworks here and found them.

“I said why I can’t find you. It turned out to be hiding here to eat.” Chen Su said, “Why, do you think the food in our Lingzhi Palace is not good?”

Shao Jun sighed, “Do you want to listen to the truth? The truth is not so good?”

Chen Ling nodded in agreement.

Chen Su also admitted, “It’s really not very good, let alone you, even when I first came, I couldn’t adapt.

Chen Ling didn’t understand, “I walked around just now. Dye Zhigong guards such a big mountain. It can be said to be a private hunting ground. Why is the food so bad?”

“You don’t know anything.” Chen Su said, “My uncle has always been pure-hearted and has little desire for life. Even the food and vegetables he eats are grown by himself and the disciples.

Shao Jun nodded, “Then how did you brothers endure such a poor life?”

“It’s fine if you get used to it.” Chen Su said, “It’s better than you are in the city and you can eat whatever you want.”

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