Chapter 600 Upgraded Monster

These two things appeared at the same time, shouldn’t it be a coincidence? Lu Changqing believes that they should be one male and one female.

Xiao Muxue originally wanted to watch the battle for Lu Changqing, but now they have to be one by one.

The monster attacked them, Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue each dealt with one, and they started a fight.

“Be careful, it’s poisonous.” Lu Changqing shouted.

Xiao Muxue was already aware of this.

After Lu Changqing wiped out a monster, Xiao Muxue wiped out another monster on his big tongue, and the two looked at each other.

Pu Muxue sighed, “This guy is really difficult.

Lu Changqing said, “Let’s go quickly.

The two hurried to the ambush spot designated by Shao Jun for them.

07 They found a relatively hidden place to hide.

They stayed in ambush here for a long time, and no black spirit fox appeared.

Xiao Muxue asked, “Will the black spirit fox find that someone is coming and not showing up?”

Lu Changqing also said it was not good, just wait.

Suddenly, Lu Changqing noticed that a group of bright and black things appeared, and he quickly fixed his eyes.

“Look,” Lu Changqing whispered.

Xiao Muxuejia hurriedly looked in the direction of his finger, and she saw the black spirit fox as expected.

Lu Changqing hastily used Divine Sense to inform others.

Shao Jun and others began to close the net and round up the black spirit fox.

They formed an encirclement.

The Black Spirit Fox didn’t find them, it should be looking for food.

Lu Changqing gave an order, and they quickly tightened the encirclement, and ran to the black spirit fox together, “to the black spirit fox, especially Chen Su.

Chen Su was impatient for a while, and when he took the lead, he was a bit faster than others.It was just like this. A loophole appeared in the encircling circle, allowing the black spirit to take advantage of the fox, and its speed was too fast. Chen Su escaped from the gap over there.

Chen Su was naturally unwilling, so he chased afterwards.

Lu Changqing and others followed suit.

The speed of the black spirit fox was too fast, and disappeared when they chased a swamp.

Shao Jun hurriedly shouted, “Don’t chase.”

Everyone stopped and looked at Shao Jun one after another, as if asking him where the black spirit fox had gone.

Shao Jun said, “This is the real black swamp, which is ten dangerous for us.”

Lu Changqing and others are also looking around their surroundings.

Chen Ling gave Chen Su a sideways look and expressed dissatisfaction.

Chen Su also thought that he was too impatient.

Shao Jun said, “Hei Ling was frightened by the fox, it should be impossible to reappear.”

“Then what to do?” Chen Su asked hurriedly.

When Shao Jun turned his head to look at him, he was suddenly out of breath, “You still said, if you want to follow the routine, will this be the case?”

Chen Su knew that he was wrong, so he lowered his head.

Chen Ling 897 gave him a second glance, “We are all here to help you, please respect us anyway.”

Chen Su apologized and said, “I’m sorry, I was too impatient.

“What is the use of what you said now?” Chen Ling said, “The black spirit fox is the most spiritual animal, let alone caught him, even if it is difficult to find him.”

Lu Changqing saw that Chen Su was pitiful and blamed by them, so he made a round of it, “Forget it, it’s already said that, and it’s useless to complain anymore. Why don’t we think of a way to see how we can draw the Black Spirit Fox out.”

He has already thought of Liuhunsan, is this a desperate situation?

Lu Changqing looked at Shao Jun, “We still have six souls scattered.”

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