Chapter 597 Business Matters

“Does your Spirit Medicine Association have such a foothold in all parts of the country?” Chen Su asked.

Shao Jun nodded, “As long as there is a panacea, there are our panacea practitioners. Sometimes in order to collect medicinal materials, it is common to walk in the mountains for ten and a half months.”

“No wonder the price of the medicine in your Spirit Medicine Club is so high?” Lu Changqing said with a smile.

Shao Jun immediately shook his head, “The medicines of our Spirit Medicine Club are all value-for-money. They can’t be bought elsewhere. As for some common medicinal materials, the price is still very low. They are sold to ordinary people. The price is definitely not Taller.

“Even so, many people still look down on the disease.” Chen Ling added.

Lu Changqing stared.

Hearing what he said in 897, the Elixir Society is still very considerate of the general public.

“You only see the high prices of those good medicines, but you don’t know that some medicines targeted at ordinary people are usually sold at a loss.

Shao Jun nodded, “This is why our Elixir Association has a good reputation in the local area.

For this, Chen Su still agrees.

Seeing Chen Su lowered his head and said nothing, Lu Changqing asked, “Brother Chen, there is a question that I have not understood all the time, can I ask?”

Chen Su raised his eyes and looked at him, “I can’t talk about it if I ask, you can ask.”

Lu Changqing also said in his words, “I don’t think you are an evil person, why did you join the Lingyang Gate? You must know that the reputation of Lingyang Gate is very bad.

Speaking of this topic, Chen Su shook his head.

Lu Changqing didn’t expect him to answer either. After all, everyone has a privacy that they don’t want to be known.

After a while, Chen Su looked up, “Because he saved me.

When he said this, Chen Su had a serious expression, as if he was recalling a long time ago.

Lu Changqing’s heart just moved.

Not to mention him, even Shao Jun’s eyes flashed vigilance, after all, the spirit medicine would have an old grudge with the Lingyang Gate.

Chen Su also said, “Although the Lingyang Gate did do a lot of bad things, Lingyangzi was still kind to me. When the Lingyang Gate was destroyed, he also asked me to take some people away from the secret road. , (ahci) shows that he still has a bit of compassion in his heart.”

While speaking, he looked at Shao Jun again.

Shao Jun is also watching him.

Chen Su said again, “You must be thinking, based on Lingyangzi’s kindness to me, if I don’t avenge him, is it impossible to justify?”

Shao Jun nodded without hiding.

“To tell you that, when I escaped that day, I indeed vowed to avenge the Master. Later, I took refuge in Master Lingzhi. Seeing that I was bent on revenge, Shishu persuaded me not to let the hatred blind my eyes. Before Master was alive, Uncle Master had also persuaded him, but he just didn’t listen to this result.”

Although Lu Changqing’s understanding of the Lingzhi Master was through Yue Dong and Chen Su’s mouth, the image of an upright gentleman emerged in his mind.

After “Uncle Master’s enlightenment, I gradually gave up my hatred, and reflected on what I did before.” Chen Su lowered his eyes.

It can be seen from his expression that he is telling the truth.

“The reason why I broke into the spirit medicine club this time was to save my uncle, after all, he took me in when I was desperate. I can’t just watch him die.”

Lu Changqing expressed his understanding.

Hearing what he said, Shao Jun and Chen Ling were relieved.

“To be honest, I’m still worried that your elixir will let me go.”

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