Chapter 595: Black Spirit Fox is Precious

Shao Jun, who was walking in the front, said, “The black spirit fox was originally used as medicine. For our Spirit Medicine Association, this is not a rare occurrence.

Xiao Muxue was curious, “Do you often use spirit beast as medicine?”

Shao Jun nodded, “The more spiritual the beast, the better the effect of medicine. For example, snake gall, you should all know that this is a blind medicinal material, but ordinary snake gall cannot be compared with the snake gall of spirit snake. ”

Xiao Muxue still shook her head, “This is too cruel. Although it is a beast, it is not easy to have such a Cultivation Base.

Shao Jun said nothing more.

Lu Changqing said, “This world was originally The Weak are Prey to the Strong, and each one takes what he needs.”

Pu Muxue didn’t say anything anymore.

She was thinking that Sacred Land in Yaochi also has a lot of precious medicinal materials, such as bear bile.

Thinking this way, I take it for granted.

Chen Ling said again, “When you see the black spirit fox, you will know that the fur of this black spirit fox is better.”

For this, Lu Changqing recognizes it, let alone a black spirit fox, it is an ordinary fox, and its fur is a good thing for heating.

Chen Ling said to Chen Su behind him, “Xiongtai, after catching the black spirit and saving your uncle, can you give me this black spirit fox skin?”

“Of course.” Chen Su said without hesitation.

In his opinion, because people have helped so much, there is no need to refuse this small request.

Lu Changqing laughed, “Look at you guys. I haven’t found the Black Spirit Fox yet. You are here to discuss how to divide it up.”

Chen Ling said, “To tell you, I have been paying attention to the black spirit fox. If the president didn’t let me move, I would have taken it down.

Lu Changqing asked curiously, “If you catch the black spirit fox, what are you going to do?”

“Keep it.” Chen Ling said without time to think. “Keep it, maybe when it’s needed.”

“If you did that, why would it be like you are now?” Chen Su said with great disappointment.

Chen Ling said, “The president said that if we catch the black spirit, even if we raise it, it will have an impact on its Cultivation Base. It is better to stock it.”

Lu Changqing nodded, thinking that Yue Dong’s decision is still very reasonable.

Chen Su sighed.

Everyone looked at him in unison.

Chen Su was very anxious now, wishing to grow into a black spirit fox soon.

“Don’t worry.” Lu Changqing wanted to comfort him.

Chen Su said, “Can I not be in a hurry? I’m afraid Uncle Master can’t wait.”

“Don’t worry.” Lu Changqing said, “As far as I know, it will be painful to be caught in the Soul Searching Dafa, but it will not be killed in a short time.”

Chen Su nodded. Even so, he still hopes to find the Black Spirit Fox as soon as possible.

Lu Changqing asked Shao Jun and Chen Ling who were walking in the front. “How long will it take to reach the Black Marsh.”

897 Shao Jun pointed with his finger, “We walked around from here, turned over the mountain in front, and we were almost there.”

Lu Changqing nodded, hoping everyone could go faster.

They came to a forest, shrouded in mist.

Shao Jun stopped, and turned to Lu Changqing and others and said, “You are a black swamp when you enter this forest.

“Then what are you waiting for?” Chen Su couldn’t wait to walk in.

Chen Ling quickly grabbed him, “Don’t worry.”

Chen Su said, “Can you finish talking in one go?”

Shao Jun sighed, “You are too impatient. This is very detrimental to the capture of the black spirit fox.”

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