Chapter 592: Resolutely Looking for the Black Spirit Fox

Lu Changqing asked, “Where do you think it will go?”

Shao Yuedong said, “The black spirit fox likes a quiet and humid place, but in the Lingxian Cave, it is humid and dark all year round. I wonder if it will leave it temporarily for a period of time and will come back later.

“Your guess is not unreasonable.” Lu Changqing said.

Shao Yuedong immediately shook his head again.

Lu Changqing asked hurriedly, “What did you think of?”

Shao Yuedong said, “This black spirit fox is the most spiritual. Wouldn’t it be that someone is looking for it and hides?”

Lu Changqing looked at Chen Su.

This is exactly what Chen Suliang didn’t want to see.

“President Shao, even if the Black Spirit Fox hides, where do you think it will hide?”

Shao Yuedong thought for a while and said, “Based on what I know about the Black Spirit Fox, the most likely place it will go is Black Swamp 897.

“Black swamp?” Chen Su blurted out.

Shao Yuedong nodded, “Yes, it’s the Black Swamp. For the Black Spirit Fox, that should be the safest place.”

Lu Changqing asked, “Why?”

“Because of the terrain.” Shao Yuedong said, “The Black Swamp is not something ordinary people can go to. You can tell by the name that dangers are growing there.”

Chen Su said, “No matter how dangerous, I will go.”

Lu Changqing saw firmness in his eyes.

He didn’t expect that Lingyangzi still had such an apprentice, and he even doubted whether this person was Lingyangzi’s (ahcj) apprentice.

With Lingyangzi as a person, can he teach such a disciple who cares about love and righteousness?

He had already decided in his heart to help Chen Su find the Black Spirit Fox.

Yue Dong said to Chen Ling, “Go to the secret pavilion to get Liuhunsan.

Chen Ling agreed and left.

Lu Changqing wondered what Liuhunsan is.

Shao Yuedong explained to him. “These six souls can emit Spiritual Qi, and they will attract some spirits with Spiritual Qi. However, they cannot be used as a last resort, because once they are used and the black spirit fox is not caught, it will I won’t be fooled anymore.

Lu Changqing nodded.

Chen Ling took Liuhunsan and gave it to Shao Dong.

Yue Dong took a look at the small porcelain bottle containing Liuhunsan, and handed it to Lu Changqing.

He was still trying to hand it over to Chen Su, so he thought about it again, why not sell this Face to Changqing, anyway, he gave the six souls to him. As for whom he gave it to, it was his business.

Lu Changqing took it over and took a look, and then he lifted up.

This move was completely beyond Chen Su’s expectations.

Chen Su thinks he will hand it over to own, after all, only he will go to the Black Spirit Fox.

He raised up, what does this mean?

Even so, you can’t ask for it.

Lu Changqing then looked at Chen Su, “If Brother Chen doesn’t mind, how about we travel together?

Chen Su couldn’t figure out what he thought, so he didn’t respond immediately.

“Are you going to find the Black Spirit Fox with him?” Shao Yuedong also felt very strange.

Lu Changqing nodded and looked at Xiao Muxue.

Xiao Muxue nodded back to him, expressing willingness to follow him.

Shao Yuedong turned to look at his son Shao Jun.

Shao Jun didn’t understand why his father viewed himself this way.

Yue Dong motioned him to go aside with his eyes.

The main figures of the Spirit Medicine Club gathered again to discuss.

Yue Dong looked at Shao Jun and Chen Ling, and said to several Elders, “Since Lu Changqing is going to find the black spirit fox with him, should we also send someone to find the black spirit fox?”

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