Chapter 582 Participate in the Appreciation Meeting

Lu Changqing read the invitation.

Ge Xian asked, “Who invited you?”

“It’s your president.”

“President?” Ge Xian suddenly patted his head and thought of something, “I remember, there will be an annual elixir viewing party, should it be in the near future?”

“You are right.” Lu Changqing said, “I was invited to attend the elixir viewing party.

Zhen’er blinked and said, “Then you go?”

“Of course I’m going.” Ge Xian said, “Don’t say I’m still a named disciple of the Spirit Medicine Society, so I’ll give us Seven Star Grass from others, and I have to go.”

Lu Changqing nodded, “Yes.” Then he said to Xiao Muxue, “When the time comes, you and Zhen’er will also join in the fun.

“Can I go too?” Zhen’er still couldn’t believe it.

Lu Changqing said, “Of course.”

Zhen’er was very happy.

Ge Xian said, “Since Zhen’er 880 recovered from the illness, the whole person has changed. Before, he talked less and now talks a lot.”

Lu Changqing said, “Isn’t this a good thing?”

Zhen’er said, “I’m thinking about what kind of shop we want to open.” She seems to be asking for Lu Changqing’s opinion.

Lu Changqing asked, “Then what do you like?”

Zhen’er tilted her head and thought for a while, “I like to play with some flowers and plants, as long as I see the flowers blooming, I will be very happy.

“Then you can open a flower shop.” Lu Changqing said, “Look, there is such a big yard, you can also plant some flowers (ahci) yourself.”

Zhen’er seemed tempted and looked at Big Brother.

Ge Xian said indulgently, “As long as you are happy, Big Brother will support you in whatever you do.”

“Thank you Big Brother.” In Zhen’er’s view, her own Big Brother is the best Big Brother in the world.

Zhen’er said to Xiao Muxue, “Snow Big sis, why don’t we go buy new clothes and wear them at the elixir viewing party?”

Xiao Muxue pressed her lips and smiled.

Lu Changqing said immediately, “Jing’er is right, you two will go quickly, and you will be well-dressed by then.

“People are going to see the elixir, not us?” Xiao Muxue said.

“You have to dress up, too.” Lu Changqing said patiently, “you should accompany Zhen’er.”

Xiao Muxue nodded, and went shopping with Zhen’er.

Lu Changqing said to Ge Xian, “You should be able to see all the Elders of the Elixir Society by then?”

Ge Xian nodded, “Theoretically, this is the case. As long as there are no special circumstances, the elixir will be attended by people with a lot of face.

“how about you?

“Well, I don’t have to. Even if I go, I still serve tea and pour water. However, I still decide to go. Then, I can’t accompany you. Please take Zhen’er with you.

Lu Changqing was curious, “Why would you go if you know you are going to serve tea and pour water?”

Ge Xian sighed, “I joined the Elixir Society at the beginning because of Little Sister’s illness. I didn’t learn anything. Now think about it, it would be a good thing if I could learn some medical skills in the Elixir Society.”

“You’re not going to hang the pot to help the world, are you?”

“I want to.” Ge Xian said, “I don’t know if I can reach this level in my life.”

“As long as you are willing, it will definitely be achieved.

Ge Xian nodded solemnly, “Then I will prepare.”

On the day of the elixir viewing party, Ge Xian left early, and Lu Changqing took Xiao Muxue and Zhen’er to attend.

It is a grand occasion to say that the Elixir Society’s annual elixir viewing meeting is a grand occasion. Not only will the Elixir Society appear big and small, it also attracts people from all over the country who are interested in elixir.

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