The 560th chapter has been loyal to Sacred Land

The Holy Lord also said, “Ordinarily, since the marriage contract is established, it cannot be dismissed lightly, but the two of you don’t want to continue this marriage contract, and I can’t force you to stay together.”

Thank you “Holy Lord for perfection.” Lu Changqing was secretly happy.

The Holy Lord sighed, “The reason why I asked you to enter into a marriage contract was actually a bit selfish. The so-called fertile water does not flow into outsiders’ fields. You should understand what I mean?”

Lu Changqing said hurriedly, “Holy Lord’s kindness is so grateful from the bottom of it.

The Holy Lord smiled slightly, “I called you over just to hear your thoughts.”

Lu Changqing was taken aback for a moment, and he didn’t understand what he meant.

“You won’t retreat from the marriage contract, so your heart is not in Sacred Land, right?”

“No.” Lu Changqing said, “Thanks to the Holy Lord’s love. The subordinate 07 will keep it in his heart. No matter when, his subordinates will be loyal to Sacred Land.”

Holy Lord nodded, “I’m relieved with your words.”

Lu Changqing relaxed, he was really worried that the Holy Lord would blame him.

After all, his current Cultivation Base is not enough, and Yaochi Sacred Land is also his place.

The Holy Lord was relieved that Lu Changqing was still loyal to Sacred Land. After the two chatted for a while, they told Lu Changqing to leave.

Under the instruction of the Holy Lord, it was officially announced that Lu Changqing’s marriage contract with Xiaowan was cancelled, and Lu Changqing’s hanging heart finally had a place, and he could cultivate with confidence.

The next day, Xiaowan arrived at the Holy Maiden Pond as scheduled, and Mu Jiuyan was already waiting there.

Seeing Xiaowan’s arrival, Mu Jiuyan nodded, thinking she was still very trustworthy.

Mu Jiuyan greeted her, “Are you here?”

Xiaowan smiled slightly, “Are you ready?”

Mu Jiuyan nodded, “First of all, I have to tell you the origin and function of Saxing Dafa.”

Xiao Wan is a little puzzled, isn’t she just paying a little blood? Is it necessary to know so much?

Mu Jiuyan said, “This Saxing Dafa comes from ancient spells. It is said to be very powerful, but if you want to cultivate successfully, you need to pay a lot of money. Some people have a lifetime of poverty and may not be able to cultivate successfully.

Xiao Wan stared at her, “Then which level have you been cultivation?”

Mu Jiuyan sighed, “So far, I have only cultivated to the fifth floor.”

“How many floors is the highest Realm?”

There are a total of ten floors. As far as I know, the highest is only cultivated to the seventh floor. ”

Xiao Wan was surprised, “So, it is very difficult to fully cultivate to the top?”

“My goal now is to be able to repair to the seventh floor.”

It can be seen that Mu Jiuyan also hopes to cultivate to the top level, but without precedent, she can only cultivate one by one.

“Since cultivation is so difficult, and you are still attached to it, if cultivation is successful, isn’t it very powerful?”

Mu Jiuyan nodded, “Yes, this Saxing Dafa is a very high magic circle, and naturally there are many people who cultivate.”

Xiao 880 Wan is curious, “Isn’t learning the unique Cultivation Technique of our Yaochi Sacred Land?

Mu Jiuyan shook his head, “It is said that this Saxing formation was originally carved on a stone and was recorded by others. What we have in Sacred Land, Yaochi, is not unique.”

Xiao Wan nodded.

For these, she doesn’t quite understand.

Mu Jiuyan said, “This time I need Holy Maiden’s blood to draw blood. As for what will happen after Saxing Dafa is activated, I don’t know.”

Xiaowan blinked and asked, “Is there any danger?”

“I don’t know.” Mu Jiuyan didn’t want to lie to her.

Xiao Wan frowned.

“Do you regret it?”,

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