Chapter 544 Let’s Calm Down

She also saw that since Lu Changqing had already made this decision, there was basically no possibility of recovery.

“I still hope you will think about it.” Xiao Muxue didn’t want to say more, and decided to give him some time.

She went out, leaving Lu Changqing alone in the house.

Lu Changqing sighed long, the real purpose has not been stated yet.

He laughed bitterly, but fortunately he hadn’t finished speaking, otherwise Xiao Muxue might scold him after hearing “Eight Six Seven”.

Everything is more serious than Lu Changqing imagined.

Sitting on the chair, he closed his eyes and thought to himself: Am I really wrong? Is it so difficult to live the life you want?

Thinking of Bai Ruyan, she regarded herself as a scumbag.

He thinks that he is not only not a scumbag, but also a decent gentleman, otherwise, even if he doesn’t like Xiaowan, he will not divorce.

Maybe it was a mistake from the beginning? You shouldn’t have a marriage contract with Xiaowan.

Since it was a mistake, stop the loss in time, so as not to be together, and both parties will suffer.

He still knows a little about Xiaowan. As Holy Maiden, she is a proud woman.

Since she started, she might end.

Lu Changqing had never thought about it. With his strength, he didn’t dare to resist the Holy Lord at all. The purpose of this was to make Xiaowan watch the Holy Lord and put it forward.

The start was beyond his expectation, and I hope the end can proceed as he thought.

In Xiao Wan’s room, she dropped her eyes slightly, looking sad.

As soon as the door opened, Cheng Ya walked in.

Xiao Wan looked up at her.

Cheng Ya pretended to be relaxed and said, “What are you thinking about?”

Nothing “.” Xiao Wan shook her head, barely squeezing out a smile.

Cheng Ya said, “I know, you are thinking about that. It is completely unnecessary. What should we do? We have everything?”

Cheng Ya also thought about it. Although Lu Changqing proposed the dissolution of the marriage contract, did he dare to talk to the Holy Lord? It was just that he wanted Xiaowan to take the initiative to talk to the Holy Lord.

With Cheng Ya’s understanding of Xiaowan, she can really go.

She had to do Tong Xiaowan’s ideological work to prevent her from being fooled by Lu Changqing.

“You just treat him as a fart.” Cheng Ya said, “If it weren’t for our Sacred Land, can he have today? The wings are not hard yet, so let’s do this.”

|Xiao Wan smiled slightly, “You don’t have to persuade me, I know what to do…”

“I’m just afraid that you will make your own claim and fall into his plan. Lu Changqing, this guy, looks like a mess, and you are innocent and kind. You can’t play with your heart.”

Xiaowan said, “I don’t like to play with people, and there is no need for it.

Cheng Ya nodded, “You just have to listen to me.”

Xiaowan’s lips kept murmuring a smile, as if telling everyone that she was fine.

Cheng Ya became more worried, “Tell me honestly, do you like him?”

Xiao Wan shook her head.

“do not like?

“I can’t talk about liking or disgusting.”

“That said, even if the marriage contract is cancelled, you won’t be sad anymore?”

Xiaowan sighed softly and met Cheng Ya’s gaze, “Do you want to listen to the truth?”

“Of course.” Cheng Ya nodded.

“The truth is that it’s a good have no face.” Xiaowan wiped her face with her hand. “This marriage contract was originally a matter of two people. If you don’t like it, you will separate. It’s not a big deal, but he will be in front of these people. So if you want to cancel the wedding, it’s too hard to keep Face?”

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