Chapter 537 Gathering

“Fortunately, he came back safely and brought back the Spiritual herbs.

Cheng Ya nodded, “I think Xiao Wan will not wake up in a short time. You don’t need to be here, take care of Lu Changqing. When Xiao Wan wakes up, I will notify you.

Xiao Muxue agreed and left.

When Lu Changqing woke up, he saw that there was no one around, and he just sat there and gave fruit.

Hearing the slight footsteps, he looked up and saw that it was Xiao Muxue.

“you’re awake?”

Lu Changqing said, “Where have you been?” Standing up, sitting up, still wondering why he fell asleep.

“I went to see Xiaowan. Cheng Ya said it went well, but she won’t wake up right away. You have to wait patiently.

Lu Changqing hummed again.

Xiao Muxue felt he was a little weird, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing?” Lu Changqing said, “Just 867 are hungry.”

“Well, wait, I’ll get you some food.”

After Xiao Muxue left, Lu Changqing fell into contemplation again. He was making a decision. As for the consequences of this decision, he did not know.

This idea was not a day or two in his heart. After returning to Sacred Land, I became even stronger, as if there was a voice in his heart forcing him to make a decision.

He decided to tell her after Xiaowan woke up.

Panicking in the room, Lu Changqing wandered outside.

Coming outside, Lu Changqing admired the view of Sacred Land.

Although he can be regarded as the Elder of Yaochi, he hasn’t browsed Sacred Land very much, so it’s better to take this opportunity to browse.

He thought of Bai Ruyan.

After turning around, but did not find Bai Ruyan, Lu Changqing was puzzled, so he inquired.

“She? You can’t find her if you look for it like this.” said a little Fairy, “she cultivated in his Yaohua cave in the back mountain, and she rarely came to the front.”

Lu Changqing asked her about the location of Yaohua Cave.

I finally found Yaohua Cave. First I stood outside the cave and looked inside, but I couldn’t see anything.

“Come in.” A white voice came from inside.

Lu Changqing was curious that she knew she was here, so she walked in.

Bai Ruyan stood there, waiting for him, “What are you doing sneakily?”

Lu Changqing said, “I am bored by myself (ahci), so I just want to see you.”

Look at “Me?” Bai Ruyan looked at him, “Will you look at me empty-handed? Got to get something?”

Lu Changqing was embarrassed by what she said, “My Zelda came back to the extreme and didn’t have time to prepare gifts. Besides, as Fairy, you lack nothing.”

“No.” Bai Ruyan said, “I lack, I lack everything. To be honest, since I went to the Beast God Gate to rescue you, I can’t stay here in Sacred Land.

Lu Changqing smiled, “After all, the world is better.”

“Especially the food, it’s really sweet.”

“So you like the delicacies of the world? It happened that Xiao Muxue was preparing meals, so why don’t you go and eat together, her craftsmanship is pretty good.”

Bai Ruyan said nothing to him.

Lu Changqing was surprised, “You don’t believe her craftsmanship.

“It’s not that I don’t believe in her craftsmanship, I don’t believe that Sacred Land has such good ingredients.”

“Sacred Land still has a lot of good things, but everyone is used to drinking.”

Bai Ruyan was amused by him, “You just drink the wind.”

“I’m not wrong.” Lu Changqing said, “You said to yourself, do these people in Sacred Land drink Feng Yin Lu?

“That’s true.”

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